Adshel Live driving
a change in social
behaviour for the better
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), alongside Clear Channel and 23red, launched an innovative new campaign across digital Out of Home. Live data was used from local donor centres alongside images of real blood product recipients, with the aim of normalising blood donation and making the message more local and personal. The award-winning campaign was a huge success, driving a significant increase in the number of new blood donors registering.
Inspire new donors to register, whilst acting as a reminder
to existing donors.
Overcome existing barriers to donating: time and inconvenience.
Create a sense of urgency by encouraging people to act now.
Normalise blood donation through awareness of others donating and the ease of doing it.
Encourage people to visit their nearest permanent donor centre, as opposed to relying on mobile donation centres.
Contextual relevance
on Adshel Live boosts numbers of blood donors
NHS Blood and Transplant need 5,000 blood donors every day
“We hope the data-led approach combined with the emotive imagery strikes a chord with people.”
Sean Kinmont
Founding Partner and Creative Director, 23red
How OOH can create
positive social change
Images of real recipients of blood donations were chosen to reflect the diverse audiences that NHSBT need to reach.
NHSBT utilised the capabilities of Adshel Live to create a contextually relevant campaign using live data from local donor centres.
Three weeks across ten UK cities.
‘Daily/weekly appointment availability’ to create a sense of urgency.
‘Daily/weekly bookings made’ to normalise the act of donating.
Adshel Live screens were planned in walking distance
to donor centres to highlight how easy it is to take action
*Anoymised appointments or bookings data
Sources: Toluna survey 1,000 respondents. Q We'd like you to rank which of the following features of the advert stand out to you…? Answers ranked first or second (digital creative).
“What we love about this campaign is that it tells an emotive story, through the imagery, to connect with specific donor groups that are needed.”
Ceri Rose
Director of Marketing and Communications,
NHS Blood and Transplant
Ad features
Dynamic messages were highly appealing. Audiences rank ‘live data’ as the second most noticeable feature, after the patient’s image.
Audience ranking of ad features that stand out most:
Real life blood product recipients
Live first party NHSBT data*
Distance to donor centre
Location call out
NHS branding
Bleed for Life icon
What audiences thought…
“Appeals to people on
a more personal level.”
“Brings the message
directly to your area, making
it more relevant.”
“It mentions the name of the city and number of first timers that gave blood, which serves like a motivation for other first timers like me to give blood.”
“A clear and touching advert.”
“Eye-catching and relevant.”
Consumers are most likely to act on trigger ads when motivation and ability are at their peak
Sufficiently Motivated
Hope/Fear: Hope that I will help save a life if I act now
Social Acceptance: Other people in my area are donating
Ability To Perform Behaviour
Effort: Little distance for me to travel to the nearest donor centre
Availability: Plenty of live appointments available
NHSBT use elements of motivation and ability in their dynamic OOH creatives in order to trigger a change in behaviour.
Advertising can support audiences by showcasing other people who are trying to adopt a new behaviour, and by guiding the audience to where and how they can take action.
By demonstrating and showing what appropriate behaviours look
like (in this case: live number of local people registering to give blood), advertising can send signals and cues that motivate people to join the norm (in this case: distance to centres, live appointment availability, the chance to save a life).
OOH media, by its very nature, is viewed in public amongst other people, and so provides the ideal platform to provide these nudges and impact on social norms.
Doing something new or different can be daunting. So asking people to adopt a new behaviour or change existing ones can spark insecurities and make people feel alone in their change efforts.
Dr. B J Fogg, Persuasive Technology Lab, Stanford University.
Source: Toluna survey, 1000 respondents.
To measure the impact of the dynamic campaign (live appointment data, location, distance), two of the ten cities ran a static version of the creative. The number of impacts from sites in the two static cities were matched with those of two of the dynamic cities to provide a fair comparison.
Dynamic vs static DOOH
increase in new daily donor registrations during the campaign*
increase in registrations post campaign*
The campaign saw
the highest number of registrations on a given day in the last 5 years
(620 new people registering)
greater increase in donor registrations in dynamic cities vs static cities*
say that knowing how far away the nearest donor centre is would make them more likely to register
say that poster ads showing live information are more likely to make them register
say the ad gives a sense of urgency to act
(51% among people who have never donated blood)
Consumers responded positively to the dynamic ad…
Find out more about dynamic opportunities for your campaign… | @clearchanneluk
Case Study - NHSBT
Did you know?
Men’s blood is particularly useful for making plasma and platelets and some rare blood sub-types are more common in specific ethnic communities.
Objectives Campaign Ad Features Results
Download the slides
Source: Tapestry Research Analysis.
*Based on 4 cities with matched impacts. Difference in uplift between campaign activity and no campaign activity period for 2 dynamic cities vs 2 static cities.
Source: Tapestry Research Analysis.
*Based on average daily registrations of 10 participating donor centres during the campaign, vs no campaign activity period of 2019. Post campaign = 20 days later.
Check out the campaign video…