Atopic dermatitis
Tap to learn about a trigger.
Cleaning supplies
Certain cleaners and disinfectants used around
the house can cause irritation. Make sure you wear gloves while cleaning.
Hot water
Hot water can take protective oils out of your skin and cause inflammation. While you should avoid a steamy shower, a warm shower is OK.
Fragrances in items like lotions, soap and laundry detergents can irritate skin. Opt for fragrance-free varieties instead.
Avoid fabrics like wool and polyester since they're often itchy and irritating to the skin. Instead, wear clothes made of breathable fabric like cotton.
The smoke from cigarettes and other air pollutants can irritate your skin. If you are a smoker, talk to your doctor about ways to quit.
Damp, sweaty clothes sitting on your skin can also irritate eczema. Choose quick-drying fabrics and lightweight, breathable cotton clothes.
Cold air
Cold air, wind and a decrease in humidity can all dry out skin. Try using a humidifier and applying moisturizer right after you get out of the shower.
Cleaning supplies
Certain cleaners and disinfectants used around the house can cause irritation. Make sure you wear gloves while cleaning.
The smoke from cigarettes and other air pollutants can irritate your skin. If you are a smoker, talk to your doctor about ways to quit.
Hot water
Hot water can take protective oils out of your skin and cause inflammation. While
you should avoid a steamy shower, a
warm shower is OK.
Fragrances in items like lotions, soap and laundry detergents can irritate skin. Opt for fragrance-free varieties instead.
Damp, sweaty clothes sitting on your skin can also irritate eczema. Choose quick-drying fabrics and lightweight, breathable cotton clothes.
Avoid fabrics like wool and polyester
since they're often itchy and irritating to the skin. Instead, wear clothes made of breathable fabric like cotton.
Cold air
Cold air, wind and a decrease in humidity can all dry out skin. Try using a humidifier and applying moisturizer right after you get out of the shower.
Atopic dermatitis
Tap to learn about a trigger.