Disrupting and Curing

Neurological Diseases

in Our Lifetimes

Neurological Diseases

in Our Lifetimes

Cleveland Clinic is transforming the landscape of neurological care.

One in every six people in the world has a neurological disease

One in six people worldwide suffers from a neurological disease. As lifespans increase, the risk of devastating neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS grows exponentially.

Cleveland Clinic is on a mission to answer a fundamental question: why do some brains stay healthy while others fall ill? Solving this mystery is key to preventing, treating, and curing neurological diseases.

Your partnership with Cleveland Clinic has never been more vital. 

Let’s act now.

Together, we can build a center for breakthrough therapies, innovative care, and hope

Every aspect of the building's design prioritizes patient experience. A standout feature is the integration of virtual technology in all inpatient rooms, enabling continuous, 24/7 monitoring of patients.

Kristen Vargo, DNP, RN, NE-BC

Director of Nursing

Partner with the leader in neurological breakthroughs


Our world-first use of deep brain stimulation for stroke patients has restored functionality beyond expectations.

We were first to use laser ablation surgery to attack “inoperable” brain cancers.

We developed online tools patients can use to test for neurological issues anytime, anywhere.


We launched the first U.S. program for epilepsy patients using the minimally invasive SEEG procedure.

Our mobile stroke unit delivers clot-busting therapy with exceptional speed, including treating a patient in just 8 minutes.

Your investment 

makes innovation possible

The world looks to us to disrupt and cure neurological diseases — today. We invite you to join us, and together we'll make history.

9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 | 800.223.2273 | © 2025 Cleveland Clinic. All Rights Reserved.

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