Test Your Understanding of Itch
Your eczema always seems to itch more after you exercise. You’re experiencing:
Neurogenic itch
Psychogenic itch
The itch you’re feeling is neurogenic. People with eczema have altered neural pathways that activate at inappropriate times — like when you’re sweating.
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The itch you’re feeling is neurogenic. People with eczema have altered neural pathways that activate at inappropriate times — like when you’re sweating.
Test Your Understanding of Itch
You’re watching a commercial for an eczema treatment, and suddenly feel itchy all over. You’re experiencing:
Neurogenic itch
Psychogenic itch
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The itch you’re feeling is psychogenic because it doesn’t have a physical cause.
The itch you’re feeling is psychogenic because it doesn’t have a physical cause.
Test Your Understanding of Itch
You’re studying for an important test. The more nervous you get, the more your eczema itches. You’re experiencing:
Neurogenic itch
Psychogenic itch
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The itch is real, but it’s psychogenic because it’s stress induced. Mental health conditions like anxiety, OCD and depression can also make eczema itch worse.
The itch is real, but it’s psychogenic because it’s stress induced. Mental health conditions like anxiety, OCD and depression can also make eczema itch worse.
Test Your Understanding of Itch
You’re drying off after a shower, and suddenly your eczema itch is much worse. You’re experiencing:
Neurogenic itch
Psychogenic itch
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Because your nervous system is overactive, gentle sensations that won’t bother most people — like a light touch or a soft towel — can produce a neurogenic itch.
Because your nervous system is overactive, gentle sensations that won’t bother most people — like a light touch or a soft towel — can produce a neurogenic itch.
Test Your Understanding of Itch
A psychogenic itch can produce a neurogenic itch.
Restart Quiz
You may start scratching for reasons that don’t have a physical cause, but when you do, your already-sensitive skin can become even more reactive, leading to neurogenic itch.
You may start scratching for reasons that don’t have a physical cause, but when you do, your already-sensitive skin can become even more reactive, leading to neurogenic itch.