Colliers International | Wisconsin is proud to present MKE Forward, a podcast obsessed with our community and moving Milwaukee forward. Through MKE Forward, we will talk with leaders who are equally as obsessed with Milwaukee. There will be a real estate spin, since that is what we do, but our hope is to highlight our city and have open honest conversations about what as a city we are doing right, and what more we can do to be good stewards of our community.
Copyright 2019 Colliers International.
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Latest Episodes
Downtown Dining is Back
Guest: Beth Weirick & Erica Chang
All Episodes
Elevating Milwaukee One Expansion at a Time
Guests: Omar Shaikh
A Suddenly Remote Workforce: Now What?
Guest: Todd McLees
Beyond Events Newaukee's Impact on Milwaukee
Guest: Jeremy Fojut
COVID-19 Hits Commercial Real Estate
Guest: Andu Hunt, Tracy Johnson, Jim Villa
Milwaukee's Storyteller
Guests: Greg Marshall
Growing the Network Between Madison and Milwaukee
Guest: Scott Resnick
Ringing in the New Year: What the real estate market learned in 2020
Guest: Matt Fahey, Bill Langhoff & Josh Minkin
Strengthening MKE for Everyone
Guest: Chad Johnson
Real Estate’s Role in the Racial Divide Part III
Guest: Keith Stanley
How Wisconsin Stacks Up
Guest: Brad Sweeney
Cycling through time with Wheel & Sprocket
Guest: Noel Kegel
Light The Hoan, More Than Meets The Eye
Guest: Michael Hostad & Greg Marshall
Office Space Trends: What You Need to Know
Guest: Dennis Murphy & Annette Barrelet
Home Page
Fostering Tech & Community
Guest: James Hischke
A "Moderne" Take on Milwaukee
Guests: Rick Barrett & Matt Rinka
Milwaukee's Soaring Downtown
Guest: Beth Weirick
Bucking the Milwaukee Mindset: How We Got the DNC
Guest: Alex Lasry
Doing it All: Ultra-marathoner, CEO, Addressing the Education Gap and Seeking to Redefine the Political Landscape
Guest: Austin Ramirez
Commercial Real Estate: Where are all the Women?
Guests: Denise Thomas & Shar Borg
Why MKE Forward?
Hosts: Steve Palec, Scott Welsh, Lyle Landowski
The Man Behind the Music
Guests: Bob Babisch
Open Office: A Complete Failure?
Guest: Dr. Anthony Pennington-Cross & Andy Hunt
Let's Get TECHnical
Guests: Matt Cordio & Chris Widmayer
Return On Community
Guests: Ryan Pattee
The Intersection of Culture & Space
Guest: Heather Turner Loth
The MSO's "Major" Impact on Milwaukee
Guest: Mark Neihaus
Guest: Bob Babisch
The Intersection of Space & Community
The Hop's Next Loop
Guest: Ashley Booth
Return on Community
Guest: Ryan Pattee
The Layers of Milwaukee and the Sane City
Guest: Meg McKenna & Trudy Watt
Guests: Matt Cordio & Chris Wadmayer
Guests: Dr. Anthony Pennington-Cross & Andy Hunt
The Road to Sherman Phoenix
Guests: Juli Kaufmann & TrueMan McGee
Creativity Sparks Movements (LIVE from Podfest)
Guest: Reginald Baylor & Melissa Courtney
Guest: Rick Barrett & Matt Rinka
Doing it All
Guests: Austin Ramirez
Guest: Denise Thomas & Shar Borg
Timber! Mass Timber Makes its Way to Milwaukee
Guest: Tim Gokhman
Big Business or Small Business: Why Not Both?
Guest: Wendy Baumann
Real Estate’s Role in the Racial Divide
Guest: Michael Emem
Other Episodes
What heights can Milwaukee reach and what trajectory is our city on? How do we shift into high gear and continue the momentum? What more can we be doing? In this intro episode, join the Colliers Team to learn how throughout this podcast, we will seek to answer these questions. Steve Palec, Scott Welsh, and Lyle Landowski are industry veterans who have seen the impact real estate has had on this community and how one person can move the needle. Learn about what types of guests will join us as we delve into not only our community’s triumphs but also the issues that face our community. Steve, Scott and Lyle share their experiences and shed light on what we seek to accomplish through MKE Forward.
Intro Episode
Hosted By: Steve Palec, Scott Welsh & Lyle Landowski
Rick Barrett of Barrett Lo Development and Matt Rinka of Rinka Architecture join the team to discuss their past successes and the role they have had in shaping current and future skyline. Find out how their pasts have informed why both returned to Milwaukee and learn about the status of their current joint undertaking, the Couture.
Episode 1
with Rick Barrett & Matt Rinka Hosted By: Steve Palec & Lyle Landowski
Bucking the Milwaukee Mindset: How we got the DNC
with Alex Lasry Hosted By: Steve Palec, Scott Welsh & Lyle Landowski
Episode 2
The team snags Alex Lasry to discuss how he became a champion for the city and the journey to get the DNC in Milwaukee. Listen in as the team discusses how Milwaukee can embrace 2020 and avoid being caught on its heels.
Doing it All: Ultra-marathoner, CEO, Address the Education Gap & Seeking to Redefine the Politcal Landscape
with Austin Ramirez Hosted By: Steve Palec & Tammy Babisch
Episode 3
From All American swimmer to the White House and becoming the CEO of Husco International, Austin Ramirez has accomplished a lot. Yet he still finds time to give back his community. In our latest episode, find out what drives Austin and how he works to turn his vision into reality.
with Denise Thomas & Shar Borg Hosted By: Tammy Babisch & Maggie Blair
Episode 4
In 2019, commercial real estate remains an industry that lacks diversity and remains dominated by men. Join Tammy Babisch, an industry veteran, and Maggie Blair, a young leader, as they hijack this episode to have an all-female conversation with Denise Thomas and Shar Borg. Thirty minutes is not nearly enough time, but join us as we discuss the importance of attracting diverse talent to the industry and how the industry and Milwaukee will be better because of it.
with Beth Weirick Hosted By: Steve Palec, Scott Welsh & Tammy Babisch
Episode 5
Beth Weirick, champion and queen of downtown Milwaukee joins the team to discuss the momentum of downtown. Listen in to hear how downtown is just getting started.
with Bob Babisch Hosted By: Steve Palec & Scott Welsh
Episode 6
Festival season is finally here and the MKE Forward team celebrated by sitting down with Bob Babisch, Vice President of Entertainment at Milwaukee World Festival. Learn about what it takes to put on Milwaukee's festival of festivals, what is new this year and how bringing people together through music has and will continue to positively impact our city.
with Matt Cordio & Chris Widmayer Hosted By: Steve Palec & Ben Anderson
Episode 7
On the latest episode of MKE Forward, the team welcomes Matt Cordio of Startup Milwaukee and Chris Widmayer, of Milwaukee based technology firm Penrod. Listen in to uncover the opportunity that awaits Milwaukee, from tech talent, to whether or not Milwaukee is a tech city, and how, as a community, we can continue to embrace technology and leverage it to drive our city forward.
with James Hischke Hosted By: Steve Palec & Lyle Landowski
Episode 8
As a continuation of Episode 7, where we discussed Milwaukee’s tech environment from the perspective of a start-up, on this episode of MKE Forward, the team welcomed James Hischke, Senior Director of Tech Advancement and Outreach at Northwestern Mutual (NM), to the studio to continue the conversation. James talks about NM’s commitment to grow the tech talent pool for the city and how the company can in turn grow their share of that talent. To NM, it is not just about investing in themselves, but embracing the Milwaukee community, investing in it and believing that they are better off when Milwaukee is thriving.
with Ryan Pattee Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Ben Anderson
Episode 9
Ryan Pattee is a Milwaukee-based developer whose approach to development is unique. Instead of solely focusing on ROI (Return on Investment) he places a heavy emphasis on ROC (Return on Community). Ryan aims to create community spaces that are both utilized by the local community and serve as a place for creative uses and tenants. In order to make a project financially feasible, Ryan and his partners get creative, leveraging financing tools used in more traditional development projects. On the latest episode of MKE Forward, the team delves into some of Ryan’s most notable projects and how he, as a community focused developer, aims to better our city.
with Heather Turner Loth Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Joe Lak
Episode 10
We’ve skimmed the topic, but never jumped in. On the latest episode of MKE Forward, the team sits down with Heather Turner Loth, workspace strategy guru. Heather spends her time helping companies integrate their culture with their physical space. The intersection of these two aspects of an organization is not straight forward and one size does not fit all, or even two. Listen in as we discuss the impact both culture and space have on the success and future of an organization.
with Dr. Anthony Pennington-Cross and Andy Hunt Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Maggie Blair
Episode 11
As companies and organizations look at their workplaces, more and more are looking at their space through a strategic lens, seeking to improve productivity, collaboration and even culture. As a result, the prevalence of open office concepts has increased across the globe. But, do they work? Are open workplaces increasing worker productivity and collaboration? Tune in to hear from Dr. Anthony Pennington-Cross and Andy Hunt from Marquette University’s Center for Real Estate, as they discuss the research and findings of renowned economists from around the world.
with Mark Neihaus Hosted By: Tammy Babisch and Russ Sagmoen
Episode 12
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (MSO) has been a Milwaukee institution for over 60 years. MKE Forward had the pleasure of sitting down with President and Executive Director, Mark Neihaus. The excitement that Mark has for the MSO and its future is contagious. From newly appointed Musical Director Ken-David Masur, to construction being underway on the MSO’s future home, there was a lot to talk about. If that wasn’t enough, the passion that the symphony has for being active and a part of our community is apparent. With programming both in Milwaukee’s schools, and bringing the symphony out into the community, the impact of the MSO extends far beyond its last chord.
with Meg McKenna & Trudy Watt Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Tammy Babisch
Episode 13
Milwaukee does not have the population growth of some of its peers, but that does not mean the city is flat or unable to attract talent. On this episode of MKE Forward, Lyle Landowski and Tammy Babisch talk with Meg McKenna of Visit Milwaukee, and her niece Trudy Watt, a recent transplant, on Trudy’s experience visiting Milwaukee and her decision to make Milwaukee home. Meg and Trudy recall the experience, discuss the lessons learned, and reflect on Milwaukee as a city of neighborhoods and, as Trudy describes it, a sane city. Her fresh perspective on our city is one you won’t want to miss.
with Ashley Booth Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Tammy Babisch
Episode 14
Over 800,000 rides taken, 90,000 miles covered, 45,000 trips completed. It’s been one year since the Milwaukee Streetcar, known as The Hop began servicing Downtown Milwaukee. What’s next and where is the Hop headed? To reflect on the first year of the Hop and to discuss its future, the MKE Forward team sat down with Ashley Booth of HNTB.
with Juli Kaufmann and TrueMan McGee Hosted By: Tammy Babisch and Jamie Wolski
Episode 15
Juli Kaufmann, one of the co-developers of Sherman Phoenix, didn’t envision herself in real estate. Instead, her focus has always been her community. Sherman Phoenix is a community project that bucks the traditional real estate model and had it not been for the community responsiveness, relationships, and crowd funding, the project might not have happened. For the various tenants and stakeholders, the road that led them to Sherman Phoenix is very different. On this episode of MKE Forward, the team sits down with Juli, and one of the tenants, TrueMan McGee owner of Funky Fresh Spring Rolls, to discuss their journey to Sherman Phoenix and what the experience and opportunity has meant to them.
Creativity Sparks Movements
with Reginald Baylor & Michelle Courtney Hosted By: Tammy Babisch and Lyle Landowski
Episode 16
On the last episode of 2019, MKE Forward is brought to you LIVE from PodFest MKE 2019. The team was joined by Reginald Baylor and Melissa Courtney from Reginald Baylor Studios, a brand icon that seeks to serve the creative industry culture. Throughout the conversation there is an intentionality around terminology and mission that is undeniable. It is through this intentionality that Reginald and Melissa aim to change the conversation around the creative industry in Milwaukee and beyond.
with guest Wendy Baumann Hosted By: Tammy Babisch and Lyle Landowski
Episode 17
When it comes to supporting big box or local businesses, it’s not either or, it’s and. 85% of businesses are micro/small businesses, and helping them succeed in Wisconsin is the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation. On MKE Forward’s first episode of 2020, the team sat down with WWBIC’s President and Chief Visionary Officer, Wendy Baumann. Under the leadership of Wendy, the economic development corporation provides critical resources to individuals who face barriers to accessing critical resources needed to open, strengthen or expand their business. Listen in to hear about the great work WWBIC is doing in moving our city and state forward.
Timber! Mass Timber Construction Makes its Way to Milwaukee
with guest Tim Gokhman Hosted By: Scott Welsh and Lyle Landowski
Episode 18
The latest episode of MKE Forward is all about pushing boundaries and embracing creativity and change. Hear from Tim Gokhman of New Land Enterprises on the trajectory of the development company and how they strive to step up to the challenge and solve problems creatively. From Crossroads Collective, “Milwaukee’s Foodiest Food Hall” on Farwell, to Ascent MKE, Milwaukee’s first Mass Timber project that is currently under construction, New Land Enterprises has and will continue to change Milwaukee’s landscape. Listen in to hear about how New Land Enterprises is not only bringing mass timber to Milwaukee but also creating the tallest timber structure in the Western Hemisphere.
with guest Omar Shaikh Hosted By: Scott Welsh and Lyle Landowski
Episode 19
If you are looking for someone to dub “Mr. Milwaukee”, this guest is definitely a top contender. From devoting his time to arguably the best steakhouse in the city, giving back to community through multiple boards and organizations, and frequenting his children's wrestling tournaments, Omar Shaikh is constantly elevating our city. While Omar’s impact on our city is vast, most recently, he has been instrumental in phase three of the Convention Center expansion. Omar talks about his experiences, as well as those he has met and worked with along the way in the latest episode of MKE Forward.
with guest Todd McLees Hosted By: Lyle Landowski and Maggie Blair
Episode 20
Across the United States, COVID-19 has drastically changed our lives. Since March 2020 working from home with our children, virtual meetings and nights in have become the norm. On this episode of MKE Forward, the team sits down with Todd McLees, founder of Pendio Group and an internationally known strategist and speaker, who has spent recent weeks uncovering how to maintain productivity with a suddenly remote workforce. Listen in to hear Todd’s advice and to understand how both you and your company can stay productive and make the most of your time at home.
Download Todd's Guide to Remote Team Communication
with guests Andy Hunt, Tracy Johnson and Jim Villa Hosted By: Lyle Landowski
Episode 21
From news stories, articles and webinars, it’s hard not to be inundated with COVID-19. But when it comes to how it impacts commercial real estate, specifically in southeastern Wisconsin, do you have a sense what the industry is seeing and experiencing on a large scale? Industry experts Andy Hunt (Marquette University), Tracy Johnson (CARW) and Jim Villa (NAIOP Wisconsin) join MKE Forward to discuss what they are hearing from YOU and have an open conversation about what that means for US. Join us for findings from the industry flash poll, special insights and much more.
Download Flash Poll Results
with guest Jeremy Fojut Hosted By: Ben Anderson & Maggie Blair
Episode 22
You’ve heard the name from events like the Night Market and Urban Island Beach Party, but what else do you know about social architecture agency Newaukee? From its beginnings 11 years ago, to where it is today, the impact Newaukee has had on our city extends far beyond its signature events. Jeremy Fojut joins MKE Forward to talk about Newaukee’s journey and how the group continues to evolve and adapt. Hear about the Beacon Project in Walker’s Point and what Newaukee has planned moving forward.
with guest Greg Marshall Hosted By: Lyle Landowski & Scott Welsh
Episode 23
He may not be the most famous or well-known person in a room, but if you are lucky enough to be in the same room as him, you will be drawn to this guest. What is it that draws you in? His uncanny ability to tell a story. Lyle Landowski and Scott Welsh are joined by Greg Marshall, Chief Storyteller at Milwaukee based CI Design, for this episode of MKE Forward. Whether it’s a personal message, the story of a community, neighborhood or city, stories are powerful when conveying a message and Greg shares his insights on why this is and how storytelling became his passion.
with guest Scott Resnick Hosted By: Lyle Landowski
Episode 24
To kick off year two, we are taking MKE Forward on the virtual road and are headed to Madison! The relationship between Madison and Milwaukee has not always been smooth, but this episode looks at how we can continue to connect the Wisconsin’s cities, especially as it relates to tech. Joining us to share his insight and experience is tech entrepreneur and former Madison City Councilperson, Scott Resnick. Listen in to hear about Scott’s journey, his take on how Madison has become a tech town and how Wisconsin is stronger with a robust network between Madison and Milwaukee.
with guests Beth Weirick and Erica Chang Hosted By: Lyle Landowski & Scott Welsh
Episode 25
Milwaukee’s downtown halted in mid-march. Now almost three months later, many are asking will downtown ever be the same? What will dining look like and when? While we don’t have all the answers, we at Colliers, along with our guests from Milwaukee Downtown BID #21, are eager to do our part. Hear from Beth Weirick and Erica Chang of BID 21 about what they have done through the pandemic to continue to serve our downtown community. From surveys to an exciting new challenge that aims to support and bolster downtown restaurants and community outreach we cover it all on this episode. Listen in to hear actionable steps about how you can step up to the challenge and help support downtown businesses.
with guest Michael Emem Hosted By: Lyle Landowski & Scott Welsh
Episode 26
Our nation and our community are hurting. Over the next few episodes, we are taking a step back to have a difficult conversation about race on MKE Forward. We enter this conversation not because we have the answers but because we want and need to listen and learn. It’s too important not too. Our first guest is Michael Emem, founder of Emem Group and an important leader in the Milwaukee real estate industry. Michael, an ACRE and UWM graduate, is a black commercial real estate professional in an industry dominated by whites. Michael walks us through his journey, why and how he started out in real estate and his experience in the industry. He also discusses and explains some of the historical mechanisms that helped create the racial divide that exists today.
with guest Chad Johnson Hosted By: Lyle Landowski
Episode 27
In part 2 of our series on race, we are reminded that Milwaukee is a great city, but not for everyone who lives here. As a Milwaukee native and key leader in our community, guest Chad Johnson, who works with some of the largest companies in our community, explains the importance of reverse intentionality. It is this intentionality that drives change, as individuals and companies need to be intentional to speak up, to learn, to choose to take action and then finally to hold themselves accountable. Everyone, no matter their race or background has a role to play, or as Chad explains a lane to be in, in order to bring us closer to becoming an equitable community for everyone who lives and works in Milwaukee.
with guest Keith Stanley Hosted By: Lyle Landowski
Episode 28
In the third part of our series on race, one of our community’s leading leader joins MKE Forward for this important conversation. Keith Stanley, Executive Director of Near West Side Partners shares the integral role his family had on his journey and also key experiences throughout his life when he has been exposed to new things. While for some, exposure to new things is nice to have, for Keith, and many others in our community, it can make all the difference. Keith credits the success of programs like the ACRE program to the exposure they bring to individuals who otherwise would not be able to achieve certain milestones, not because they can’t, but because they don’t know these milestones and opportunities even exist. His experience and passion for his community have translated into his work for the Near West Side Partners (NWSP), making it a model for future neighborhoods and communities. Keith details the experiences and work of the NWSP and more in the latest episode of MKE Forward.
with guest Brad Sweeney Hosted By: Mike Fardy & Jim Larkin
Episode 29
While many property types are facing uncertainty, industrial product nationwide seems to be persisting, and in some cases, even exceeding expectations. To gain insight on how the industrial market has changed and adapted during the ongoing pandemic, MKE Forward is talking with Senior Vice President of Acquisitions for STAG Industrial, Brad Sweeney. With 91.8 million square feet across 38 states, the team at STAG Industrial has a bird’s-eye view of the events, trends and activity impacting properties in the Wisconsin market and across the country. Listen in to hear about the current state of the industrial world, as well as how the SE Wisconsin market stacks up on a national scale.
with guest Noel Kegel Hosted By: Ben Anderson
Episode 30
From memorable advertisements and marketing, to best-in-class customer service and selection, Wheel & Sprocket is Wisconsin’s most iconic bicycle shop. This week we sit down with Noel Kegel as he gives an inside look at this larger than life brand. Noel’s father Chris was hired as a bicycle mechanic two weeks after their opening in 1973, and over the course of the next 16 years, worked his way up to sole owner and president. Fast forward to today, Wheel & Sprocket operates 9 locations throughout Wisconsin & Northern Illinois, and Noel, along with his sister Amelia, are the co-owners of this second-generation family company. Tune in as Noel shares the history of Wheel & Sprocket, explains the recent national bike shortage, and gives a look into their new Bay View headquarters.
Light the Hoan, More Than Meets the Eye
with guests Michael Hostad & Greg Marshall Hosted By: Lyle Landowski & Scott Welsh
Episode 31
On October 22, the west side of the Hoan Bridge was officially lit. At first look, the lights make for a pretty picture or a unique urban infrastructure project. But those who were behind the lights will tell you it is so much more. Light the Hoan is a symbol for our community and our city. It is bridge between cultures, backgrounds and experiences meant to Shine a Light on the areas in which, as a community, we can do more to come together to strengthen our city. Listen in to hear from two of the men who made Lighting the Hoan a reality, Michael Hostad and Greg Marshall. Hear from them the things that you might not see at first, but what drove them and their partners to move forward with this project and how this is just the beginning.
Office Space Trends: What You Need To Know
with guests Dennis Murphy & Annette Barrelet Hosted By: Lyle Landowski & Maggie Blair
Episode 32
Where we work and how we work have changed trajectory drastically since March. Office space, specifically how we build and operate within space is a fascinating topic that is ever evolving. More and more, furniture designers are a key player in how a finished space is used by its occupants. On this episode of MKE Forward, listen in to hear our conversation with two individuals who are experiencing these shifts first hand. We are fortunate to welcome New York based Dennis Murphy and Annette Barrelet of Teknion, a Toronto based global contract furniture designer and manufacture. Both work with clients all over the country and share the trends they are seeing, what companies around the country are doing and what trends they expect to continue both during a socially distant world and after. Listen in to hear the highlights of their conversation in just 10 minutes.
Ringing in the New Year: What the Real Estate Market Learned in 2020
with guests Matt Fahey, Bill Langhoff & Josh Minkin Hosted By: Scott Welsh & Maggie Blair
Episode 33
In MKE Forward’s 2020 wrap up episode Colliers | Wisconsin market experts, Matt Fahey, Bill Langhoff and Josh Minkin, review the challenges and successes of their respective sectors from the past year. Despite the challenges, the Office, Industrial and Retail markets all proved that the markets can be resilient and expectations can be exceeded with a thoughtful and intentional mindset. Tune in and listen to our year in review and the aspiration we have for the year ahead.
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