In more detail, Uintah County found the following results with CORE:
(Click to see how CORE helped Uintah County)
More payments made online
More robust reporting
With three full-time employees, the Treasurer’s Office assigns one staff member to pull a report from CORE every day. And with CORE, those daily reports are robust and offer real-time insights. “I love the reports that CORE provides for us every day,” said Wendi. “We get a report that shows what’s coming in and what’s going to be posted.”
monthly payments
With CORE, Uintah County can now offer the option of automatic payments for citizens. And a lot of community members are using the option. “We have a lot of users that have signed up for automatic payments,” said Wendi. “They make an automatic payment for their property taxes every month. It’s been a very popular option for our customers."
Property taxes are due on November 30th every year and that can be a tough time for many families with the holidays. “Because of our state laws in Utah, taxes are due on that day. So we encourage people to pay all year long,” said Wendi. The Treasurer’s Department can give a property owner a tax estimate, based on the previous year’s tax bill and the new updates for the current year. “
Our experience has been incredible. CORE has been so supportive of the treasurers group in Utah and I know that the other treasurers really appreciate that. I just can’t say enough good about CORE.
As Wendi researched online payment platforms to help Uintah County modernize tax payments, she looked to other counties for guidance. “We meet regularly to discuss these issues and that’s when I was introduced to CORE,” said Wendi. “CORE was everything I had been looking for. It wasn’t complicated. It wasn’t rocket science to set it up. I was afraid of the time commitment to set it up, but it was so easy.”
The transition to CORE was seamless for Uintah County. “CORE made it so easy and seamless to switch over to online payments and make this new payment experience available to our customers,” said Wendi. “It was a win for everybody, my staff, myself, and especially for our customers, which was my main goal.”
With only cash or check options, the treasury staff was required to manually process every payment. Tasks included manual processing, reconciliation, and delivery of cash and checks to the bank.
Extra work for the Treasury Department staff
Property tax payments are due in November each year, requiring citizens to make a large, lump sum payment. Citizens that wanted to make monthly payments were required to figure out how much they owed and send in payments on their own.
No easy way to make monthly, automatic tax payments
For decades, Uintah County could only accept cash or checks from citizens making property tax payments. “When I first ran for the position of County Treasurer 17 years ago, my predecessor was not using any type of credit card payments for property taxes,” said Wendi. “I saw this trend—especially with younger people who were buying homes and getting added to the property tax system. We were realizing that they don't really carry cash or checks anymore. They wanted a different system of payment.”
“It’s so easy to balance and reconcile payments with CORE. And if there are any problems, I’m notified right away. That’s a huge plus for me—security and risk management.”
Treasurer, Beaver County - Utah
I saw this trend — especially with younger people who were buying homes and getting added to the property tax system. We were realizing that they don't really carry cash or checks anymore. They wanted a different system of payment.
Wendi Long
Founded in 1880 and located in the upper north east corner of Utah, Uintah County is home to more than 36,000 citizens. Wendi Long is the County Treasurer and has been with the county’s office for more than 27 years, 17 of which she’s served as the County Treasurer. When Wendi was elected, she wanted to update the county’s options for accepting payments, especially for property tax payments. Before 2010, the county could only accept cash or check payments.
Robust, daily
reports with
real-time insights
$5.2 million collected in online payments
Making Online Payments Possible
AGENCY NAME Uintah County
DEPARTMENT Treasurer’s Office
Reduced manual time for office staff processing payments
Increased online payment engagement
Expanded payment options across 5+ departments
Once Wendi found CORE, the county modernized their payment options, allowing citizens to pay online and make automatic payments throughout the year. Since implementing CORE for property tax payments, the county has expanded online payment options to more than five departments, offering Uintah community members payment convenience and ease. Today, CORE has helped Uintah County collect $5.2 million in a single year, reduce the manual labor required to process in-person and mailed check payments, and convert more than 11,000 citizens to using the online payment portal.
© Copyright 2023 CORE All rights reserved
PCI-DSS Level-1 Compliant Platform
Anywhere, anytime, any device access
Actionable reporting and insights
866.567.CORE (2673)
950 Warren Avenue, Suite 400,
East Providence, RI 02914
Website Modernization: Montgomery Township Redesigns Their Website
11,328 citizens
using online payments
How CORE Helped Uintah County
Uintah County Treasurer
Citizens were only presented two options to make a payment—pay in person with cash or check, or mail a check to the office.
No convenient way to make payments
Extra work for the Treasury Department staff
No easy way to make monthly, automatic tax payments
No convenient way to make payments
With only cash or check options, the treasury staff was required to manually process every payment. Tasks included manual processing, reconciliation, and delivery of cash and checks to the bank.
Extra work for the Treasury Department staff
No easy way to make monthly, automatic tax payments
No convenient way to make payments
Extra work for the Treasury Department staff
Property tax payments are due in November each year, requiring citizens to make a large, lump sum payment. Citizens that wanted to make monthly payments were required to figure out how much they owed and send in payments on their own.
No easy way to make monthly, automatic tax payments
Wendi had worked in the Treasurer’s Office for 10 years before she ran for County Treasurer, so she was very familiar with the processes of the Treasurer’s Office. During the election, Wendi was asked what she would change if she was elected. “My first thought—and something that I had been very aware of for some time—was this idea that we needed to accept credit cards online for property taxes,” said Wendi. “Making payments online was trending. More and more people wanted to pay online.”
I think the younger people that are moving in, the new homeowners, the young families—they just like doing things the way they do them in the other areas of their life.
Uintah County Treasurer
They make an automatic payment for their property taxes every month. It’s been a very popular option for our customers.
Uintah County Treasurer
I love the reports that CORE provides for us every day. We get a report that shows what’s coming in and what’s going to be posted.
Uintah County Treasurer
In 2011, the Uintah County Treasury Department collected roughly $375,000 in online payments. In 2022, the county collected $5.2 million in online payments. “I think the younger people that are moving in, the new homeowners, the young families—they just like doing things the way they do them in the other areas of their life,” said Wendi. “They like to make payments online.”
Less manual work for office staff
Accepting payments online has dramatically reduced the number of payments the treasury department processes in person and through the mail. “We see so many more online payments,” said Wendi. “And people like paying online because they’re not worried about payments getting lost in the mail.”
Expanded payment options across other departments
The rollout of online payments for property taxes went so well, Uintah County decided to also offer expanded payment options across other departments. Now, citizens in Uintah County can make online payments at the Assessor’s Office for business personal property and mobile home personal property tax payments, for any Justice Court payments, at the Community Development Department for business licenses, permits, building permits, etc., and the Health Department. The County is also planning to update their POS systems to CORE, consolidating all payments into a single, easy-to-use system.
Personalized, quick-response support
With CORE, Wendi and her team feel supported through any issue or challenge. “If we ever have any problems or issues or anything, our account rep solves them every single time,” said Wendi. “We don’t have to call him very often because everything works so well, but when we do, he fixes it so quickly.” By offering fast support and personalizing the experience, Uintah County doesn’t worry about downtime or getting a new account rep up-to-speed with their specific use case. “I just really appreciate our account rep’s attitude,” said Wendi. “I feel like I have someone I can go to that knows me personally and that’s a big deal to me.”
Future plans
for more
“I see the website as the center of all the communication channels we use for citizen messaging. We link to the website from all of those other channels — even our cable channel will put a QR code up on the screen and link to specific pages,” said Derek. “With an updated design, more accessible navigation and search options, and an easy-to-use backend platform, CORE has helped us deliver a critical asset to our community.”
While Derek currently owns the website updates for the city, plans are in progress to offer website training and content guidelines to other departments. “We’ll offer training and content guidelines in the near future so other departments can add their own content and we can still keep everything on the website consistent,” said Derek.
Uintah County Treasurer
© Copyright 2023 CORE All rights reserved
PCI-DSS Level-1 Compliant Platform
Anywhere, anytime, any device access
Actionable reporting and insights
866.567.CORE (2673)
950 Warren Avenue, Suite 400,
East Providence, RI 02914
By only offering cash or check payments to citizens, Uintah County was faced with a few challenges:
“I really wanted to change the way payments were made—for both customer convenience and customer satisfaction,” said Wendi. “Paying property taxes is never a fun thing to do—it's not something our customers always look forward to so we wanted to make the payment experience for property taxes as pleasant as possible—I wanted to start receiving payments online.”
After implementing CORE, Uintah County started advertising to citizens that they could make property tax payments online both in the local newspaper and in the tax notices that were sent to every property owner. “We included the website address and a small how-to on each tax notice to help customers adopt the new process,” said Wendi. And the process went smoothly. Wendi explained, “There was no learning curve for customers, they just started using the new payment option.”
In the first year, Wendi and her team worked through a few process updates to help refine the back office processes. “We kept what worked and we fine tuned the rest in that first year,” said Wendi. “And we’re still using the same format and the same processes 13 years later. It’s very seamless.”
It’s so great because customers can set their payments to whatever they want to pay each month,” said Wendi. And now they have regular payments coming in every day, all year long. Wendi shared, “This new option of automatic payments helps our customers avoid the burden of making one large payment in November.” In 2022 alone, Uintah County collected $525,000 in card payments and $4.8 million in ACH payments online with CORE.
“Our experience has been incredible. CORE has been so supportive of the treasurers group in Utah and I know that the other treasurers really appreciate that. I just can’t say enough good about CORE.”
Online Payments, Recurring/Automatic Bill Pay, Real-time Reporting, Integration
I think the younger people that are moving in, the new homeowners, the young families—they just like doing things the way they do them in the other areas of their life
Uintah County Treasurer
I love the reports that CORE provides for us every day. We get a report that shows what’s coming in and what’s going to be posted
Uintah County Treasurer
More payments made online
In 2011, the Uintah County Treasury Department collected roughly $375,000 in online payments. In 2022, the county collected $5.2 million in online payments. “I think the younger people that are moving in, the new homeowners, the young families—they just like doing things the way they do them in the other areas of their life,” said Wendi. “They like to make payments online.”
monthly payments
Property taxes are due on November 30th every year and that can be a tough time for many families with the holidays. “Because of our state laws in Utah, taxes are due on that day. So we encourage people to pay all year long,” said Wendi. The Treasurer’s Department can give a property owner a tax estimate, based on the previous year’s tax bill and the new updates for the current year. “
With CORE, Uintah County can now offer the option of automatic payments for citizens. And a lot of community members are using the option. “We have a lot of users that have signed up for automatic payments,” said Wendi. “They make an automatic payment for their property taxes every month. It’s been a very popular option for our customers."
Less manual work for office staff
Accepting payments online has dramatically reduced the number of payments the treasury department processes in person and through the mail. “We see so many more online payments,” said Wendi. “And people like paying online because they’re not worried about payments getting lost in the mail.”
More robust reporting
With three full-time employees, the Treasurer’s Office assigns one staff member to pull a report from CORE every day. And with CORE, those daily reports are robust and offer real-time insights. “I love the reports that CORE provides for us every day,” said Wendi. “We get a report that shows what’s coming in and what’s going to be posted.”
Expanded payment options across other departments
The rollout of online payments for property taxes went so well, Uintah County decided to also offer expanded payment options across other departments. Now, citizens in Uintah County can make online payments at the Assessor’s Office for business personal property and mobile home personal property tax payments, for any Justice Court payments, at the Community Development Department for business licenses, permits, building permits, etc., and the Health Department. The County is also planning to update their POS systems to CORE, consolidating all payments into a single, easy-to-use system.
Personalized, quick-response support
With CORE, Wendi and her team feel supported through any issue or challenge. “If we ever have any problems or issues or anything, our account rep solves them every single time,” said Wendi. “We don’t have to call him very often because everything works so well, but when we do, he fixes it so quickly.” By offering fast support and personalizing the experience, Uintah County doesn’t worry about downtime or getting a new account rep up-to-speed with their specific use case. “I just really appreciate our account rep’s attitude,” said Wendi. “I feel like I have someone I can go to that knows me personally and that’s a big deal to me.”