increase in online payments
Online payments processed through CORE
Washington County UT
Improving the Payment Experience: 45% Increase in Online Payments
Beyond payments processed online, the county is seeing greater adoption for automatic monthly bill pay. Constituents set up their annual tax payment to withdraw each month, saving them time in mailing payments and the county’s time in processing and collecting those payments.
Easy-to-use, automatic bill pay
Washington County knew online payments would offer a more convenient, modern option for both county residents and the county employees.
Instant, online payments
The Treasurer’s office also utilizes reports in CORE, exporting daily to review and analyze payments processed. With integrations to other systems, the team has delivered a seamless, convenient experience for their citizens.
Real-time reports for financial analysis
With CORE, a secure PCI-compliant platform, your enterprise can modernize connected experiences through revenue automation, enable visibility into every step of revenue and payment activities, and incite immediacy by supporting anytime, anywhere payments. With CORE, you can:
* Implement best-in-class, connected billing and payment experiences
* Reduce friction and delight consumers
* Control receivables and maximize collections
* Gain actionable insight into experiences and processes
Ready for a demo? Let’s chat >
Washington County has seen a steady increase in adoption since implementing CORE. “In 2018, we started with 10,800, went up to almost 12,000 payments in 2019, and in 2020 we jumped to 15,700. There’s been a steady increase of online payments processed, which we are really happy about.”
Beyond total payments processed online, the county is sees greater adoption for automatic monthly bill pay. Constituents set up their annual tax payment to withdraw each month, saving them time in mailing payments and the county’s time in processing and collecting those payments. “One of the key features we really like is the monthly automatic bill pay system. Our citizens just set up that payment to happen automatically each year, from month to month either on a monthly basis or once a year.”
One interesting benefit residents of Washington County have found is the option to pay up until midnight on the date their tax bills are due. Instead of rushing to the office which might close at four or five in the afternoon, Washington County citizens can pay online up until midnight on the date their payment is due—and they still make the payment on time. The Washington County team is also utilizing reports in CORE, exporting daily to review and analyze payments processed. With integrations to other systems, the Washington County treasury Treasurer’s office has delivered a seamless, convenient experience for their citizens.
The first online payment for Washington County was collected in November 2016. As the county started to broadly advertise the option of online payments, via tax notices and coupons, awareness rapidly grew among residents. During the 2020 global pandemic, Washington County sent out a special notice, detailing new restrictions for in--person interactions. The special flyers outlined the alternative to coming to the office—pay online. As residents responded to the awareness campaign for paying online, payments processed online dramatically increased to nearly 16,000 for the entire county. Once the word was out, adoption increased dramatically. David also credits the increase in online payments to the shift in home ownership. With more millennials purchasing homes, online payments are expected. "Younger people are coming into the home ownership market and they’re more apt to pay online. You’re going to have more citizens who want to pay online.”
We knew online payments would make processing payments much easier. It would mean fewer people in the office, less mail, etc. One of the key features we really like is the monthly automatic bill pay system. Our citizens just set up that payment to happen automatically each year, from month to month either on a monthly basis or once a year.
Treasurer, Washington County - Utah
For the residents of Washington County, Utah, automatic bill pay and online, instant payments for their annual tax bills seemed like a solution for the future until David Whitehead, Washington County’s Treasurer heard about CORE at an annual treasurer conference. After seeing how CORE offered convenient payment options for other residents and saved other county employees time and resources, Washington County decided to implement CORE for their constituents.
With CORE, the county saw immediate results. In just three years, they saw an increase of 45% in online payments, processed 80% of all online payments through CORE, and improved overall operational efficiency for the county team. With CORE, the team needed fewer people in office, gained access to real-time reports with accurate financial data, and faster processing for both constituents and the county team.
“Once we set up integrations between our other payment systems and CORE, the entire system has been working flawlessly.”
"You’re going to have more citizens who want to pay online. There’s been a steady increase of online payments processed, which we are really happy about."
“One of the key features we really like is the monthly automatic bill pay system. Our citizens just set up that payment to happen automatically each year, either on a monthly basis or once a year. One of the benefits is the option to pay up until midnight on the due date, rather than when the office closes.”
For David Whitehead, Treasurer for Washington County, Utah, collecting and processing tax payments for the entire county was a manual and time-consuming process. He and his team knew that Washington County residents were ready for a more modern, convenient option for online payments.
During an annual conference for other county treasurers in the state, David was introduced to CORE. Other counties implemented CORE with great success, convincing David to learn more.
While there wasn’t a critical push from constituents, Washington County knew online payments would offer a more convenient, modern option for both county residents and the county employees.
Once we set up integrations between our other payment systems and CORE, the entire system has been working flawlessly. We knew online payments would make processing payments much easier. It would mean fewer people in the office, less mail, etc.
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