Do you have a cellular problem?
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If cellular is strategic to your enterprise, you know that dead zones and dropped calls can impact your customers and your bottom line. But did you know that poor reception can also limit your ability to roll out new services and capabilities within your own organization?
Reception can be influenced by geography, the building itself, and the wireless carriers’ coverage networks. What percentage of your building currently has excellent coverage (3 or more bars)?
Cellular reception
Below 50%
If you are using Wi-Fi to provide data service to cellular devices at your locations, is your network capable of handling the current bandwidth demand?
Wi-Fi bandwidth today
I have no clue
No one is complaining, so I guess I’m okay.
Based on the number of cellular users in my location and my network capacity, we should be okay now.
My network can handle it. I’m not concerned.
With 5G deployments starting, you can expect 6.5Gbps per device peak downlink speeds and 3.2Gbps peak upload speeds. If you are planning to use Wi-Fi to provide data service to cellular devices at your locations, is your network capable of handling the expected bandwidth demand?
Wi-Fi bandwidth tomorrow
I need to run the numbers on this, but I am concerned.
Based on the number of connected devices in my location and expected network capacity, we should be okay in the future.
My network will be able to handle it. I’m not concerned.
Workplace safety
FirstNet is a nationwide wireless network dedicated to public safety that provides prioritized communications to first responders. The network also pinpoints the floor and location (to within 50 feet) of 911 callers. The accuracy of FirstNet is dependent on cellular signal strength within the building. Have you and your facilities management included FirstNet coverage in your enterprise workplace safety and emergency planning?
In most enterprises, one person owns the contract with the local wireless provider that supplies mobile phones, tablets, and other devices to employees for use on their network. Many times, however, that person’s responsibility ends with the device contract, leaving no one responsible for indoor enterprise coverage or capacity improvements, beyond switching carriers. If cellular service is strategic to your business model, who is responsible for ensuring that the cellular coverage matches your needs at your facilities/locations?
Responsibility for cellular
With wireless carriers preparing to build out their 5G networks, money that they were spending to augment cellular service in public venues and large facilities has, for the most part, been reallocated to 5G projects. Is your carrier planning to deploy equipment to provide the service you need today?
Carrier support
Yes, strategic
No, not an issue
Have you implemented or are you considering a universal wireless model (LTE + Wi-Fi) to provide native connectivity to both mobile devices and laptops/tablets?
Next Steps
To learn about how cellular coverage can be strategic for your building, click here to take our next quiz.
Based on your answers, your building may have a cellular issue. We can help. Enter your email for a copy of our paper titled “When Mobile Meets Enterprise.”
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