Resiliency case study: Rockaway beach
The problem
Rockaway Beach was practically washed away during Hurricane Sandy. The wooden boardwalks were destroyed, much of the beach was eroded, and floodwaters surged over the peninsula, submerging homes and retail locations.
The solution
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Atlantic Shorefront Resiliency Project involves building 19 stone groin structures to stabilize the beach. The plan includes a barrier wall near the boardwalk and another wall of giant boulders. The walls will be covered with sand and vegetation.
Build a barrier wall
Cover with sand and local vegetation
Place rocks in front of wall
The impact
These measures are expected to protect the Rockaways from devastating storm surges while allowing residents, surfers and beach-goers to continue to enjoy the revitalized area.
Photos by Buck Enniis
Upper Bay
Rockaway Beach