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Grant Audit
Key Donors
US Government Auditing
Good Financial Grants Practice
Other Assurance
Key donors we have experience working with:
Arts Council England
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Department for Education
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
US Government Auditing
We have significant knowledge of US Government funding requirements. Our grant specialist team are GAGAS trained, and regularly attend courses on government auditing to maintain their required accreditation. Following USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG), the Federal oversight visit to our offices and their quality control review, we became the first UK firm to have our 'conditional' status upgraded to 'regular' approval status. Our experience includes audits of funds received from USAID, US State Department, US Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Institute of Peace, Title IV Loan Schemes and others.
Compliance advisory
We provide training delivered by experts on areas including; compliance with grant conditions from specific funders, meeting value for money requirements and the wider governance and management issues facing both grant makers and grant recipients. We can advise on systems and processes for your organisation as it obtains diverse funding streams, and review your policies and procedures against donor requirements e.g. ECHO FPA assessments.
Compliance advisory
Grantee due diligence
Innovate UK
Swiss Development Cooperation
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish Postcode Lottery
US Government
Most auditors carry out funder audits but we have real, demonstrable expertise in this area which is unsurpassed by our competitors. Our reputation with funders and bilateral agencies worldwide extends beyond auditing and we are often consulted by them on good practice. We have worked with the African Academy of Sciences to develop the Good Financial Grants Practice. The mission of the GFGP programme was to develop a new and integrated system for the financial governance of grant funds awarded to grantees. This was a new and innovative standard for best practice in the management of funds designed to standardise, simplify and strengthen the governance of grant funding. We are one of two global certifying bodies for Good Financial Grant Practice Standard.
Good Financial Grants Practice
One of our grant assurance team’s key areas of expertise is in the wider perspectives on due diligence when organisations are granting funds. We have assisted a range of organisations by carrying out due diligence processes for them or advising on how to improve their due diligence procedures. We can utilise our firm’s global presence and reach across borders to have an on the ground due diligence assessment.
Grant due diligence
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Grant Audit
Other Assurance
As part of the annual reporting and ISRS4400(Revised) engagement is required to be performed regarding financial information in line with the Housing Benefit (Subsidy) Assurance Process.
Housing Benefit Audits
Covenants can form a part of a loan agreement, these sometimes require an auditor to verify compliance with the covenant.
Loan covenant audits
There is an annual Compliance Audit programme for those that receive Homes England funding and other funding from the UK public sector.
Homes England and other development grants compliance checklists/audits
Residential and Commercial – We over a dedicated team to ensure your service charge audit needs are met. The audit provide a report on the annual statement of service charge income and expenditure.
Service Charges
Housing Benefit Audits
Loan Covenant Audits
Homes England
Services Charges
We are also able to create bespoke agreed upon procedures engagements for specific needs.
Agreed upon procedure engagements
The End of Year Certificate is completed on an annual basis for the year ended 31 March. These need to be audited by the last working day in September for Non Local Authority establishments and by the last working day in November for Local Authorities.
Teachers’ Pension EOYC
Turnover related rent is based on a percentage of a tenant’s turnover at the property being rented. These are usually required to be audited by an independent accountant.
Turnover related rent
Society lotteries are lotteries promoted for the benefit of a non-commercial society e.g. for charitable purposes, for the purposes of enabling participation in, or of supporting, sport, athletics or cultural activity or for any other non-commercial purpose other than private gain. Where cumulative lotteries promoted by a society or local authority exceed £1,000,000 in a calendar year, then an organisation must submit a report by an independent auditor that the proceeds have been fully accounted for in the annual audited accounts, within 10 months of the end of the period to which the accounts relate.
Gambling Commission
Organisations undertaking street collections where there is a representation that part of the proceeds are to be applied for charitable purposes need to provide the relevant licensing office with an audit account of the collection
Street Collections
Organisations holding a NEO must submit annually audited accounts on their house-to-house collections, using the appropriate form of account based on the collection types. These, except for Form for nil returns, has to be signed by an independent auditor and is something we have experience completing.
National Exemption Order
Agreed upon procedure engagements
Teachers’ Pension EOYC
Turnover related rent
Gambling Commission
Street Collections
National Exemption Order
Explore our services
Grant Audit
Services Charges
Homes England
Loan Covenant Audits
Other Assurance
Service Charges
Residential and Commercial – We have a dedicated team to ensure your service charge audit needs are met. The audit provide a report on the annual statement of service charge income and expenditure.
Homes England and other development grants compliance checklists/audits
There is an annual Compliance Audit programme for those that receive Homes England funding and other funding from the UK public sector.
Housing Benefit Audits
Covenants can form a part of a loan agreement, these sometimes require an auditor to verify compliance with the covenant.
Loan covenant audits
As part of the annual reporting and ISRS4400(Revised) engagement is required to be performed regarding financial information in line with the Housing Benefit (Subsidy) Assurance Process.
Housing Benefit Audits
Grant Audit
Other Assurance
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Explore our services
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Explore our services
Grant Audit
National Exemption Order
Street Collections
Turnover related rent
Other Assurance
National Exemption Order
Organisations holding a NEO must submit annually audited accounts on their house-to-house collections using the appropriate form of account based on the collection types. Except for Form for nil returns, an independent auditor is required.
Street Collections
Organisations undertaking street collections where there is a representation that part of the proceeds are to be applied for charitable purposes, need to provide the relevant licensing office with an audit account of the collection.
Teachers’ Pension EOYC
Society lotteries are promoted for the benefit of a non-commercial society e.g. for charitable purposes. Where cumulative lotteries exceed £1,000,000 in a calendar year, an organisation must submit a report by an independent auditor.
Gambling Commission
Turnover related rent is based on a percentage of a tenant’s turnover at the property being rented. These are usually required to be audited by an independent accountant.
Turnover related rent
Gambling Commission
Agreed upon procedure engagements
The End of Year Certificate is completed on an annual basis for the year ended 31 March. They should be audited by the last working day in September for Non Local Authority establishments and by the last working day in November for Local Authorities.
Teachers’ Pension EOYC
We are also able to create bespoke agreed upon procedures engagements to meet the specific needs.
Agreed upon procedure engagements
Other Assurance
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