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What’s the best thing about Crowe Financial Planning?
Our independence. As an independent financial advice firm, we can, with confidence give advice and recommendations to clients, without biases or hidden incentives.
Tell me about your role?
As Trainee Client Support Administrator, it is my role to process any post or emails that come in, and relay them onto the relevant members of the team. Along with assisting with corporate clients/schemes and informing providers of changes for mutual clients.
What is important to me when delivering client service?
Team coordination and communication. This helps us get things done quickly and properly, and enables us to have very quick turnaround times on tasks.
My favourite film.
Godzilla 1954, knowing little details on how that movie was made has made me appreciate it more. The Godzilla suits had a skeleton made of bamboo, as the light plastic used in later films had not yet been invented.
What matters to you most in three words?
Humour: A laugh will always make a rough day better.
Patience: Not everything can be rushed, sometimes it takes as long as it takes.
Hobbies: It’s important to have other activities beside the day to day routine that you enjoy.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
How well the team works together. Our team works very hard and I have a lot of respect for them. It’s overused but team work certainly makes the dream work.
Godzilla 1954, knowing little details on how that movie was made has made me appreciate it more. The Godzilla suits had a skeleton made of bamboo, as the light plastic used in later films had not yet been invented.
My favourite
Humour: A laugh will always make a rough day better.
Patience: Not everything can be rushed, sometimes it takes as long as it takes.
Hobbies: It’s important to have other activities beside the day to day routine that you enjoy.
What matters to you
most in three words?
How well the team works together. Our team works very hard and I have a lot of respect for them. It’s overused but team work certainly makes the dream work.
What do you enjoy most
about your role?
Team coordination and communication. This helps us get things done quickly and properly, and enables us to have very quick turnaround times on tasks.
What is important to me when delivering client service?
As Trainee Client Support Administrator, it is my role to process any post or emails that come in, and relay them onto the relevant members of the team. Along with assisting with corporate clients/schemes and informing providers of changes for mutual clients.
Tell me about
your role?
Our independence. As an independent financial advice firm, we can, with confidence give advice and recommendations to clients, without biases or hidden incentives.
What’s the best thing about Crowe Financial Planning?
Get in touch