Tackle the topics prospects take interest in.
Show & Sell makes it easy to plan, schedule and stage successful seminars on big issues like retirement, Medicare, Social Security, and investment diversification.
Let’s get started
For advisors, it remains perhaps the best method for attracting and scheduling appointments with qualified prospects.
When it comes to building your business, no other solution is as fast or as reliable, time after time. Seminars, whether held in-person or virtually:
Source: 1. Keller Center Research Report, Baylor University, “Maximizing the Benefits of Customer Referrals,” December 2019; Summarized from research by Christophe Van den Bulte, Emanuel Bayer, Bernd Skiera, and Philipp Schmitt (2018), “How Customer Referral Programs Turn Social Capital into Economic Capital,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55(1), 132-146.
Establish relationships
Why seminar marketing works.
Program overview
Next: Planning Guide
Build your professional reputation
Help in closing more business by providing you with some important benefits
Seminar benefits
Seminars provide an opportunity for potential new clients to meet you in person, size you up and lay the groundwork for a relationship.
Provide you with a proven way to attract quality clients
Establish authority
By educating prospects about their retirement and other topics, and providing strategies, you position yourself as the expert. In the process, you lower prospects’ defensive barriers, making it more likely they’ll take advantage of services you have to offer.
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist and timeline
Review and follow-up
Next steps
Your wholesaler is experienced at seminar program development and can assist you with each of these steps.
Set your seminar success strategy.
Planning guide
Set your objective
Identify your audience
Select a topic
Decide your format
Schedule your seminar
Promote your seminar
Promote your seminar
Choose a date, time and, if the event is in-person, a location that will maximize your attendance.
Schedule your seminar
Decide your format
Select a topic
Identify your audience
What are your primary and secondary goals for conducting this seminar?
Set your objective
Summarize your seminar costs
Register and track
Next: Checklist and timeline
Here’s everything you need to do in the two months leading up to your seminar.
Stay on track from planning to presentation.
Checklist & timeline
Week 1
Week 2
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Conduct follow-up confirmations with each attendee by phone
Create name tags for confirmed attendees of an in-person event
Rehearse the presentation
Review and complete your Planning Guide
Select seminar topic
If in-person, select and reserve seminar venue
Identify seminar goal
Select seminar date
Identify target audience
Decide if event is virtual or in-person
For an in-person event: Review and confirm venue details such as building access, parking, menu selections, seating and presentation equipment
For a virtual event: Test software platform and ensure there are no technology issues
Review RSVPs and attendance
Week 4
Week 1
Week 2
Review the seminar content and presentation
Week 5
Review the seminar content and presentation
Put together guest list and send invitations
Week 6
Put together guest list and send invitations
Week 7
Week 8
During the presentation
Use a powerful opening—grab the audience’s attention
Present the content using good body language and public speaking skills
Keep the audience engaged through questions and stories
Use visual aids and props
Introduce yourself and build a strong first impression of your credibility.
Focus on what’s in it for the participants
Be different and memorable
Use good eye contact, but don’t stare
Be mindful of your facial expressions
Remember to:
Don’t speak too fast
End with a call to action and encourage attendees to book an appointment
Have attendees complete the seminar evaluation form
Click on timeline to see details
For an in-person event
For a virtual event
Customer situations
Every step of the way, count on your wholesaler for experienced guidance that will help you stay on schedule and check items off your to-do list faster.
On the day of the event, dress professionally and have your appointment book handy.
For an in-person event
Arrive 1 to 2 hours early
Set up the room and test presentation technology
(laptop, projector, screen)
Ensure food or snacks are ready
Have workbooks, pens and evaluation forms ready for distribution
Prepare sign-in sheet and lay out name tags
Greet your guests
For a virtual event
Log in to the webinar platform in plenty of time to test technology connections and audio
Greet your guests as they log in to the call
Verify they can see and hear you clearly before starting
Go over the agenda for the call and how and when they can ask questions Introduce guest speakers
Next: Tools & templates
We offer a variety of customizable marketing materials, available in both hard copy and digital, and designed to help you successfully promote and put on your event.
Ways to get the word out.
Tools & templates
Set your objective
Identify your audience
Select a topic
Decide your format
Schedule your seminar
Promote your seminar
Summarize your seminar costs
Register and track
Be clear about the benefit
• Tie your recommendation to a specific
customer need or goal. Be careful not
to mention products, rates or returns.
• “I recommend that you speak with
(name of advisor). He/she is the financial
advisor supporting our branch and has
helped a lot of people in your situation.”
• “He/she can show you ways to save for
retirement. Let me introduce you through
email (or in-person if they are in the
branch). He/she is in the branch today.”
• “I think you should meet with (name of
advisor). He/she is the financial advisor
supporting our branch.”
• “I recommend”
• “You should meet with”
• “Let me introduce you to”
Start with an affirmative statement recommending your financial advisor. Use positive and proactive phrases such as:
Be affirmative about the referral
Provide a strategy
Express a concern
• Restating the referral cue you observed
or heard that creates a reason for the
member to take action.
• Bring in an experienced professional
to discuss options.
• Empathize and offer to help.
• American Funds
• BlackRock
• Edward Jones
• Vanguard
• Franklin Templeton
• Fidelity
• Ameriprise
• Merrill Lynch
• T. Rowe Price
• Nationwide
• Schwab
• Putnam
• Morgan Stanley
• The Principal
• JP Morgan
When customers are moving money, it will often happen through checks from other investment firms, such as:
Look for these names
• Big deposits or withdrawals
• Cashier’s checks
• Signature guarantee
• Rollovers from pension plans, IRAs,
401(k)s or 403(b)s
• Rate-shopping questions
These are activities that may signal life events or that customers are looking for help making decisions:
Be alert for transactions
• Estate, income or retirement planning
• Annuities or mutual funds
• IRAs, 401(k), pension plans or rollovers
• Investing, stocks, bonds, municipal bonds
• Capital gains, dividends, taxes
Investment activity references and product terms:
Notice keywords
Next: Review & Follow-Up
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Unless otherwise noted, these compliance-approved marketing materials are provided in Word format for you to customize and print locally.
Flyer or poster
Postcard invite
Rep email
Web banners
Evaluation form
Registration confirmation email
Thank you for attending email
Educational tools that help build your business.
Seminars can be an effective way to reach clients and prospects, introducing them to your services and generating qualified appointments. We can help you plan, organize and deliver your next seminar.
Investment strategies
Investment strategies
Seminars can be an effective way to reach clients and prospects, introducing them to your servicesand generating qualified appointments. We can help you plan, organize and deliver your next seminar.
Social Security and Your Retirement
The Road to Retirement
Understanding Medicare
Income for Life
Three Transitions to Retirement
Take the mystery out of investing. These seminars present you as the expert you are, offering easy-to-understand information and advice on helping clients make the most of their money.
Women and Investing
Rethinking Diversification
How to Weather a Bear Market
The Return of Conservative Investing
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist and timeline
Review and follow-up
Next steps
Keep the conversation going with attendees.
The day after.
Review & follow-up
Looking ahead
Looking ahead
Personalized thank you notes. (Optional)
Seminar evaluations and note areas of improvement for next time.
Connect with your wholesaler, continue to monitor engagement with seminar attendees, and track increased business opportunities.
Consider what you would do differently next time and start planning your next event.
Have any questions?
Next steps
Contact Your Wholesaler
877.345.GROW (4769) | cmannuities.com
CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Annuities are issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company (CMFG Life) and MEMBERS Life Insurance Company (MEMBERS Life) and distributed by their affiliate, CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, IA 50677. CMFG Life and MEMBERS Life are stock insurance companies. MEMBERS® is a registered trademark of CMFG Life. Investment and insurance products are not federally insured, may involve investment risk, may lose value and are not obligations of or guaranteed by any depository or lending institution. All contracts and forms may vary by state and may not be available in all states or through all broker/dealers.
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Market efficiently
By allowing you to communicate with many prospects at the same time, seminar marketing is far more efficient than meeting with prospects singularly.
Attract qualified prospects
By targeting prospects with a high potential value to your business, seminars allow you to allot your time, energy and marketing budget wisely.
Expand existing relationships
Inviting existing clients, as well as their friends and family, to learn more about topics of interest deepens relationships and expands wallet share.
Register and track
Summarize your seminar costs
Determine whether this seminar will be a live face-to-face experience or delivered virtually through a webinar experience.
After hours or evenings should include meal considerations.
Restaurant, on-site meeting room or other meeting location.
Check calendars to ensure there are no potential conflicts with major community or company events.
After hours or evenings should include meal considerations.
Check calendars to ensure there are no potential conflicts with major community or company events.
Refer to our Show and Sell seminar library for a wide selection of topics.
Base the topic selection on the audience you seek to engage.
Your wholesaler can provide background on each and help you with the selection.
Will you be inviting prospects, clients or a mix of both? Expanding the invitees to include centers of influence and other referral sources?
Do you have access to prospect lists within your organization?
Will you segment them by age, demographic or presumed investable assets?
Determine if direct mail invitations, phone calls or email invitations are most appropriate.
Let your internal audience know. Inform your co-workers and referral sources.
Itemize the full cost of associated expenses—planning, promoting and presenting the event.
Have a budget in mind and stick to it.
Identify a procedure to handle RSVPs and how you will track attendees for follow-up communication and appointments. How will you measure success?
The attendees who indicated that they were interested in an appointment. Thank them for coming and find out when they’d like to come in for a meeting.
The no-shows. Tell them the seminar materials are available to them and they can still come in for a complimentary appointment if desired.
The attendees who made an appointment with you already. Thank them for coming and confirm the appointment.
Tools & templates
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Let’s get started
Next: Planning Guide
Next: Checklist and timeline
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Next: Review and follow-up
Next: Tools & templates
Week 1
Week 2
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Put together guest list and send invitations
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Program overview
Planning guide
Checklist & timeline
Tools & templates
Review & follow-up
Next steps
Understanding Your Rollover Options
Understanding Your Rollover Options
Investment strategies
Investment strategies