Marking up your PDF amends
A How-to Guide
A How-to Guide
Time saving for all
Trackable version control
Clear editable instructions
Greatly reduces the risk of error
Sustainability: no printing
Avoids conflicting comments
Easily and accurately capture all team’s comments
Marking up a PDF in Adobe Acrobat allows us to process your comments quickly and efficiently in the design file.
The Benefits
Handwritten notes can be difficult to decipher and time consuming.
The 'Comment' tools help to mark up the document so we can see what needs to be changed.
The tools
Allows users to insert comments. For example: “Please make these dots bigger”.
‘Sticky note’ Tool
When writing amends please ensure they are clear and understandable.
Mark up your document
The process
Select the tools to find out more.
Allows users to delete highlighted text.
‘Strikethrough’ Tool
Allows users to replace highlighted text.
‘Replace’ Tool
Allows users to insert text at the cursor position.
‘Insert’ Tool
Click here
If more than one person is feeding back comments we recommend either;
1. each person takes it in turn to review and mark up the PDF or,
2. one person collates and marks up everyone’s comments into a document.
Allows users to apply comments to highlighted text. For example: “Please make this text bold”.
‘Highlight’ Tool
Select the tools to find out more.
Select the tools to find out more.
Select the tools to find out more.
Select the tools to find out more.