9 AM – 6 PM ET Monday – Friday
If you need assistance with scheduling an appointment, please dial: 877-751-8219
1 Benefit Details 2 Health Savings Account 3 Flexible Spending Account 4 Dental Insurance 5 Vision Insurance 6 Medical Insurance 7 Disability Insurance 8 Life Insurance 9 Critical Illness Insurance 10 Group Accident Insurance 11 Transparency & Advocacy 12 Important Contacts & Resources
Employees may begin scheduling appointments on Monday, May 22nd.
Your benefits enrollment will be May 30 - June 2, 2017.
Table of Contents
Who Is Eligible to participate in the NHMS Benefits program?
When Is My Coverage Effective?
The effective date of your benefits elections is January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017.
Changing Coverage
For most of these benefits, you may change your coverage during the year only when you experience a qualifying event, such as marriage, divorce, birth, death, adoption, placement for adoption or loss of coverage. You have 31 days to report the change to your HR Department. The change must also be consistent with the event. For example, if your dependent child no longer meets eligibility requirements, you can drop coverage only for that dependent.
Action Required by Benefits-eligible employees:
All benefits-eligible employees are required to meet with a Benefits Educator to elect or waive benefits for the 2017 benefits plan year. These are non-commissioned Benefits Educators who are trained to respect confidentiality and will not disclose any of your confidential information.
How to Enroll?
• All active, regular full-time employees • All active, regular part-time employees who have completed one year of service and 1,000 hours of service • All active PRN/flex employees who have completed one year of service and 1560 hours of service during the ACA look-back period Eligible employees may also enroll their legal spouse and/or dependent children. A dependent child may be the natural child, stepchild, legally adopted child, foster child or other child for whom the employee has permanent legal custody. If you have specific questions about your work hours and eligibility, please contact your Human Resources (HR) Department.
NMHS is pleased to provide our employees with the benefits enrollment services of DirectPath, LLC. It is mandatory that you speak with one of the knowledgeable, trained Benefits Educator who will assist you in completing the enrollment process. The Benefits Educator will serve to answer your questions and help you choose the benefit options that best meet your needs. The Benefits Educator will contact you directly by phone at the time of your appointment or you will visit the Educator onsite, face-to-face at your designated location. Come prepared with questions you may have for the Benefits Educator. Also, bring to your meeting the following: • Any dependent and beneficiary information (Social Security Number and Date of Birth) • Address/contact information for dependents not residing with you • Marriage/Birth certificates if adding new dependents to the benefit plans This data is required to complete your mandatory benefits enrollment.
Open Enrollment is your opportunity to review your benefits coverage and make choices for the upcoming plan year. It is mandatory that all benefit eligible employees participate in the process, even if planning to waive coverages. Please take the time to explore and review the details about your benefits plans carefully, as there are a number of important updates this year.
During Benefits Enrollment you will have the annual opportunity to elect to participate in a variety of available insurance plans.
Your Benefit Details
The effective date of your benefits elections is July 1, 2017, with the exception of Vision, which is effective August 1, 2017. Please read the information on this site carefully and consider each product offering. The DirectPath benefits program will allow you to protect your income, health and family in times of need.
When is My Coverage Effective?
This year Benefits Educators will be available onsite for Milwaukee employees and via phone for all other employees through the Benefits Service Center to speak one-on-one with each eligible employee. This will be your only opportunity to enroll in the benefits program for the July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 plan year. You may schedule your appointment online. If you schedule an onsite appointment, you will meet with the Benefits Educator face-to-face during your designated appointment time. If you schedule a phone appointment, a Benefits Educator will call you within 15 minutes of your selected appointment time. All eligible employees are required to meet with a Benefits Educator to guarantee, waive or change benefits for July 1, 2017 -- June 30, 2018.
When and How Do I Enroll?
Outside of our open enrollment period, you may change your coverage during the year only when you experience a qualifying event, such as marriage, divorce, birth, death, adoption, placement for adoption, or loss of coverage. The change must be made within 31 days of the event. The change must also be consistent with the event. For example, if your dependent child no longer meets eligibility requirements, you can drop coverage only for that dependent.
Changing Coverage During the Year
All full-time employees working at least 30 hours each week are eligible to participate in the DirectPath benefits program. Eligible employees may also enroll their legal spouse and/or dependent children. A dependent child may be the natural child, stepchild, legally adopted child, foster child, or other child for whom the employee has permanent legal custody. An eligible child may participate in the medical/prescription drug, dental and vision benefits under the plan until age 26. For Life and Critical Illness Insurance, children may participate up to age 19, or to 26 if they are a full-time student.
Who Is Eligible?
Eligible dependents for Medical, Dental and Vision coverage include: • Your legal spouse. Keep reading for specific restrictions on eligibility requirements for employed spouses. • Children up to age 26. Includes birth children, stepchildren, legally adopted children, children placed for adoption, foster children, and children for whom legal guardianship has been awarded to you or your spouse. • Dependent children, regardless of age, provided he or she is incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical disability, is fully dependent on you for support as indicated on your federal tax return, and is approved by your Medical Plan to continue coverage past age 26. If both you and your spouse are employed by Ensemble or any affiliate, only one of you may cover your eligible child(ren).
Who Can Be Covered Under Your Plan
If your spouse is eligible under another employer’s medical plan at a cost of $180 each month or less for individual coverage for the lowest-cost plan option, your spouse must enroll in primary coverage through his/her employer to be eligible for secondary coverage under the Ensemble Medical Plan. Standard Coordination of Benefits rules would apply. You will be asked to verify that your spouse does not have other medical coverage.
Additional Eligibility Requirement for Spouse
If you receive a bill from your doctor or if you are paying for a prescription, you can pay from your HSA using your HSA debit card or checks provided by your bank.
How do I pay with an HSA?
Yes, as long as the service is a qualified expense. You can take money out of your HSA to pay yourself back with no penalty.
If I paid a health care bill with my credit card, can I pay myself back from my HSA?
Click the buttons below for more information
DirectPath is pleased to announce our employee benefits program, which is designed to help you stay healthy, feel secure, and maintain a work/life balance. Offering a competitive benefits package is just one way we strive to provide our employees with a rewarding workplace. Please read the information provided on this site carefully, and choose the coverage that is best for you and your family.
The funds contributed to your HSA account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit, and withdrawals from the account to pay qualified medical expenses, including dental and vision, are federal tax exempt. Money left in the savings account may earn interest and is yours to keep. Unlike a health flexible spending account (FSA), HSA funds may roll over and accumulate year to year if not spent. The HSA is owned by the participant and is fully portable.
What Is A Health Savings Account?
• HSA funds can be used to pay your annual deductible, coinsurance, and any other qualified medical expenses not covered by your health insurance plan. • HSAs function similar to a 401(k) or IRA. However, withdrawals from an HSA for qualified medical expenses are not taxed, regardless of your age. • Funds placed in an HSA, as well as the interest which accrues, may continue to grow without federal taxation over the years. • Unused funds in an HSA roll over from year to year. • Funds in an HSA pass along to a surviving spouse or other beneficiary upon death.
What's So Great About An HSA?
You can contribute to an HSA if you: • Are 18 or older; • Have coverage under an HSA-qualified HDHP; • Have no other first-dollar medical coverage, which means no other comprehensive major medical insurance policy, a health flexible spending account (Health FSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) – unless this coverage is limited to benefits not covered by your health plan. Other types of insurance like specific injury insurance or accident, disability, dental care, vision care, or long- term care insurance are permitted; • Are not enrolled in Medicare; and • Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
Who Can Have An HSA?
Your HSA funds can be used tax free to pay for out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses, even if the expenses are not covered by your HDHP. This includes expenses incurred by your spouse or dependents. All of these expenses may be paid for with distributions from your HSA, free from federal income tax or state income tax (for most states). Examples of non-qualified expenses include: health club dues, teeth whitening, nutritional supplements, cosmetic surgery, hair removal/hair transplants, and diet foods. HSA funds used to pay for non-qualified medical expenses are subject to a penalty fee and tax. Refer to IRS Publication 502 at www.irs.gov for a more complete list of qualified and non-qualified medical expenses.
What Does My HSA Cover?
If you enroll in the HDHP and HSA, DirectPath will contribute the below amounts to your account annually. The first half will be deposited on 7/1/17 and the second half on 1/1/18. For those hired between these dates, the amount will be prorated.
Employer Contribution
Contribution limitations are set annually by the IRS. Additionally, if you are age 55 or older, the IRS allows an additional $1,000 per individual catch-up contribution. These limitations are adjusted for inflation, and thus, may fluctuate from year to year. You can make contributions to your HSA each year that you are eligible. When you become enrolled in Medicare, contributions to your HSA must cease. However, funds in your HSA can continue to be used for qualified medical expenses tax-free.
Contribution Limit
A limited-purpose flexible spending account will also be available to those who are enrolled in the HDHP. This FSA may be used for qualified out-of-pocket expenses for dental and/or vision care provided to you, your spouse, or dependent(s). By limiting FSA reimbursements to dental and vision care expenses, you (or your dependents) remain eligible to participate in both a limited-purpose FSA and an HSA. Participating in both plans allows you to maximize your savings and tax benefits. Typical eligible expenses include dental cleanings, fillings, crowns, orthodontics, contact lenses, eye glasses, refractions, and vision correction procedures. The maximum yearly contribution is $2,600.
Limited Purpose FSA
Combined with the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) you will have the option to enroll in a Health Savings Account (HSA). This savings account allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for your current healthcare needs or to save for your future health needs. Click the buttons below for more information about your HSA options.
Health Savings Account
Flexible Spending Account
• Choose a specific amount of money to contribute each pay period, pre-tax, to one or both accounts during the year. DirectPath has 24 pay periods per year. • The amount is automatically deducted from your pay at the same level each pay period. • As you incur eligible expenses, you may use your flexible spending debit card to pay at the point of service or submit the appropriate paperwork to be reimbursed by the plan.
How An FSA Works
• The IRS has a strict “use it or lose it” rule. If you do not use the full amount in your FSA by September 15, 2018, you will lose any remaining funds from the previous election year. You will have until September 15, 2018, to submit claims for expenses incurred prior to June 30, 2018. • Once you enroll in the FSA, you cannot change your contribution amount during the year unless you experience a qualifying life event. • You cannot transfer funds from one FSA to another. • If you elect the HDHP with an HSA, you are not eligible to enroll in the Health Care FSA; however, you can enroll in the Dependent Care FSA.
Important Rules to Keep In Mind
The health care flexible spending account may be used for any qualified health, dental, and vision expenses not reimbursed by any other benefits plan. These expenses include deductibles, copays, coinsurance, dental services, eyeglasses, contact lenses, Lasik eye surgery, orthodontics for adults and children, hearing aids, chiropractor, some diabetic supplies, medical equipment, and other out-of-pocket costs not covered by our health, dental, or vision plan.
Health Care FSA
The dependent care account may be used to pay for qualified dependent care expenses for dependents up to age 13. Qualifying expenses include daycare fees, before school and after-school care, and local day camp. If you are married, your spouse must either be employed or a full-time student in order to use a dependent care flexible spending account. Under IRS guidelines, you can only be reimbursed for dependent care that has already taken place. Also, you can only be reimbursed for the amount you have already contributed.
Dependent Care FSA
FSA Example
Maximum Annual Election
Please plan your FSA contributions carefully. Re-enrollment is required each year.
How an FSA Works
DirectPath offers participation in a Flexible Spending Account for medical care expenses through Anderson, Williams, McKinnis & Co., Inc. (AWM). The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover qualified expenses you would normally pay out of your pocket with post-tax dollars. The plan is comprised of a health care spending account and a dependent care account. You pay no federal or state income taxes on the money you place in an FSA.
Find in-network providers and manage benefits online with AlwaysAssist.com and on-the-go with the AlwaysAssist mobile app.
Dental Overview
Dental Rates
Dental Insurance
of adults ages 20-64 have dental cavities.
DirectPath's dental coverage is through Unum. This benefit provides comprehensive dental coverage for items such as cleanings, fillings, crowns and other related dental services. Click the icons below for a brief description of the plan available to you.
New Carrier!
Make sure you invest in a plan that is designed to provide you and your family with coverage for items such as cleanings, fillings, crowns and other related dental services.
Laser Vision Correction Average 15% off the regular price or 5% off the promotional price; discounts only available from contracted facilities. After surgery, use your frame allowance (if eligible) for sunglasses from any VSP doctor.
Retinal Screening Guaranteed pricing on retinal screening as an enhancement to your Vision Exam.
Glasses & Sunglasses 30% off additional glasses and sunglasses, including lens options, from the same VSP doctor on the same day as your Vision Exam. Or get 20% off from any VSP doctor within 12 months of your last Vision Exam.
and discounts
Extra Savings
This vision benefits program has an extensive network of providers. For a complete listing of network providers and for more details on your vision benefit and for exclusive savings and promotions for VSP members., please visit vsp.com or call 800.877.7195.
Vision Insurance
All the more reason to have vision coverage for you and your family.
DirectPath offers a comprehensive package of vision benefits designed to promote good eye health through Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan year begins August 1, 2017. Click the icons below for a brief description of the plan.
of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured.
Vision Overview
Vision Rates
Prescription Drug Plan Overview
To locate a participating pharmacy or to view the prescription drug list, please visit www.AlabamaBlue.com.
When you enroll in one of the medical plans, you automatically receive prescription drug coverage through BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama. Copayment amounts vary depending on the prescription drug tier — generic, preferred brand or non-preferred brand.
The new HDHP is ideal for employees with a relatively healthy lifestyle or those who want more control over their healthcare expenditures. While the HDHP has a higher annual deductible than the more traditional PPO, the annual premiums for the HDHP are lower. An HDHP is paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA) to help fund your out-of-pocket expenses. This money is yours to withdraw tax free, at any time, to help pay for your medical expenses. Please refer to the summary plan description for complete plan details.
Preferred Blue HDHP Medical Rates
Blue Access Medical Rates
To locate providers in-network, please visit www.AlabamaBlue.com. The contract prefix for both plans is PPA.
*Due to IRS rules, any non-single contract (family, EE+children, EE+spouse) has one deductible of $3,000, meaning that no benefits are paid until the entire $3,000 deductible is met, even if only one person has claims. The $1,500 single deductible is not embedded into the family deductible. However, no one individual will have to pay more than $5,000 for in-network services. The single limit for the Out-of-Pocket max is embedded into the family total.
Medical Rates
Prescription Overview
Medical Overview
In addition to the current PPO plan, you will have a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) option with a Health Savings Account (HSA). Deductibles will roll over for Milwaukee employees currently enrolled in Humana medical plans. Ask your Benefits Educator about newly expanded preventative services. Click the icons for the medical benefits overview and rate information.
Your health-related needs and considerations are unique to you. DirectPath is pleased to offer two medical plan options through BCBS.
Medical Insurance
Many employees don't understand what their medical insurance covers.
We’re here to help you understand your benefits and make the best choices for you.
DirectPath provides short-term income protection in the event you become unable to work due to a non-work related illness or injury. Short-term disability insurance through Liberty Mutual is provided at no cost to you. The short-term disability plan pays a percentage of your weekly base salary up to a maximum of $1,500 a week. You must fulfill the 7-day elimination period in order to receive disability benefits. Please see the summary plan description for complete plan details.
DirectPath also provides long-term disability coverage at no cost to you through Liberty Mutual. If you have an illness or injury that lasts longer than 90 days, this plan replaces 60% of your base monthly pay up to a monthly maximum of $12,500. It can help you pay your bills and protect your finances at a time when you have extra medical costs but don’t get a paycheck. LTD insurance does have limitations in the event of a pre-existing condition. This means that if you received medical treatment, consultation, care or services in the 3 months prior to the effective date of coverage, it will not be covered. This also applies if disability begins in the first 12 months after the effective date of the coverage.
Disability Insurance
If you suddenly didn’t receive a paycheck, how would you pay your bills?
Short-Term Disability (STD)
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
The unexpected could happen at anytime. Click the buttons below for more details about your disability insurance options.
Click here to watch a short video about this benefit
Life insurance can protect your survivors from financial difficulty in the event of your death. AD&D insurance can provide assistance if you suffer accidental dismemberment or death resulting from an accident. Your basic life insurance benefit amount is one times your base salary, up to $200,000, and your AD&D benefit amount is equal to your life amount. Please see the summary plan description for complete plan details.
DirectPath also offers the opportunity to purchase optional Life Insurance, that provides term life insurance at affordable group rates. It can help further protect your loved ones if you die during your working years. Amounts of insurance are available in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000 and a minimum of $10,000, not to exceed 5 times base earnings. The guaranteed issue amount is the lesser of 5 times base earnings or $70,000. An EOI is required for anything over guaranteed issue.
A fundamental element of any benefits package is life insurance which is designed to protect you and your loved ones from financial hardships related to an untimely death. NMHS provides you with $250,000 of Basic Life Insurance. This benefit is provided to you at no cost. When you are age 70 or older, your Basic Life Insurance benefit will reduce to 50% of the benefit at age 70. Spouses and dependents will receive $10,000 of coverage.
Basic Life for Physicians
A fundamental element of any benefits package is life insurance which is designed to protect you and your loved ones from financial hardships related to an untimely death. NMHS provides you with 1 times your annual compensation rounded to the next higher $1,000 up to $50,000 of Basic Life Insurance. This benefit is provided to you at no cost. When you are age 70 or older, your Basic Life Insurance benefit will reduce to 50% of the benefit at age 70. Spouses and dependents will receive $10,000 of coverage.
Basic Life for All Other Employees
Life Insurance
DirectPath provides Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance to all full-time employees through Unum. In addition to your employer-paid life insurance, you are eligible to purchase additional Term Life Insurance on a voluntary basis through Liberty Mutual.
Death is not the most popular topic, but it’s inevitable for us all. Preparing for that day is our responsibility.
One way is through providing financially for our loved ones. Life insurance offers that gift.
Basic Life and AD&D Insurance
Optional Life Insurance
Advantages of the Plan
• Coverage is available to eligible employees who are actively at work.** • You can buy coverage for your spouse ages 17 to 64 with purchase of employee coverage.1 Benefit amount is from $5,000 to $30,000 in $1,000 increments. • All eligible dependent children ages newborn until their 26th birthday, regardless of marital or student status, are automatically covered at 25% of the employee benefit amount at no additional cost. Eligible children are covered for the same conditions as the employee and the following specific childhood conditions: cerebral palsy, cleft lip or palate, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and spina bifida. Diagnosis must occur after the child’s coverage effective date. • You can use this coverage more than once. If you receive a full benefit payout for a covered illness, your coverage can be continued for the remaining covered conditions. The diagnosis of a new covered illness must occur at least 90 days after the most recent diagnosis. Each condition is payable once per lifetime. • You get affordable rates when you buy this coverage through your employer, and the premiums are conveniently deducted from your paycheck. • Coverage is portable. You may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire, without having to answer new health questions. Unum will bill you directly. • Coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month in which payroll deductions begin.
Benefit Options for an Additional Premium
Covered Conditions
What Is Covered
• Heart attack • Blindness • Major organ failure • End-stage renal (kidney) failure • Coronary artery bypass surgery (pays 25% of lump- sum benefit) • Benign brain tumor • Stroke (evidence of persistent neurological deficits confirmed at least 30 days after the event) • Coma (resulting from severe injury lasting 14 consecutive days or more) • Permanent paralysis (complete and permanent loss of the use of two or more limbs for a continuous 90 days as a result of a covered accident) • Cancer • Carcinoma in situ* (pays 25% of the lump-sum benefit)
Covered Conditions with Time Limitations
Additional Critical Illness coverage may also be purchased on a voluntary basis. Cancer coverage is also available. You choose a lump-sum benefit up to $45,000 that’s paid directly to you at the first diagnosis of a covered condition. You can use the benefit any way you choose.
• Cancer • Carcinoma in situ* (pays 25% of the lump-sum benefit)
• Heart attack • Blindness • Major organ failure • End-stage renal (kidney) failure • Coronary artery bypass surgery (pays 25% of lump-sum benefit) • Benign brain tumor
• Stroke (evidence of persistent neurological deficits confirmed at least 30 days after the event) • Coma (resulting from severe injury lasting 14 consecutive days or more) • Permanent paralysis (complete and permanent loss of the use of two or more limbs for a continuous 90 days as a result of a covered accident)
If you have not submitted your wellness claim this year, don’t miss out on your $75!
Be prepared to provide this information: • First and last name • Social Security Number • Name and date of the test • Physician’s name and/or the facility name where the test was performed
Request to submit a wellness claim
Call 1-800-635-5597 or visit www.unum.com and 'Register'. Then 'Start a Claim' and choose 'Wellness Benefit'.
to file your claim:
Follow these easy steps
• Blood test for triglycerides • Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy • CA 15-3 (blood test for breast cancer) • CA-125 (blood test for ovarian cancer) • CEA (blood test for colon cancer) • Carotid Doppler • Chest x-ray • Colonoscopy • Echocardiogram • Electrocardiogram • Fasting blood glucose test • Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) • Hemoglobin A1C(HbA1c) • Flexible sigmoidoscopy • Hemocult stool analysis • Mammography • Pap smear • PSA (blood test for prostate cancer) • Serum cholesterol test to determine HDL and LDL levels • Serum protein electrophoresis (blood test for myeloma) • Skin cancer biopsy • Stress test on a bicycle or treadmill • Thermography • Thin prep pap test • Two-hour post-load plasma glucose • Virtual colonoscopy
Earn $75 per calendar year for one of these health screening tests:
How To File A Claim
Covered Screening Tests
DirectPath provides employer-paid Critical Illness Insurance through Unum in the amount of $10,000 that can help protect your finances from the expense of a serious health problem, such as a stroke or heart attack. A wellness benefit is also included which will pay $75 per calendar year if a covered health screening test is performed. Click the icons below for a full list of covered tests along with how to file your claim.
Critical Illness Insurance
• Premiums are paid through convenient payroll deduction. • The coverage is portable, so you may take it with you if you leave your employer (with certain stipulations).
Who Is Covered?
Additional Features
• Employee • Employee’s spouse • Employee’s dependent children under age 26, regardless of student or marital status
Employer-Paid Critical Illness
Voluntary Group Critical Illness
Could your bank account survive a serious illness?
DirectPath provides Critical Illness Insurance through Unum that can help protect your finances from the expense of a serious health problem, such as a stroke or heart attack. Additional Critical Illness coverage may also be purchased on a voluntary basis. Click the buttons below for more details.
• Broken bones • Burns • Torn ligaments • Cuts repaired by stitches • Coma due to a covered injury • Eye injuries • Ruptured discs • Concussion • Emergency-room treatment • Outpatient surgery facility • Doctor office visit • Hospitalization • Occupational therapy • Speech therapy • Chiropractic visit • Physical therapy
Covered Injuries and Expenses
Unum’s Group Accident Insurance can pay lump-sum benefits based on the injury you receive and the treatment you need, including emergency-room care and related surgery. The benefit can help offset the out-of-pocket expenses that medical insurance does not pay, including deductibles and copays.
• Coverage is available to all eligible employees who are actively at work.* • You can buy coverage for your spouse and dependent children. • No health questions to answer. If you apply, you automatically receive the base plan. • This plan includes convenient payroll deduction, so you don’t have to remember to write a check for your premiums. • Coverage is portable. You may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire without having to answer new health questions. Unum will bill you directly. • Coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month in which payroll deductions begin. • Benefits are paid for accidents that occur on and off the job. • A Catastrophic Benefit is included with this plan. This pays an additional sum if a covered individual has a serious injury — such as loss of sight, hearing or a limb. Benefit amounts reduce after age 65.
over 750 Americans suffer an injury severe enough to seek medical help.
Every 10 minutes
• Coverage is available to all eligible employees who are actively at work. • You can buy coverage for your spouse and dependent children. • No health questions to answer. If you apply, you automatically receive the base plan. • This plan includes convenient payroll deduction, so you don’t have to remember to write a check for your premiums. • Coverage is portable. You may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire without having to answer new health questions. Unum will bill you directly. • Coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month in which payroll deductions begin. • Benefits are paid for accidents that occur on and off the job. • A Catastrophic Benefit is included with this plan. This pays an additional sum if covered individual has a serious injury — such as loss of sight, hearing or a limb. Benefit amounts reduce after age 65.
Group Accident Insurance
Click here for your Advocacy New Member Flyer!
Transparency & Advocacy
Click here for your Advocacy Guide!
You have a health care advocate for that!
Call 888-875-1929 Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM CT
DirectPath Advocates can help you navigate the health care system with medical, dental, and vision benefits, as well as FSA and HSA participation. Your Advocate becomes your first point of contact for all benefit-related questions and will educate you on the benefit programs offered through your employer to help you understand the programs best suited for you and your family!
Your DirectPath advocate can: • Answer questions about your benefits • Resolve claims and billing issues • Assist with referrals and prior authorization • Compare pricing for an upcoming procedure • Answer general questions about health care reform • Answer questions about open enrollment
resources & Contacts
Employee Assistance Program
Life & Disability Overview
Voluntary Benefits Wallet Card
Dental Mobile App
Dental Detail Overview
Dental Brief Overview
BCBS Prescription Drug Guide
BCBS HDHP Pharmacy Benefit
How to use your HSA card
Travel Assistance Flyer
Life Service Flyer
Accident Insurance Flyer
Advocacy New Member Flyer
Advocacy Guide Page
Voluntary Life Insurance Rates
Accident Insurance Schedule of Benefits
Critical Illness Insurance Flyer
BCBS Preferred Blue HDHP SBC
BCBS Preferred Blue HDHP SPD
BCBS Blue Access Merit PPO SBC
BCBS Blue Access Merit PPO SPD
For specific plan information, click the links below: