5 Key Impact Areas
RCCD is pursuing decarbonization through strategies like adopting renewable energy, constructing sustainable buildings, transitioning to electric fleets, and reducing single occupancy vehicle use to achieve net-zero emissions.
and Climate Justice
GOAL | Become a Net Zero Carbon Campus.
Defining Emissions
Scope 1
Carbon emissions are direct emissions from on-site fuel combustion.
Scope 2
Carbon emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy from a utility provider.
Scope 3
Allows for the treatment of other indirect emissions that are a consequence of the activities of RCCD, but occur from sources owned or controlled by another entity.
Zero Waste is defined as 90% diversion rate. To make this achievable, RCCD and it’s Colleges must reduce the amount of waste it generates, not solely just diversion.
Recyling + Compost
Landfill Waste
diversion rate
Equity Planning
Sustainability Planning
Social Sustainability
Mostly Environmental
Dual Advocacy Happens at the Intersection
Climate Justice
Access to Transportation
Providing Basic Needs
Personal Resiliency
and Climate Justice
Water and
Equity and
Social Justice
Waste Minimization
and Procurement
Click the icons to explore information
Resiliency is the capacity of individuals, communities, businesses and systems to survive, adapt and thrive no matter what type of potential acute and chronic climate and man-made impacts they experience. Across the five dimensions of resiliency, RCCD’s objective is to create the infrastructure necessary to support assessment and implementation of climate resilience measures.
GOAL | Create a more resilient institution in the context of climate change.
Social Equity and Governance
Ecosystem Services
Health and Wellness
5 Dimensions of Resilience
RCCD seeks to conserve water, improve the quality of stormwater run-off, implement stormwater best management practices, and preserve its immediate ecosystem through responsible ecological land management and rewilding undeveloped areas.
Water and Ecosystems
Low Water Use Plants
GOAL | Demonstrate stewardship for water and land management.
Waste Management at RCCD involves reducing the total waste volume through policies and procurement choices, emphasizing waste diversion from landfills. This encompasses various materials, including organics, recyclables, hazardous waste, durable goods, and construction waste.
Waste Minimization
and Procurement
GOAL | Achieve zero waste to landfill.
RCCD's sustainability approach emphasizes the interplay between people, the economy, and the environment for long-term prosperity and quality of life, giving equal importance to social sustainability. The goal is to enhance impact by breaking down silos and fostering a coordinated approach to sustainability across the campus community.
Equity and Social Justice
GOAL | Create campus communities where all members can succeed.
RCCD seeks to conserve water, improve the quality of stormwater run-off, implement stormwater best management practices, and preserve its immediate ecosystem through responsible ecological land management and rewilding undeveloped areas.
Water and Ecosystems
GOAL | Demonstrate stewardship for water and land management.
RCCD's sustainability approach emphasizes the interplay between people, the economy, and the environment for long-term prosperity and quality of life, giving equal importance to social sustainability.
Equity and Social Justice
GOAL | Create campus communities where all members can succeed.
Waste Management at RCCD involves reducing the total waste volume through policies and procurement choices, emphasizing waste diversion from landfills. This encompasses various materials, including organics, recyclables, hazardous waste, durable goods, and construction waste.
Waste Minimization
and Procurement
GOAL | Achieve zero waste to landfill.
Resiliency is the capacity of individuals, communities, businesses and systems to survive, adapt and thrive no matter what type of potential acute and chronic climate and man-made impacts they experience.
GOAL | Create a more resilient institution in the context of climate change.