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an Enhanced Instructional Toolbox

Students in Engaging Experiences

Students for 
the Future


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Ms. Tighe reminds students that it’s okay if they don’t know answers yet, because they are going to learn a lot throughout the lessons in this Spaceship Earth unit to help them explain the phenomenon and they'll have an opportunity to change or add to their first model. 

Engaging NGSS-Aligned Science Curriculum 


What's Next?

Opening up the World 
of Science to Students

See Mystery Science in Action

Ms. Tighe knows that not every student loves every subject, but she always works to engage her class by introducing surprising science topics that give students new ways to think about the world around them. 

Introduces New, Interesting Content to Students

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Click Through to See How to Set up a Social Studies Lesson for Students in Minutes. 

See an Educator 
Set up a Lesson

Save Time with an Enhanced Instructional Toolbox


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Fun Lessons 
and Activities


See How Students Engage During the Virtual Field Trip

Virtual Field Trips from Discovery Education partners, like Polar Bears International, connect students with new experiences beyond the classroom walls.  

Inspire Student Interest in New Ways 

Explore the Discovery Library

Easily find standards-aligned, cross-curricular content and activities that offer new perspectives from experts around the world. The curated content from Discovery Education Experience is the perfect place to set up engaging lessons and immersive experiences that get students excited to learn more.   

Immerse Students 
in Engaging Experiences 


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As students learn about new careers, they can link their prior knowledge to what they learned in the video. And, as a result, they connect what they’ve seen to what they already know about themselves and the world around them.   

Enrich Learning  


See support resources

A Connection Between Classroom & Career

Explore STEM Careers Coalition

Connect with students, cultivate curiosity, and meet all learning needs by leveraging engaging content like lessons from Discovery Education’s STEM Careers Coalition™. 

Prepare Students for the Future

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Classroom Goals


Understand Exactly Where Students Need Support

Educators can filter by skills to see if specific students would benefit from the same small group work.  

In just seconds, teachers can review student usage, lesson progress, and identify where students are struggling.  

This report is a sample and is subject to change.

SEE ReportS


Agency = Motivation and Engagement  

Reading Park Provides a Variety of Incentives to Extrinsically Motivate and Encourage Students 



R-Controlled Vowels

Watch a 


The Squiggle Book  


Start Quest

Students Use Reading Park for 30 Minutes Every Week  

See how Reading Park supports these areas 

DreamBox Reading Park guides students toward successful and productive reading through a playful, engaging learning environment as they develop critical foundational reading skills. 

Phonemic awareness

Develop Foundational Reading Skills  

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The Projected Growth Report helps teachers predict each student’s proficiency level at the end of the school year, based on initial assessment data, program use, and ongoing performance.  

With the Real-Time Activity Dashboard, teachers can see what each of their students is working on and how far they have progressed each week. 

The Overview page allows educators to view data at the class or student level.  

Students can access immediate feedback about where they are on the learning journey, including scores for lessons, awards received, and goal-setting tools. 

Reading Plus Dashboard Reports

SEE ReportS


After reading a selection, students answer ten comprehension questions. As they demonstrate mastery of key skills, the questions increase in depth and breadth of complexity.  

Students Prove Understanding 



For students working to develop fluency, the platform’s patented Guided Window moves at their current reading rate to model and develop silent reading behaviors.   

Support for Silent Reading Fluency

See How Reading Plus Guides 
Students Through Selections


If students aren’t interested in what they are reading, they will have a hard time being engaged. Reading Plus provides access to a wide range of informational and literary selections at each student’s “just right” level—texts that are appropriate for both their reading level and their age.   

Students Practice Reading with the Content They Love 

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Empower Students to Own their Learning  

See how Reading Plus supports these areas 

These assessment results showed that this student should focus on building and strengthening comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency skills. 

When students begin using Reading Plus, they take the adaptive assessment, Insight, to measure their motivation, vocabulary, comprehension, and silent reading fluency, and then placed them at the right levels for reading. 

Help Students Build Critical Skills  


Return to Classroom Goals

Real Students Describe Real Experiences with DreamBox Math


How do Students Feel About DreamBox Math?

In the DreamBox Math dashboard, educators can take a step back from granular data at the student level and review progress for the entire class.  

Actionable Data to Inform Instructional Decisions  


See How to Track Overall Progress

Track student usage, monitor growth across standards, and even watch a slide-by-slide recap showing individual approaches to completing lessons. 

Comprehensive Insights into All Progress


See How a Teacher Tracks Student Progress 

The Right Instruction at the Right Moment

Watch a Student Complete a Lesson

No matter where a student is on their math journey, DreamBox Math provides personalized, adaptive instruction and support to get each student where they need to be. 

Personalize Instruction for Every Student   

"Discovery Education helps bring excellence.  The curated content helps teachers differentiate, engage, and motivate our students to learn and soar.  Studio, instructional strategies, writing prompts, fundamentals, eBooks, and text all make finding suitable content easy." 

Today, she has the whole class begin a unit on stars and the solar system with an Anchor Layer lesson. The Anchor Phenomenon introduces students to a mysterious real-world occurrence, in this case, star trails, and asks them to develop an explanation for it before any instruction takes place. It encourages them to think like scientists, wonder why, and inspires them to explore new areas.  

Educators have limited time to learn new programs, plan lessons, and take care of operational tasks for instruction. Discovery Education’s Experience provides access to hundreds of Need to Know lessons that combine standards-aligned videos and grab-and-go activities to plan high-quality lessons fast.   

Before, during, and after the Virtual Field Trip, educators can pull Ready-to-Use Resources from Discovery Education’s platform to build their knowledge about polar bears and the tundra ecosystem. These resources include hands-on activities, student response sheets, engaging projects, quizzes, and more.  

The content in STEM Careers Coalition allows students to learn about people who are using the same skills they are learning about in class to become problem solvers that make a difference in future communities.     

Educators can easily navigate to student reports from their dashboards. In the skills report, teachers can quickly determine which students are mastering concepts, and which students need more support.    

As students collect rewards, they can choose when to play in the Reading Park Arcade, as well as what to play in the arcade.

When a student completes a lesson, they earn a token, a Monster Friend card, or a sticker. When a student completes a Quest, they earn a Squiggle Page for their Squiggle Book. These rewards empower students to celebrate success, take pride in accomplishments, and motivate them to persevere.  Mateo’s backpack contains tokens that can be exchanged to play games in the Reading Park Arcade. 

Students can openly explore different areas of Reading Park and select the lessons they’d like to work through first. This agency allows each student to self-direct their learning experience.  

Reading Plus provides students with information about how their lesson went and provides educators a complete view of instructional growth per student and across the entire class, including real-time views of what students are working on and projected growth data.     

When students log in to Reading Plus, they can see their personalized dashboard where they can track their own goals and progress over time. This visibility motivates students and shows them that they have ownership over their learning. 

As this student uses DreamBox Math, the adaptive software captures information on all their learning behavior, from how long it takes for him to answer a question to why they may have missed a question. 

Every lesson is designed to maximize each student's ability to practice and master foundational reading skills. This includes multiple interactive formats that systematically allow students to learn and practice a robust standards-based scope and sequence.

The Squiggle Book is a magic book that teaches friendly monsters in Reading Park how to read. 

It's up to each student to find the pages by completing Quests. This engagement tool also serves as a companion guide for students. During their journey, students can look at the concepts from completed Quests within their Squiggle Book at any time.