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Brave New Law 2022
GC stream
Many of the new concerns which are reshaping the corporate and legal world are much broader and ambiguous and even resorting to the framework of “is this legal or not” cannot help in many of these areas.
This is changing the remit, world view and skills that in-house lawyers need and will form the basis for our themes in Brave New Law 2022. We will once again be hosting regular virtual roundtables for GCs to meet and discuss key issues.
Our themes
Creative thinking
to action
Theme 3
How creativity can help us: Using diverse views and utilising conflicting ideas
Theme 2
Beyond legal-ethics and Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
Theme 1
The 'Great Resignation' and wicked problems
You can review the details of what we'll cover in this year's themes by clicking on the icons below and then register for the interactive roundtable sessions that you'd like to attend using the RSVP form below. The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams.
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The 'Great Resignation' and wicked problems
Covering themes such as:
• Courage and accountability in ESG
• Transparency and change in diversity & inclusion
• Customer centricity
Beyond legal-ethics and Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
Some of the biggest corporate failures have involved technically correct legal advice, which did not consider reputation and public opinion. The pressure between what used to be ‘right’ and what will be ‘right’ in the future changes as focus shifts from purely financial returns to ESG. Success and long-term shareholder value for companies will depend on the investments they make in employees, customers, communities, and the environment.
How creativity can help us: Using diverse views and utilising conflicting ideas
Creativity and innovation are symbiotically linked and of increasing importance in the digital age. Diversity of talent is essential to foster this environment. How can leaders encourage healthy dissent and collaboration that includes different or even contrasting ideas working together?
This topic will build on our focus on talent development and the broadening remit of the in-house lawyer around organisational risk and sustainable growth, focusing on turning ideas into actions.
The 'Great Resignation' and wicked problems
Wicked problems have been discussed in management theory for many years. They are perplexing problems that have no solution, usually involving many stakeholders with different values and priorities where the roots are complex and interwoven.
To deal with such issues, we need an engaged workforce but during a time of changing workplaces and the ’great resignation', employee expectations are changing. Whilst we need great talent to solve wicked problems; the talent drain itself is a wicked problem!
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T H E M E 1
T H E M E 3
The role of purpose and value in the great resignation - how can leaders bring these two together to create positive outcomes?
Empathy and personalisation of management and its role in employee engagement. How can you make it work, without making more work in a resource-stretched team?
Should we consider employees’ experiences when analysing the customer experience?
How do legal teams innovate professional development in traditionally flat structures? Will rethinking talent also help us with solutions to wicked problems?
Ideas we will discuss during these sessions include:
Ideas we will consider include:
Different ways of approaching creativity so that it is accessible to a broad range of team members
Often creativity is focused on away days or special workshops. How can we start to build creative thinking and approaches into everyday tasks?
Does there need to be a discipline to approaching tasks creatively versus waiting to be inspired?
Can problems be explained differently/better using different means than words (spoken or written) to open new ways of thinking?
T H E M E 2
Ideas we will cover in these videos include:
As company values become more aligned with sustainability, are the perspectives of GCs and legal teams aligned with how companies will define value in the future?
Is the current lack of clarity and ambiguity in reporting around ESG an opportunity for legal teams to become more strategic/more innovative in their focus?
With more focus on transparency, companies may have to face uncomfortable truths. Lawyers may be inclined to advise caution around such transparency - is a new model for success required?
How easy is it to have an ethical stance as a lawyer when ethics are subjective and can vary depending on geography, demographics or generation?
A corporation’s purpose is no longer just to increase profitability for shareholders.
T H E M E 1
T H E M E 2
T H E M E 3
Ideas we will consider include:
• Different ways of approaching creativity so that it is accessible to a broad range of team members
• Often creativity is focused on away days or special workshops. How can we start to build creative thinking and approaches into everyday tasks?
• Does there need to be a discipline to approaching tasks creatively versus waiting to be inspired?
• Can problems be explained differently/better using different means than words (spoken or written) to open new ways of thinking?