These KCs represent disciplines that compose an important part of Entuitive’s service offering. By continually expanding our knowledge, such as with our recently formed Construction Engineering KC, we can offer our clients an integrated service that considers the entire asset lifecycle and delivers uncompromising performance.
Discipline Knowledge Centres
Entuitive is a global firm with offices in Canada, the United States, and United Kingdom.
Our regional KCs enable our One Company culture, with our engineers and technologists often delivering projects across the pond from each other.
Codes & Standards Knowledge Centres
Our specialists are experts in a variety of building material types. Our material KCs are central to our ability to design high-quality, high-performing structures that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Material Knowledge Centres
• Cold Formed Steel
• Masonry
• Structural Concrete
• Structural Steel
• Timber
• Eastern Canada Standards
• Western Canada Standards
• UK Standards
• US Standards
• Building Information Modelling
• Building Envelope
• Construction Engineering
• Contract Administration
• Restoration
• Sustainable Consulting
Click the icons to find out more about our Knowledge Centres.
Knowledge Centres represent the core areas of expertise required to fulfill our commitments to our clients. Each KC comprises subject matter experts from different areas of Entuitive, who support a mentoring culture and foster learning at all levels. Many of our SMEs also sit on code committees, boards, and conduct research in order to stay at the forefront of the industry.
Organizing our expertise in this way ensures everyone has access to the tools, resources, and knowledge that enable continued professional development, regardless of which office they sit in.
Our Knowledge Centres are formed around the various disciplines and aspects of our industry, such as codes, standards, materials, and structure types. We form new KCs periodically to stay up to date on the most important trends and to ensure our experts can share their knowledge with the firm.
Our structure-based KCs ensure that niche expertise is available to our global team. For example, the creation of our Bridges KC has allowed our Bridge Engineers to share their knowledge with staff from each of our offices, ensuring that we are not working in siloes. Though we have seven offices around the world, our team mates are never alone in the project delivery process. We firmly believe that we are better together.
• Bridges
• Loads & Actions
• Offsite & Modular
Structure Knowledge Centres
A Closer Look at Our Knowledge Centres (aka KCs)