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Entuitive isn’t new to the innovative thinking that was required for ProjectHub.
ProjectHub is just one of the many unique solutions we’ve built that allows us to work together to deliver great projects for great clients and that helps us cultivate our company culture every day.
For more information on ProjectHub or how we built it, reach out to Chrissy Bailakis or Blaine Jansen.
Blaine Jansen, Associate & ProjectHub Co-Developer
“ProjectHub was built to solve a specific problem – provide an agile tool to support decision making across a variety of regions, services, and sectors. It’s been fundamental to our One Company approach as we’ve grown.”
Chrissy Bailakis, Proposal Manager & ProjectHub Co-Developer
“ProjectHub has become a centralized place of transparency, growing our One Company culture. The tool not only allows us to track project metrics, ensure quality control measures have been followed, and that projects have been resourced appropriately, but it is also accessible by all staff, which enables our people to know what opportunities are available and who to contact if they want to get involved.”
Perhaps we have a fire engineering expert who works out of Toronto but who can also share his knowledge on a project in Vancouver. (We do, you can reach out to him here.) Or a mass timber specialist from New York who can assist on a project in Edinburgh. (You can reach out to her here.) Or a public art expert who can engineer a unique sculpture wherever beautiful, compelling art is required. (You can find her here.)
The Resource Scheduler ensures that we’re always harnessing our entire pool of talented people. By working across offices, specific expertise is not confined to one region. Our clients profit from this because they always have access to the experts they need to deliver a unique aesthetic vision, maximize return on investment, or design a net-zero sustainable structure. Whatever the goals of our clients and their end users, working as One Company through the Resource Scheduler ensures we achieve it.
ProjectHub is divided into various modules that support two primary banks of information that provide a foundation of tools to manage important areas of our service delivery.
1. Project Information
a. Metrics & Performance Stats
b. Quality Management
c. Resource Scheduler
2. People Information
a. Client & Firm Data
b. Employee Data
c. Resource Scheduler
For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on the Resource Scheduler module and the Quality Management module to illustrate the power and profit of working as One Company.
ProjectHub is our centralized knowledge and information bank that houses our contacts, project information, and our resource scheduler. It’s a hub that all staff have access to so that we’re always working from the same information.
What Is ProjectHub?
Below, we’ll outline what ProjectHub is, how it ensures we work as One Company, and how this directly benefits our clients and partners every step of the way.
Why write about this internal resource? Well, we’re so passionate about our One Company culture that we want our clients and partners to know exactly how it benefits them on each and every project.
Entuitive’s mission to deliver great projects for great clients is founded on our intentional One Company culture and the systems/resources we’ve set up for ourselves in service of that culture. Our internally developed tool, ProjectHub, is one such powerful resource.
How Our Clients Benefit From the Power of ProjectHub
How Does ProjectHub Benefit Our Clients?
ProjectHub ensures that each of our projects has both the right people dedicated to it and the collective intelligence of the firm underpinning it all at the same time. It’s a tangible manifestation of being One Company.
Resource Scheduler
The Resource Scheduler module of ProjectHub is a map of all our people and projects. It helps us track who’s working on which project and how many hours we can assign to any given person, making sure everyone has enough work and no one is overloaded.
This is an extremely powerful module that truly helps us live and work as One Company. While we have boots on the ground in each of our regions, our people also regularly work on projects in other cities. This module provides big-picture macro and detail-related micro views of what we have underway at the firm.
Quality Management
The Quality Management module is where our review process for quality control and quality management live. Like the Resource Scheduler this module is accessible by all staff to ensure every single one of our projects, no matter where it’s being delivered, lives up to the rigorous quality standards Entuitive has set for itself, and that our clients have come to expect from us. This ensures that each project has the collective behind it.
Our clients benefit from this One Company approach because they can rest assured that no matter which of our talented staff is working on their project, the final product will be delivered the Entuitive Way. This consistency has earned us both repeat and new work, with clients secure in the knowledge that everyone at Entuitive delivers to the highest technical standards.
Entuitive’s One Company Culture
We’re convinced that working as One Company provides the most value to our clients, whether it’s in the form of an architectural vision, the need to optimize a unique parcel of land, or to ensure that end users can maintain social distancing. Working as One Company ensures that each and every project we deliver has both the right people on it and the collective intelligence of the entire firm behind it. This directly benefits our clients, who thereby get the most out of our firm.
“ProjectHub is an essential tool to make sure our projects are adequately serviced, and conversely, identifies staff that are overloaded. And because it’s a tool we use globally, we have the resources of the entire firm at our fingertips.”
Ian Trudeau, Associate & Technical Board Member
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Ian Trudeau,
Associate & Technical Board Member
Blaine Jansen,
Associate & ProjectHub Co-Developer
Chrissy Bailakis,
Proposal Manager & ProjectHub Co-Developer