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By focusing on key frameworks and integrity criteria without bias, ERM Carbon Credit Portal offers a space for clients to select carbon projects with confidence.

Integrity Driven

A detailed view of potential projects allows easy comparison of different project attributes for alignment to your selection criteria.

Deep Visibility

Call upon the deep technical expertise of ERM’s in-country teams across a suite of decarbonization services such as project site visits and biodiversity assessments for enhanced diligence.

Technical Expertise

Tap into the expert support of the ERM Climate Markets team for a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of project risks and the different climate and co-benefits furthered by each project.

Advisory Support

Project attributes are pre-screened against company requirements to provide a curated selection of projects aligned to your specific needs.

Bespoke Project Curation

A user-friendly digital platform provides easy, secure, and direct access to projects from across the voluntary carbon market.

Streamlined Experience