Risk Management
Metrics and Targets
Develop disclosure appetite and plan including aim for year 1 and 2
Review board and management capacity
Ensure board ownership of climate risk
Align management oversight and incentives
While 71% of companies have a designated person(s) within management responsible for climate related issues and risks, only 34% have that designated persons with climate-related targets in remuneration and performance management
ERM Energetics can help you align your governance and build board and executive capability.
Has your company set itself up for climate transition success by aligning governance structures and incentives?
Have you mapped end-to-end approval and sign-off process?
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations.
Have you identified the overall positioning and ambition (mandatory versus discretionary topics)?
Have all the relevant stakeholders aligned on the narrative?
Risk and opportunity analysis (including scenario anaylsis)
Integrate consideration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Test-run emissions inventory across scopes 1, 2 and 3
Build assurance-ready emissions data management systems and processes
Enhance scope 1, 2 and 3 inventory
Set emissions targets and feed into transition plans
Implement emissions reductions and monitor progress
Limited assurance of governance, strategy (risks/opportunities) scope 1 and 2 emissions
Assurance of final disclosures - scope 1 and 2 emissions to 'reasonable' standard, others to 'limited'
Align management oversight and incentives
Review board and management capacity
Ensure board ownership of climate risk
Align management oversight and incentives
Quantify how climate risks and opportunities will impact your business performance
Incorporate risks/opportunities in strategies and planning (including transition plan)
Risk and opportunity analysis (including scenario anaylsis)
Incorporate risks/opportunities in strategies and planning (including transition plan)
Quantify how climate risks and opportunities will impact your business performance
Integrate consideration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Disclose scope 1 and 2 inventory
Set emissions targets and feed into transition plans
Implement emissions reductions and monitor progress
Test-run emissions inventory across scopes 1, 2 and 3
Build assurance-ready emissions data management systems and processes
Disclose scope 1 and 2 inventory
Enhance scope 1, 2 and 3 inventory
Pre-assure existing data - especially emissions inventory
Ensure board ownership of climate risk
ERM Energetics can help you align your governance and build board and executive capability.
56% of respondents have a Board committee that considers climate related matters in place
Can your company demonstrate sufficient control of climate risk through executive structures and at Board level?
Review board and management capability
ERM Energetics can help you align your governance and build board and executive capability.
40% of companies have assessed their Board's climate competency and upskilling requirements, and 43% have considered their Executive team
Does your Executive Leadership team and your Board have the capabilities they need to embed climate across company strategy and risk management pillars, understand their climate metrics and set and meet targets?
Risk and opportunity anaylsis (including scenario analysis)
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
Only 44% of companies have identified climate-related risks over the short, medium and long term, while only 34% report using stress testing using scenario analysis
How are you going to build an understanding of climate risks and opportunities for both your business model and your value chain, under a range of scenarios and time horizons?
Quantify how climate risks and opportunities will impact your business performance
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
Only 22% of companies have assessed the financial and strategic impacts of climate change on their business and value chain
Do you have an understanding of financial materiality for your company, and which risks and opportunities meet this threshold?
Incorporate risks/opportunities in strategies and planning (including transition planning)
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
Only 22% of companies have a detailed climate transition plan and only 21% have a capital plan which includes allocations for climate transition
Can you articulate how you will adapt your business plan in response to climate risks and opportunities, and how you're investing to achieve these changes?
Risk Management
Integrate consideration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
ERM Energetics has demonstrated expertise in integrating climate into leading companies' approach to risk and opportunities.
While 61% of companies have processes in place to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor climate-related risks and opportunities, only 51% have integrated climate risk management into risk management processes
Can you isolate climate-related risks from your overall risk management framework, and evaluate them on a standalone basis?
Metrics and Targets
Test-run emissions inventory across scopes 1, 2 and 3
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
Metrics and Targets
Disclose scope 1 & 2 inventory
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
Metrics and Targets
Enhance scope 1, 2 & 3 inventory
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
Metrics and Targets
Build assurance-ready emissions data management systems and processes
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them ensure their sustainability data is well governed and develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
Only 44% of firms have a data management plan in place to support timely and accurate reporting
Are you confident in the data that underpins your approach to calculating emissions, and do you have data governance processes and systems in place?
Metrics and Targets
Set emissions targets and feed into transition plans
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them set ambitious but credible targets across scopes 1, 2 and 3, backed by a rigorous plan.
While 54% of firms have identified emissions reduction opportunities and 48% have a first order transition plan outlining scope 1 and 2 targets, only 25% have incorporated scope 3 into their targets
Do the targets you're setting align with your strategic goals, and do you have action plans to achieve these across all three emissions scopes? Furthermore, do you have appropriate metrics in place to measure progress in these actions?
Metrics and Targets
Implement emissions reductions and monitor progress
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them set ambitious but credible targets across scopes 1, 2 and 3, backed by a rigorous plan.
While 54% of firms have identified emissions reduction opportunities and 48% have a first order transition plan outlining scope 1 and 2 targets, only 25% have incorporated scope 3 into their targets
Do the targets you're setting align with your strategic goals, and do you have action plans to achieve these across all three emissions scopes? Furthermore, do you have appropriate metrics in place to measure progress in these actions?
ERM Energetics can work with our sister firm, ERM CVS, to provide pre-assurance services and audit support.
Do you know what auditors will be looking for when providing assurance of your disclosures?
Learn more
Do you understand the difference between limited and reasonable assurance, and have you considered implications for relevant processes and systems?
Metrics and Targets
Risk Management
Pre-Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Refine integration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Refine integration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Risk Management
Refine integration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
ERM Energetics has demonstrated expertise in integrating climate into leading companies' approach to risk and opportunities.
While 61% of companies have processes in place to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor climate-related risks and opportunities, only 51% have integrated climate risk management into risk management processes
Do you have plans and accountability to build maturity of your climate risk and opportunity management?
Pre-assurance year 1 governance, strategy, scope 1 and 2 draft disclosures to limited standard
Pre-assurance of final disclosures - scope 1 and 2 to 'reasonable' standard, others to 'limited'
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Map ASRS disclosures against previous published information
Refine disclosure approach
Develop disclosure appetite and plan including aim for year 1 and 2
Map ASRS disclosures against previous published information
Refine disclosure approach
Develop disclosure appetite & plan including aim for year 1 and 2
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations.
Is your ASRS disclosure consistent with what you've said previously, or can you explain why it has evolved?
Can you articulate why any discretionary topics have been deferred, and what your action plan is to address?
Do you understand what your competitors/ peers and customers are likely to say based on previous disclosures?
Map ASRS disclosures against previous published information
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations.
Click to learn more
Refine disclosure approach
Are you ready to benchmark your disclosures against others and feedback from users, and reset appetite if necessary?
How are you using the extra time to be ready for any voluntary topics deferred from year 1?
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ERM Energetics can work with our sister firm, ERM CVS, to provide pre-assurance services and audit support.
Do you understand the difference between limited and reasonable assurance, and have your considered implications for relevant processes and systems?
Do you know what auditors will be looking for when providing assurance of your disclosures?
Have all the relevant stakeholders aligned on the narrative?
Learn more
Contact us
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations
How are you using the extra time to be ready for any voluntary topics deferred from year 1?
Are you ready to benchmark your disclosures against others and feedback from users, and reset appetite if necessary?
Refine disclosure approach
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations
Can you articulate why any discretionary topics have been deferred, and what your action plan is to address?
Do you understand what your competitors/peers and customers are likely to say based on previous disclosures?
Is your ASRS disclosure consistent with what you've said previously, or can you explain why it has evolved?
Map ASRS disclosures against previous published information
Pre-Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Develop disclosure appetite & plan including aim for year 1 and 2
Map ASRS disclosures against previous published information
Refine disclosure approach
Pre-assure existing data - especially emissions inventory
Limited assurance - final disclosures: governance, strategy, scope 1 and 2
Pre-assure year 1 governance, strategy, scope 1 and 2. Pre-assure draft disclosures to limited assurance standard
Pre-assurance of scope 1 & 2 draft disclosures - to a reasonable standard and pre-assurance to a limited assurance standard of other disclosures
Reasonable assurance of final disclosures - scope 1 and 2 drafts to 'reasonable'. Pre-assure other disclosures to 'limited assurance'
Set emissions targets and feed into transition plans
Implement emissions reductions and monitor progress
Build assurance-ready emissions data management systems and processes
Disclose scope 1 and 2 inventory
Enhance scope 1, 2 and 3 inventory
Test-run emissions inventory across scopes 1, 2 and 3
Integrate consideration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Refine integration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Risk and opportunity analysis (including scenario anaylsis)
Incorporate risks/opportunities in strategies and planning (including transition plan)
Quantify how climate risks and opportunities will impact your business performance
Review board and management capacity
Ensure board ownership of climate risk
Align management oversight and incentives
Metrics and Targets
Risk Management
Learn more
Contact us
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
Can you articulate how you will adapt your business plan in response to climate risks and opportunities, and how you're investing to achieve these changes?
Only 22% of companies have a detailed climate transition plan and only 21% have a capital plan which includes allocations for climate transition
Incorporate risks/opportunities in strategies and planning (including transition planning)
Learn more
Contact us
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
Do you have an understanding of financial materiality for your company, and which risks and opportunities meet this threshold?
Only 22% of companies have assessed the financial and strategic impacts of climate change on their business and value chain
Quantify how climate risks and opportunities will impact your business performance
Learn more
Contact us
ERM has deep expertise developing risk assessments, driving scenario anaylsis and identifying climate opportunities.
How are you going to build an understanding of climate risks and opportunities for both your business model and your value chain, under a range of scenarios and time horizons?
Only 44% of companies have identified climate-related risks over the short, medium and long term, while only 34% report using stress testing using scenario analysis
Risk and opportunity anaylsis (including scenario analysis)
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics can help you align your governance and build board and executive capability.
Does your Executive Leadership team and your Board have the capabilities they need to embed climate across company strategy and risk management pillars, understand their climate metrics and set and meet targets?
40% of companies have assessed their Board's climate competency and upskilling requirements, and 43% have considered their Executive team
Review board and management capability
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics can help you align your governance and build board and executive capability.
Can your company demonstrate sufficient control of climate risk through executive structures and at Board level?
56% of respondents have a Board committee that considers climate related matters in place
Ensure board ownership of climate risk
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them set ambitious but credible targets across scopes 1, 2 and 3, backed by a rigorous plan.
Do the targets you're setting align with your strategic goals, and do you have action plans to achieve these across all three emissions scopes? Furthermore, do you have appropriate metrics in place to measure progress in these actions?
While 54% of firms have identified emissions reduction opportunities and 48% have a first order transition plan outlining scope 1 and 2 targets, only 25% have incorporated scope 3 into their targets
Metrics and Targets
Implement emissions reductions and monitor progress
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them set ambitious but credible targets across scopes 1, 2 and 3, backed by a rigorous plan.
Do the targets you're setting align with your strategic goals, and do you have action plans to achieve these across all three emissions scopes? Furthermore, do you have appropriate metrics in place to measure progress in these actions?
While 54% of firms have identified emissions reduction opportunities and 48% have a first order transition plan outlining scope 1 and 2 targets, only 25% have incorporated scope 3 into their targets
Metrics and Targets
Set emissions targets and feed into transition plans
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to help them ensure their sustainability data is well governed and develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
Are you confident in the data that underpins your approach to calculating emissions, and do you have data governance processes and systems in place?
Only 44% of firms have a data management plan in place to support timely and accurate reporting
Metrics and Targets
Build assurance-ready emissions data management systems and processes
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Metrics and Targets
Enhance scope 1, 2 & 3 inventory
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Metrics and Targets
Disclose scope 1 & 2 inventory
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics works with some of Australia's largest organisations to develop emissions inventories aligned with global standards.
Do you know what your emissions will show when you disclose across all three scopes?
77% of companies have estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions using a formal reporting process, but only 42% of companies have assessed their scope 3 footprint
Metrics and Targets
Test-run emissions inventory across scopes 1, 2 and 3
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics has demonstrated expertise in integrating climate into leading companies' approach to risk and opportunities.
Do you have plans and accountability to build maturity of your climate risk and opportunity management?
While 61% of companies have processes in place to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor climate-related risks and opportunities, only 51% have integrated climate risk management into risk management processes
Risk Management
Refine integration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics has demonstrated expertise in integrating climate into leading companies' approach to risk and opportunities.
Can you isolate climate-related risks from your overall risk management framework, and evaluate them on a standalone basis?
While 61% of companies have processes in place to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor climate-related risks and opportunities, only 51% have integrated climate risk management into risk management processes
Risk Management
Integrate consideration of climate risks and opportunities into business practices
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics has experience running diagnostics, workshops and planning processes to create alignment and momentum across a range of organisations
Has your company set itself up for climate transition success by aligning governance structures and incentives?
While 71% of companies have a designated person(s) within management responsible for climate related issues and risks, only 34% have that designataed persons with climate-related targets in remuneration and performance management
Align management oversight and incentives
ERM Energetics can work with our sister firm, ERM CVS, to provide pre-assurance services and audit support.
Do you understand the difference between limited and reasonable assurance, and have your considered implications for relevant processes and systems?
Do you know what auditors will be looking for when providing assurance of your disclosures?
Learn more
Contact us
ERM Energetics can work with our sister firm, ERM CVS, to provide pre-assurance services and audit support.
Do you understand the difference between limited and reasonable assurance, and have your considered implications for relevant processes and systems?
Do you know what auditors will be looking for when providing assurance of your disclosures?
Learn more
Contact us
Pre-assure existing data - especially emissions inventory
Pre-assurance of final disclosures - scope 1 and 2 to 'reasonable' standard, others to 'limited'
Pre-assurance year 1 governance, strategy, scope 1 and 2 draft disclosures to limited standard
Limited assurance of governance, strategy (risks/opportunities) scope 1 and 2 emissions
Assurance of final disclosures - scope 1 and 2 emissions to 'reasonable' standard, others to 'limited'