ID-Headache: A Simple Quiz You Can Use to Self-Diagnose Your Symptoms
Use this straightforward quiz to help you diagnose your symptoms. Select yes or no to the following three questions and you will have an answer.
Take the Quiz
Always consult a healthcare provider with any questions or concerns.
Does headache ever limit your activities like the ability to work, study, play, or do something you need to, for at least one day?
ID-Headache: A Simple Quiz You Can Use to Self-Diagnose Migraine
Choose Yes or No if You Have Experienced This Symptom in the Past 3 Months
Migraine and Disability
Next Question
A migraine attack is not just a headache. Migraine is a genetic neurological disease that can affect your entire body. People can experience symptoms in virtually every part of their body. The pain from a migraine attack is often so intense that people have to lie down and it is difficult to think clearly.
Are you ever nauseated or sick to your stomach when you have a headache?
Migraine and Nausea
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of migraine. They can be just as disabling as headache pain. People with migraine often feel nauseated during a migraine attack, even when they don’t have head pain. Migraine-specific medications can help and medications specifically targeting nausea are also useful. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best treatment for you.
Does light bother you or seem too bright when you have a headache?
Migraine and Light Sensitivity
People with migraine are often sensitive to light. This symptom can be present before, during, and after the headache phase of a migraine attack. So, the next time you see someone wearing sunglasses inside, know that they might be a person with migraine.
Migraine Again is dedicated to educating people about migraine and headache to give them hope and the tools to live a full life. Read other articles on our site. There are many of us on this journey with you. Talk to your healthcare provider to get the appropriate treatment.
Your Results
Based on your responses, it is less likely that you have migraine. You may be experiencing another type of headache like tension headache, sinus headache, cluster headache, or exertion headache. Read a little about each headache type to see if any of them strike a chord with you. It's important to discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.
Start Again
Reference: R.B. Lipton ID Migraine migraine screener.
You likely have a diagnosis of migraine. Migraine is a genetic disorder that causes severe disability. The pain and other symptoms are so intense that people feel like they need to lie down. You'll find lots of resources here. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of migraine. They can be just as disabling as head pain. People with migraine are often sensitive to light. The next time you see someone wearing sunglasses inside, maybe they have migraine.