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How Psoriasis Can Affect Other Parts
of Your Body
Psoriasis-related inflammation — as well as the ins and outs of managing a visible condition — may also contribute to an increased risk of depression.
Psoriasis has been linked to an increased risk of inflammatory eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis or uveitis.
Psoriasis-related inflammation can affect your heart and blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Over time, the overactive immune system resulting from psoriasis may start to attack cells that make insulin, increasing your risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Blood sugar
About 30 percent of people who have psoriasis will also develop psoriatic arthritis, a condition marked by joint pain, morning stiffness, and fatigue.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can impact both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis — and both are associated with a type of IBD known as Crohn disease.
Digestive system
People with psoriasis who have nail symptoms also appear to be more likely to develop psoriatic arthritis compared with those who don’t have nail involvement.