Your stress personality is:
When you’re stressed out you bottle it up and keep it inside. You may feel like it’s your fault. And it’s probably eating you up inside, so much so that you may experience physical pain because of it. You may shut down, avoid connecting with others, or try to power through, no matter the personal costs to yourself. You may turn to junk food, alcohol, or a binge of your favorite show on Netflix to comfort you.
RELATED: How Stress and Inflammation Are Linked
If this describes how you tend to think about the challenges in your life, you run the risk of burning out, as well as ruining (or not growing) relationships because you tend to shut people out rather than ask for help. You also may be quicker to pick up habits that act as crutches (like grabbing the cookies, wine, or remote), calming you down in the short run, but not really fixing the long-term problem.
To better set up your foundation for dealing with stress, prioritize self-care (like eating right and sleeping well) and exercise to keep your energy levels high. And set yourself up to think positively, Hanna says. Keep a gratitude journal, make time for humor in your life (yes, watching an episode of whatever show makes you laugh counts), and check the language you use when talking to yourself. Are you confident in the skills and good qualities you know you have? Do you recognize what you bring to the table? Is someone else souring your own self-image?
Internalizers tend to use negative self-talk as a way to push away the discomfort of feeling helpless or out of control — which only makes matters worse, Hanna says. “Practicing self-compassion, focusing on your strengths, or even keeping a folder of positive notes and emails you can reflect back on, can all help lift your mood in the moment so you can cut yourself some slack, and more effectively navigate stress.”
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Nothing stresses you out (until it does). And if it does, you can definitely handle it on your own (until you can’t).