Form Partnerships To Meet Clients’ Expectations
We're in an environment right now, where CEOs have to keep their core business running as efficiently as they can, but there's a reality and a realization that the world is moving quite quickly, and you have to be dynamic.”
Gary Cohn
Vice Chairman, IBM
Evolve Culture To Embrace New Technologies
Consumers will make buying decisions more and more not only about the best product...but also about...who's actually producing [it] in the most sustainable way.”
Christian Klein
CEO And Member Of The Executive Board, SAP SE
The 1970s [was a] terrible decade [of] inflation but…SAP was born… All these companies no one ever heard of [were] rising up at a time when people thought the world was in desperate condition…So in the next few months, expect really grim news, but…also realize there are huge opportunities out there.”
Steve Forbes
Chairman And Editor-In-Chief, Forbes
Look For Opportunities—
Even In A Sluggish Economy
It is no surprise to any of us…just how tectonic [today’s] challenges are. But…there's extraordinary opportunity in these moments to not only create strategies for greater success, but [to] hardwire resilience into our businesses, recognizing that the dynamism and uncertainty is not necessarily going to go away.”
Moira Forbes
President And Publisher, ForbesWomen And Executive Vice-President, Forbes
Build Resiliency In Your Business