We produce data at
unthinkable volumes.
Even conservative estimates put the total global volume of data at dozens of zettabytes—several million times more than the human brain can store.
What’s also unthinkable is just how much of this data—the most valuable currency in business today—goes unused: about 80%. The majority of today’s data is unstructured, making it difficult for organizations to create understanding and value from what they collect. Data is also increasingly distributed, stored across private data centers and public clouds. Landlocked, it provides no enrichment or meaning.
At the Cloudera Now 2022 event in August, Wim Stoop, a director of product marketing at the company, put the problem simply: “You can’t afford not to use all of your data.”
By Jason Compton
You can’t afford
to use all of your data.”
Wim Stoop
Director Product Marketing, Cloudera
The solution? Stoop champions a set of emerging industry guidelines that put data to work in a scalable way for our current Zettabyte Era: the FAIR principles. Here, he explains how businesses can use them to unlock growth, innovation and ROI.