“The way we’ve been able to help our acquisitions expand and grow globally—faster than they would have been able to under an IPO scenario—was by picking a couple of places where we knew we could really add value and getting focused on that. It’s about making a few smart choices along the way.”
Chief Operating Officer
Thack Brown,
SAP North America

“We’ve distilled learnings from our long history of working with the world’s most ambitious CEOs, owners, founders and entrepreneurs into the EY 7 Drivers of Growth. The most successful companies balance investments—time, money, energy—across all seven drivers. This balance proves to be essential in achieving truly sustainable growth and long-term value."
Ryan Burke, EY
Global Growth Markets Leader

“The increasingly fast pace of innovation requires leaders to approach growth beyond traditional buy versus build models. We must consider creating new partnerships outside of siloed ecosystems so that we take full advantage of opportunities along the buy, build and borrow continuum.”
Kendall O'Brien,
Johnson & Johnson
VP Finance & CFO, Office of the Chief Scientific Officer

“Someone once said, ‘If you’re not growing, you’re slowly dying.’ Successful family enterprises are constantly balancing the need to grow, while at the same time nurturing and building their nonfinancial family capital and legacy. They strive to create long-term value for a sustainable business that will overcome disruption and endure for generations.”
Bobby Stover, EY
Americas Family Office Leader