Education paves the way for responsible behavior.
Employee Awareness Training
Locate and classify data to ensure its protection.
Data Discovery and Classification
Prevent data loss outside ofyour control.
Eliminating Shadow IT
Secure access to data with the gold standard for account security.
Using Multifactor Authentication
Enforce compliance and reapthe benefits of a strong data posture.
Maintaining Regionaland Industry-Specific Compliance
Monitor and adapt to risky behavior to prevent data theft.
Monitoring Insider Threats
Extend security policies to outbound emails to stop exfiltration.
Preventing Data Theft in Outbound Email
Protect employees from web-based threats to stop malware attacks.
Protecting Users and Data on the Web
Consolidate and simplify coverage with unified policy enforcement.
Unifying Cloud, Endpoint and BYOD Data Protection
MonitoringInsider Threats
Prevent Data Theft in Outbound Email
Protect Users and Data on the Web
9 Data Security Best Practices