Your account number, the
name your account is in
and the address where you are receiving electricity service.
The balance outstanding on
your account from your last bill
plus new charges. If the balance shown is a credit, you’ll also see a “Do not pay” alert on your bill.
If you receive a paper bill and
either mail your payment or
pay in person at your financial institution, please include the
return slip.
The amount that was due
on your last bill, the last
payment amount we received from you and the amount owing,
if any, from your previous bill and any payments or adjustments since we issued your last bill.
See at a glance if you’ve
used more or less energy
than usual. Compare your usage
to the last billing period as well as
the same time the previous year.
The date your next payment
is due, the period of time in which charges are billed to your account and the date your bill was issued.
On most bills you’ll get some news from us that we hope
you’ll find valuable.
On every bill you’ll see an
interesting electricity fact that will
help you understand what a kilowatt hour of electricity is equivalent to and a tip to help you reduce your energy use.
Other charges and taxes you
may see on your bill are set by
various levels of government. We collect them on their behalf and
don’t gain any revenue from these taxes and fees.
The cost of actual amount
of electricity you use in
a billing period.
A fixed charge for bringing service to your property.
Your meter number and
how much electricity you’ve
used over the billing period.
If you have questions
about your bill, call us
at 1-866-436-7847, Monday
to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Find out about the different
ways to pay your bill including
by credit card, cheque or
through your financial institution.
On every bill you’ll see
either a set of energy-saving
tips or information about
our rebates.