Cloud Power
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Find your path to
cloud migration
Executives around the globe are embracing the cloud. According to a recent PwC survey, 92% of business leaders are either “all in” on the cloud or have adopted it into many parts of their business. Still, more work needs to be done, especially when it comes to migrating solutions, tools, and data from old legacy systems into a virtual environment. McKinsey & Company estimates that over the next three years, about $100 billion will be wasted on inefficient cloud migration-related activities.
Here are some of the challenges around migrating to the cloud — and how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help.
The case for migration
Over the next several years, companies will spend billions of dollars migrating to the cloud. More executives are realizing just how much faster and more efficient the cloud can be, but the pandemic has also increased the need for agility, automations, responsiveness, and more. Still, migrating legacy systems to the cloud is not a simple task and many operations run into problems.
Investments in the cloud:
Companies aspire to have $8 out of every $10 for IT hosting go toward the cloud by 2024
Source: McKinsey & Company
Source: Deloitte
Estimated business value that cloud can unlock
Source: McKinsey & Company
Estimated annual revenue growth for cloud market between 2021 and 2025
Why companies are choosing AWS + VMware for their cloud migration:
Reduction in unplanned downtime costs
Lower 5-year cost of operations
Five-year ROI
More efficient IT infrastructure management staff
productive developer teams
Increase in application performance
New revenue gained per year
Source: IDC
to cloud
migration success:
6 keys
right team
right emphasis
Thoughtful landing zone design
Thorough app assessments
work effort
Transparent costs
Source: Gartner
Migration doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey that takes careful planning, a well thought out business case, a cloud-focused company culture, and the right technological solutions. Here are some ways to start migrating to the cloud.
The migration road map
Understand the
of cloud migration
Decommission old applications and replace them with cloud-based versions. It’s a first step to migration—the programs will remain on your servers but will now be run virtually.
Refactor + Rearchitect
Also called “lift and shift,” it’s when companies move applications from on-premises servers to the public cloud, but without any modifications. While this gets you in the cloud, it’s not a full digital transformation.
Some call this the tinker strategy. It’s when you move applications almost as they are but make some modifications to take more advantageof the cloud.
Companies can also move infrastructure to the cloud without having to buy new hardware, rewrite applications, or modify existing operations. This scenario is specific to VMware Cloud on AWS, which supports virtual machine (VM) compatibility and workload portability between on-premises environments and AWS.
Refactor + Rearchitect
This involves completely overhauling an application and rebuilding it for the cloud. Companies will do this when they want to take advantage of cloud-native features, such as scalability or improved agility. Most applications will eventually get refactored for the cloud.
After the migration is complete, there will be legacy systems that you will no longer need and can be retired. That happens at this stage.
You may also still need some on-premises applications post-migration. It’s at this stage where your cloud applications will start running alongside any old solutions you need to keep.
Reduce unit costs through optimization
Reduce unit costs through cloud migration
Source: Amazon Web Services Inc
Lift & Shift
Right Sizing
Improved Elasticity
Forecast Measure,
Monitor, Improve
Choosing the Correct Pricing Model
Storage Optim-ization
Serverless Architecture
Managed Services
True AWS Optimized
Unit Cost (i.e., Cost Per Transaction)
Traditional Comparison
AWS is helping companies of all sizes move to the cloud. As a leading cloud provider that offers the most extensive global infrastructure, the most functionality, and the largest community of customers and partners to help you boost your business value, AWS is ready to help you migrate and modernize your business.
can help
Here’s what it has to offer:
AWS Partner Network partners from more than 150 countries
Fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more
Most secure with support for 98 security standards and compliance certifications
Availability zones (AZs) in 25 geographic regions, with plans to launch 24 more AZs and 8 more regions
Source: AWS
There’s more to migration than moving applications into the cloud. Here are some of the steps companies must take for a successful migration.
5 steps to a successful migration
Don’t implement technology for technology’s sake. A migration must align with your business goals, otherwise you won’t know what you need to transform. Think about why you want to move to the cloud and how it can help deliver better customer experiences.
Step 1: Start with the why
When picking what provider to work with, look at whether they have cloud services that allow you to accomplish your goals. Do you need to move faster? Then consider a company that focuses on economics of speed versus economies of scale. Want to grow larger? Then ensure you’re working with a business that can help you scale up your offerings.
Step 2: Choose the right provider
The cloud is supposed to make companies nimbler and more agile, but that can only happen if you adapt your operational structure to the cloud. That could mean giving staff the freedom to create manual task–reducing automations themselves or having more people do their own data analysis.
Step 3: Rethink operating models
Migration and then modernization never ends—the cloud is always improving and you might want different solutions as you expand. Keep asking yourself the why, listen to customers, assess your business goals, and then see how the cloud can help.
Step 5: Continue with the cloud
©2021 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (Your California Privacy Rights) | CCPA Do Not Sell My Information Fortune may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by Interactive Data. ETF and Mutual Fund data provided by Morningstar, Inc. Dow Jones Terms & Conditions: S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. | EU Data Subject Requests
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eum dolor sitas sitas natur.
Orem ipsum eum et dolor sitas natur
Work backward from the customer and think about the why. What products and applications can help solve that why?”
Phil Potloff, Head of AWS Enterprise Strategy
The keys to an effective cloud modernization plan
Learn more
How to unlock the value of data with cloud modernization
Learn more
It’s time to move to the cloud: Strategies for staying ahead during rapid digitization
Learn more
How cloud migration prevents your company from losing resources and agility
Learn more
Consider starting your cloud journey with AWS containers, which allow companies to run multiple apps virtually on a single server that you already own. You can reduce costs by double digits without having to transform your entire IT infrastructure.
Step 4: Consider containers
©2021 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (Your California Privacy Rights) | CCPA Do Not Sell My Information Fortune may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by Interactive Data. ETF and Mutual Fund data provided by Morningstar, Inc. Dow Jones Terms & Conditions: S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. | EU Data Subject Requests
Phil Potloff, Head of AWS Enterprise Strategy
Work backward from the customer and think about the why. What products and applications can help solve that why?”
right team
right emphasis
Thoughtful landing zone design
Thorough app assessments
work effort
Transparent costs
Source: Gartner
to cloud
migration success:
6 keys
Understand the
of cloud migration
Refactor + Rearchitect
Decommission old applications and replace them with cloud-based versions. It’s a first step to migration—the programs will remain on your servers but will now be run virtually.
Also called “lift and shift,” it’s when companies move applications from on-premises servers to the public cloud, but without any modifications. While this gets you in the cloud, it’s not a full digital transformation.
Some call this the tinker strategy. It’s when you move applications almost as they are but make some modifications to take more advantageof the cloud.
Companies can also move infrastructure to the cloud without having to buy new hardware, rewrite applications, or modify existing operations. This scenario is specific to VMware Cloud on AWS, which supports virtual machine (VM) compatibility and workload portability
between on-
and AWS.
Refactor + Rearchitect
This involves completely overhauling an application and rebuilding it for the cloud. Companies will do this when they want to take advantage of cloud-native features, such as scalability or improved agility. Most applications will eventually get refactored for the cloud.
After the migration is complete, there will be legacy systems that you will no longer need and can be retired. That happens at this stage.
You may also still need some on-premises applications post-migration. It’s at this stage where your cloud applications will start running alongside any old solutions you need to keep.
AWS is helping companies of
all sizes move to the cloud.
As a leading cloud provider
that offers the most extensive global infrastructure, the most functionality, and the largest community of customers and partners to help you boost your business value, AWS
is ready to help you migrate and modernize your business.
Here’s what it has to offer:
can help
AWS Partner Network partners from more than 150 countries
Fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more
Most secure with support for 98 security standards and compliance certifications
Availability zones (AZs) in 25 geographic regions, with plans to launch 24 more AZs and 8 more regions
Source: AWS
There’s more to migration than moving applications into the cloud. Here are some of the steps companies must take for a successful migration.
5 steps to a successful migration
Don’t implement technology for technology’s sake. A migration must align with your business goals, otherwise you won’t know what you need to transform. Think about why you want to move to the cloud and how it can help deliver better customer experiences.
Step 1: Start with the why
When picking what provider to work with, look at whether they have cloud services that allow you to accomplish your goals. Do you need to move faster? Then consider a company that focuses on economics of speed versus economies of scale. Want to grow larger? Then ensure you’re working with a business that can help you scale up your offerings.
Step 2: Choose the right provider
The cloud is supposed to make companies nimbler and more agile, but that can only happen if you adapt your operational structure to the cloud. That could mean giving staff the freedom to create manual task–reducing automations themselves or having more people do their own data analysis.
Step 3: Rethink operating models
Consider starting your cloud journey with AWS containers, which allow companies to run multiple apps virtually on a single server that you already own. You can reduce costs by double digits without having to transform your entire IT infrastructure.
Step 4: Consider containers
Migration and then modernization never ends—the cloud is always improving and you might want different solutions as you expand. Keep asking yourself the why, listen to customers, assess your business goals, and then see how the cloud can help.
Step 5: Continue with the cloud
Ipsum eum dolor sitas natur et eum dolor eum dolor ipsum
eum dolor sitas sitas natur.
Orem ipsum eum et dolor sitas natur
Lift & Shift
Right Sizing
Improved Elasticity
Forecast Measure,
Monitor, Improve
Choosing the Correct Pricing Model
Storage Optim-ization
Serverless Architecture
Managed Services
True AWS Optimized
Unit Cost (i.e., Cost Per Transaction)
Traditional Comparison
Source: Amazon Web Services Inc
Reduce unit costs through optimization
Reduce unit costs through cloud migration
Migration doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey that takes careful planning, a well thought out business case, a cloud-focused company culture, and the right technological solutions. Here are some ways to start migrating to the cloud.
The migration road map
Reduction in unplanned downtime costs
Lower 5-year cost of operations
Five-year ROI
More efficient IT infrastructure management staff
productive developer teams
Increase in application performance
Why companies are choosing AWS + VMware for their cloud migration:
New revenue gained per year
Source: IDC
Source: Deloitte
Estimated business value that cloud can unlock
Source: McKinsey & Company
Estimated annual revenue growth for cloud market between 2021 and 2025
Source: McKinsey & Company
Companies aspire to have $8 out of every $10 for IT hosting go toward the cloud by 2024
cloud migration
Executives around the globe are embracing the cloud. According to a recent PwC survey, 92% of business leaders are either “all in” on the cloud or have adopted it into many parts of their business. Still, more work needs to be done, especially when it comes to migrating solutions, tools, and data from old legacy systems into a virtual environment. McKinsey & Company estimates that over the next three years, about $100 billion will be wasted on inefficient cloud migration-related activities.
Find your path to
1, 2, 3:
Investments in the cloud:
Over the next several years, companies will spend billions
of dollars migrating to the
cloud. More executives are
realizing just how much faster
and more efficient the cloud
can be, but the pandemic has
also increased the need for agility, automations, responsiveness, and more. Still, migrating legacy systems to the cloud is not a simple task and many operations run into problems.
The case for migration
Here are some of the challenges around migrating to the cloud — and how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help.
Cloud Power
The keys to an effective cloud modernization plan
Learn more
How to unlock the value of data with cloud modernization
Learn more
It’s time to move to the cloud: Strategies for staying ahead during rapid digitization
Learn more
How cloud migration prevents your company from losing resources and agility
Learn more