How managing real-time customer data can help sales reps shorten deal cycles
In today’s fast-paced sales environment, sellers are feeling pressure to close more deals with fewer resources. At the same time, many are bogged down by administrative work and complex processes that are slowing down deal cycles. In fact, research shows that sellers spend more than 70% of their time on non-selling tasks. These inefficient processes are leaving sales teams little time for the things thatmatter: working with customers and winning business.
Slack’s new solution Slack Sales Elevate is designed to centralize information, simplify processes, and automate administrative tasks—to give sellers back valuable time. A direct integration with Salesforce, Slack Sales Elevate harnesses the power of Sales Cloud to bring real-time CRM data to the place where team selling happens—Slack. This solution enables organizations to increase visibility, boost team selling, drive efficiency with automation, and speed up deal cycles so that they can unlock new opportunities.
Slack Sales Elevate has streamlined our processes and improved our forecast accuracy. I used to wait a week before seeing fresh pipeline data. Now, my teams are out in the field updating everything on their mobile devices and I’m getting notified in real time.
- Adnan Chaudhry Executive Vice President, Slack Sales
A challenging landscape with too many tools
Working across different technology tools can silo information and conversations that sales teams need to close deals. Not to mention, sellers are often tasked with manually entering customer data into these various tools—a tedious, time-consuming process that can lead to infrequently updated CRM information and result in poor data quality and inaccurate forecasting.
The state of selling
is the average number of tools sellers use to close each deal.
of a sales rep’s week is dedicated to actual selling.
hours is the average time sales reps spend reporting sales activity per week.
of sales organizations plan to consolidate their tech stacks in the next 12 months.
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
Source: Sales Management Association
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
Making data visible
When sales teams have access to real-time data, more accurate forecasting is possible. With Slack Sales Elevate, sellers can quickly view all opportunities with conversational context, easily update them, and have those changes automatically synced back to Sales Cloud, on any device. Sales teams can also enable real-time alerts to keep on top of deal movements, team wins, and pipeline changes.
Having current information gives sales leaders a clearer view into team performance and pipeline data, which can better inform strategic decisions, unlock visibility and efficiency, and ultimately drive greater revenue growth.
Improving data accuracy and quantity is a top tactic to drive future growth
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
Driving efficiency with automation
Today’s sales teams need a workspace that is not only centralized and connected but is also intelligent and automated. Slack Sales Elevate brings process automation, sales best practices, and Sales Cloud data together to cut out manual tasks and close deals faster. Slack Sales Elevate eliminates context switching and automates workflows that make managing a deal and logging updates easy and efficient.
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
of sales workers are currently using automated processes
Most useful CRM features according to sales reps
Process automation
Data entry automation
Intelligent customer insights
Integration with internal systems
Ability to replace other sales tools
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
Slack Sales Elevate empowers sales teams to move deals forward by creating a unified space where they can collaborate on deals and find alignment across stakeholders, working from the most up-to-date Salesforce account information and opportunity records. It allows teams to access the right sales data at the right time to get deals across the finish line.
Connecting teams to win
The benefits of Slack Sales Elevate
Centralize team selling and accelerate deals
Heightened visibility and decision-making
Effortlessly update Salesforce from anywhere
Drive efficiency at scale
A game-changing solution
of users say Slack Sales Elevate has made them more productive.
less time per week is spent on administrative tasks.
Source: Slack
of managers say Slack Sales Elevate makes staying up-to-date on deals easier.
Slack Sales Elevate ensures everyone from your core account team to sales leadership to additional teammates has greater visibility into deal progression and performance—and can jump in when and where they’re needed to provide input and insights accordingly. Faster action and less friction helps deals move forward with ease, resulting in cleaner CRM data, better decision-making, heightened collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, and positive business outcomes.
At Box, tools like Slack and Salesforce are pivotal in helping me run a productive sales organization. By adding Sales Cloud directly into Slack, we enabled an unbeatable combination that resultedin shorter sales cycles with highercustomer satisfaction.
- Sofie Peedu Head of Commercial Sales, Box
Learn more about how Slack Sales Elevate is empowering sales teams with a demo video.
Watch here
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How managing real-time customer data can help sales reps shortendeal cycles
In today’s fast-paced sales environment, sellers are feeling pressure to close more deals with fewer resources. At the same time, many are bogged down by administrative work and complex processes that are slowing down deal cycles. In fact, research shows that sellers spend more than 70% of their time on non-selling tasks. These inefficient processes are leaving sales teams little time for the things that matter: working with customers and winning business.
Slack’s new solution Slack Sales Elevate is designed to centralize information, simplify processes, and automate administrative tasks—to give sellers back valuable time. A direct integration with Salesforce, Slack Sales Elevate harnesses the power of Sales Cloud to bring real-time CRM data to the place where team selling happens—Slack. This solution enables organizations to increase visibility, boost team selling, drive efficiency with automation, and speed up deal cycles so that they can unlock new opportunities.
Slack Sales Elevate has streamlined our processes and improved our forecast accuracy. I used to wait a week before seeing fresh pipeline data. Now, my teams are out in the field updating everything on their mobile devices and I’m getting notified in real time.
of sales organizations plan to consolidate their tech stacks inthe next 12 months.
Having current information gives sales leaders a clearer view into team performance and pipeline data, which can better inform strategic decisions, unlock visibility and efficiency, and ultimately drive greaterrevenue growth.
When sales teams have access to real-time data,more accurate forecasting is possible. With Slack Sales Elevate, sellers can quickly view all opportunities with conversational context, easily update them, and have those changes automatically synced back to Sales Cloud, on any device. Sales teams can also enable real-time alerts to keep on top of deal movements, team wins, and pipeline changes.
Source: Salesforce State of Sales Report, Fifth Edition
Connecting teamsto win
At Box, tools like Slack and Salesforce are pivotal in helping me run a productive sales organization. By adding Sales Cloud directly into Slack, we enabled an unbeatable combination that resultedin shorter sales cycles with higher customer satisfaction.
A challenging landscape withtoo many tools
of sales organizations plan to consolidate their tech stacks in the next 12 months.
of users say Slack Sales Elevate has made them more productive.
less time per week is spent on administrative tasks.
of managers say Slack Sales Elevate makes staying up-to-date on deals easier.