Enlighten AI
Analyze every conversation to drive extraordinary experiences, and make every interaction count.
for Customer Satisfaction
What does it take to empower agents to make every customer interaction with your contact center an extraordinary experience?
It takes focusing agents on the behaviors proven to influence customer satisfaction.
Enlighten AI for Customer Satisfaction
A complete out-of-the-box solution that scores agents' soft skills on every interaction and eliminates the need for manual interpretation.
Purpose built | Consistent | Trusted
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Key Benefits
Improve customer satisfaction
Reduce costs for manual listening and surveys
Improve coaching effectiveness and performance
Increase employee engagement
Eliminate agent quality score disputes
Enlighten AI uses pre-built customer satisfaction behavioral models derived from
years of industry experience
in the world
interaction datasets
The most comprehensive and expansive
Realize Immediate Benefits
Before Enlighten AI
After Enlighten AI
Agents are evaluated on small random samples, which leads to:
Limited ability to use customer survey data because:
Not representative of all customers
Low response rates
Job dissatisfaction
Lots of quality-score disputes
Insufficient insight into customer satisfaction trends
Objective, automated scoring of sentiment and agent behaviors across 100% of interactions
Increase employee engagement and trust in the system
Eliminates score disputes
Focuses supervisors and agents on providing service excellence, every time
AI Pre-Built Behavioral Models
Sentiment scoring is a proven predictive indicator of customer satisfaction such as NPS, transactional NPS (tNPS) and CSAT surveys.
Enlighten AI for Customer Satisfaction opens the door to a new dimension of understanding by scoring agent behaviors that directly impact the sentiment score.
Set expectations
Acknowledge loyalty
Be empathetic
Actively listen
Promote self-service
Effectively question
Demonstrate ownership
Inappropriate action
Build rapport
Enlighten AI enables everyone in the organization to focus on the same customer satisfaction initiatives
Empower Employees with Data They Can Trust
feel they are being judged fairly and can self-correct with immediate and accurate feedback.
spend less time hunting for information and more time leveraging the data insights to deliver personalized coaching to agents.
deliver more consistent and timely evaluations and performance metrics with no more disputes over quality scores.
Quality Teams
immediately identify trends in customer satisfaction and agent behaviors before they negatively impact customers — or the bottom line.
Operationalize Your Results
Enlighten AI provides pre-built dashboards, workflows and reports from a single user interface. Also included are interaction analytics and quality management, which provide:
Access to full-spectrum omnichannel interaction contact center analytics and next-generation quality management.
Heat maps of sentiment and agents’ behavior scores by site, location and supervisor or agent.
Pre-built supervisor and agent scorecards that aggregate KPIs, identify coaching opportunities, and link to evaluation and feedback workflows.
Take Your Agents’ Performance to the Next Level with Real-Time Interaction Guidance
Coach Every Interaction in Real-Time
Real-time prompts empower agents to understand how to alter their behavior to improve the customer satisfaction outcome during an interaction and reinforce the skills they have learned in a coaching session.
Instead of relying on reports with results of interactions long-forgotten, supervisors have a real-time dashboard to see customer satisfaction indicators across their team, receive alerts, and view real-time transcripts.
Provide Supervisors with Immediate, Accurate Visibility
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CSAT Brochure