Branding and Style Guide
for light background
for dark background
1-color, dark background
1-color, light background
Full color, dark background
Full color, light background
Use this as the main logo in all instances where practical.
Use this version of the logo when the distinctive shield shape would help the logo stand out more, or when the primary logo does not fit in the designated space.
When using the logo throughout the brand, only use it within the guidelines expressed in this document. Do not change the colors, add elements like outlines or drop shadows, change the scale, or distort any part of the logo. Do not set the logo on a patterned background. These rules apply to all logos within the Sports Licensing and Tailgate Show brand.
Sizing: To ensure legibility, minimum sizing for any depiction of the logo is 0.5” tall (primary version) or 1.25” tall (secondary version).
Clearance: Minimum clearance is 0.25 inches all the way around, as shown below.
DOwnload Logos
CMYK C100 M10 Y0 K0
RGB R29 G158 B218
Hex #1D9EDA
CMYK C0 M100 Y90 K0
RGB R237 G27 B47
Hex #ED1B2F
CMYK C64 M56 Y53 K28
RGB R89 G89 B91
Hex #59595B
DOwnload Colors
DOwnload Fonts
Logo & Header Fonts
Body Copy Fonts
Last updated January 2022.