Repairing a roof with coatings
Coating a Rubber Roof
Roof waterproofing with a liquid membrane
Metal Roof Coating
Each image has an "on click -show target and hide others" interaction applied. Every time you click on an image it will show a specific hotspot in the "Cycle through Hotspots" folder and hide the other Hotspots. The Hotspots in this folder have "on view - change target state" interactions which triggers the images to change to a certain object state.
Object states give you the ability to assign various “states” to an element on the canvas. Each image has four states where the images positions and size changes in each state.
This hotspot has an "on click- cycle next interaction". It is cycling through two folders.
The first folder is cycling through "Cycle through Hotspots". Each Hotspot in this folder has an "on view - change target state" interactions which triggers the images to change to a certain object state.
The second folder is cycling through the "Text" folder. This folder has the added descriptions under each image.
Create an image "preview" for a carousel of images using object states.
Advanced Template - Image Preview Carousel
1280px x 720px
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