In the last 180 days have you received, or received a recommendation for, a diagnostic test, examination, or medical treatment for a sickness or injury?
In the last 180 days have you taken or received a new prescription for drugs or medicine?
Is the medical condition treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs and has it remained treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the prescription throughout the 180-day period?
It looks like you do have a pre-existing medical condition as defined under our travel protection plans. Now let’s see if you can qualify for coverage…
Can I get travel protection for my pre-existing medical condition?
Your pre-existing medical condition should qualify to be covered by our Premium Plan
The sickness or injury must first commence while your coverage is in effect under the plan.
Here’s why:
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*Pre-existing medical conditions can only be covered if our Premium plan is bought prior to or within 24 hours of your final trip payment and other requirements are met at the time of purchase. We cannot guarantee coverage, all decisions are made at the time of claim.
"Final trip payment" is defined as the last pre-paid payment (prior to departure) of the most expensive part of the trip, unless the main air arrangements are added last.
"Main air arrangements" refer to air to/from the main destination, compared to tickets for a side trip during the vacation.
Are you able to purchase the travel protection plan prior to or within 24 hours of your final trip payment?
Final Trip Payment
How to get travel protection for pre-existing conditions:
Get your travel protection quote.
When getting your quote, make sure to include all prepaid trip costs that are subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions.
Select the Premium Plan at checkout.
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Trip Cancellation
Trip Interruption
Travel Delays
Lost, delayed, stolen, and damaged baggage
And more!
However, you can still be covered for issues not related to your medical condition(s), such as:
It doesn’t look like your pre-existing medical condition will qualify to be covered by our Premium Plan
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You should be able to purchase any plan and qualify for full coverage for events related to medical conditions that are covered by our plans.
Your condition is not considered pre-existing according to our plan terms
Trip Cancellation
Trip Interruption
Travel Delays
Lost, delayed, stolen, and damaged baggage
And more!
But you can still be covered for issues not related to your medical condition(s), such as:
Unfortunately, it appears you would not qualify for coverage for medical conditions under any of our travel protection plans.
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Are you medically able to travel when you purchase your travel protection plan?
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