First Impressions Matter: Why Onboarding Is
SO Important
All onboard!
A great first impression can be the difference between a long and successful working relationship, and a brief, unsatisfactory professional experience.
In today's remote workforce, the way you introduce your company to new employees is more critical than ever.
Employee onboarding plays an important role in transforming your chosen candidate into an integrated, high-performing member of your company.
Scroll down to discover everything you need to know about impactful — and compliant — employee onboardings.
Simplify Onboarding with Tech
The rapid shift to remote work has been fueled by the latest technology advancements like collaboration apps, employment platforms, and video communication software.
You are already using this technology for
everyday work tasks — now embrace it for onboarding.
Leverage these tools to make your company´ s onboarding a more efficient, interactive, and fun experience.
Conduct introductory interviews via
Educate new employees online via
Gather feedback
When new employees join your company, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about what’s working within your organization, or identify possible blind spots — their fresh outlooks can provide valuable insight.
Ask your new team members about why they chose to work for you and their thoughts on different aspects of the company. This information can help evaluate areas for improvement and strengthen your relationship with your workforce.
Ensure legal compliance
Onboarding employees across the globe can come with potential legal risks.
Different countries have different employment laws that need to be carefully followed before and during onboarding.
Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure you have the correct legal
expertise to compliantly onboard each employee in their location.
For example, in April 2020, the United Kingdom changed its laws relating to new employee rights. Before, employers had two months to issue new employees with a contract and offer letter. Now, employees must receive their contract or offer letter before or on their first day.
Benefits of an
Outstanding Onboarding
Mitigates legal risks
Builds confidence and trust
Boosts talent retention
Creates a sense of community and employee engagement
Succeed Faster
Our Global Employment Platform™ streamlines and automates onboarding, payroll, and hiring complexities — including legal compliance and offboarding — to provide a positive employee experience.
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