Setting up
in your firm
Guidance document for your journey
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Winning business
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By consolidating best practice and insights from our network, clients and markets, you are no longer working alone. ClientWin gives you tools, templates and expert knowledge to build your firm’s business development capabilities.
Use the framework in its entirety, alter it to suit your firm, or supplement your existing practices – however ClientWin works for you.
Ultimately this is here to help you win more, but in addition you will see improvements in pipeline transparency and forecasting; better prioritisation
of resources and more compelling proposals.
How the proposal journey benefits you
ClientWin is the Grant Thornton framework developed to help you identify
and win the right engagements. We know that every market and client is unique;
this framework has the flexibility to support you with any opportunity from the moment it arrives, to the moment you get feedback on the outcome.
ClientWin brings together best practice and insight from business development professionals across our network, as well as directly from our clients and markets. Working through each stage of the framework will simplify the
process of developing proposals into a practical, scalable solution, and
ensure you deliver the Grant Thornton Experience in each and every proposal.
About the proposal journey
Guidance on the proposal journey
© 2017 Grant Thornton International Ltd. All rights reserved. 'Grant Thornton' refers to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms
provide assurance, tax and advisory services to their clients and/or refers to one or more member firms, as the context requires.
Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL) and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. GTIL and each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL does not provide services to clients. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate,
one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.

The proposal journey
6. Debrief
5. Presentation
4. Post submission
3. Production
2. Preparation
1. Assessing
6. Debrief
5. Presentation
4. Post submission
3. Production
2. Preparation
1. Assessing
Conflict check
Go/no-go assessment
Contact client
Proposal arrives
Outcome -
a robust, evidence-based
decision to pursue the opportunity
1. Assessing
Outcome -
Send information requests
Contact client
Prepare proposal plan
Kick-off meeting and brainstorming session
a clear plan for the development of the proposal, including timelines, team roles, win themes and information required
2. Preparation
Outcome -
Submit proposal
Review & sign-off
Proposal production
Contact client
Pricing approach
The approach/solution
a compelling proposal, tailored
to the needs and expectations of the client
3. Production
Outcome -
Contact client
The approach/solution
clarity on any changes to your proposal that are needed before the presentation stage
4. Post submission
Outcome -
Contact client
Oral strategy &
Team discussion
a compelling presentation, well-rehearsed and delivered with confidence that demonstrates the Grant Thornton Experience in action
5. Presentation
Outcome -
Internal debrief
& action planning
Contact client
for feedback
an action plan to address any areas for development or best practice to replicate
6. Debrief
Guidance document
Setting up
in your firm
Proposal journey diagram
Proposal journey diagram
Setting up
in your firm
Guidance document