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Glutamate and GABA
Cortisol and gaudium
Serotonin and dopamine
All of the above
1. The neurotransmitters responsible
for feelings of happiness are:
2. True or False: Genetics play a role
in happiness.
It stimulates dopamine release.
It promotes better sleep.
It improves self-esteem.
All of the above.
3. Exercise can help boost your
mood because:
4. True or False: The more exercise you do, the happier you’ll be.
5. True or False: Depression happens when you have low levels of serotonin.
They contain hormones.
As you get older, a wider range of feelings
can trigger happy tears.
They may play a role in social bonding.
All of the above.
6. Which of the following is true
about “happy tears”?
7. True or False: Smiling can make you feel happier even when you’re
in a rotten mood.
Serotonin and dopamine are responsible for feelings of joy in your body, among other things. Glutamate and GABA are also neurotransmitters, but they’re responsible for other functions. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone,” and gaudium isn’t a chemical at all. It’s the Latin word for joy.
Answer: C, Serotonin and
Serotonin and dopamine are responsible for feelings of joy in your body, among other things. Glutamate and GABA are also neurotransmitters, but they’re responsible for other functions. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone,” and gaudium isn’t a chemical at all. It’s the Latin word for joy.
Answer: C, Serotonin and
The genes you inherit do have some influence on your disposition — they influence how happy you tend to be as a person. But your environment also plays an important role in shaping your mood and life satisfaction.
Answer: True
The genes you inherit do have some influence on your disposition — they influence how happy you tend to be as a person. But your environment also plays an important role in shaping your mood and life satisfaction.
Answer: True
Among its many amazing benefits, exercise promotes better sleep and boosts your self-esteem — both of which improve your well-being. Getting active also triggers your body to release endorphins, another type of feel-good neurotransmitter.
Answer: D, All of the above
Among its many amazing benefits, exercise promotes better sleep and boosts your self-esteem — both of which improve your well-being. Getting active also triggers your body to release endorphins, another type of feel-good neurotransmitter.
Answer: D, All of the above
It’s true that exercise can have a positive effect on your well-being and mood, but too much can lead to overtraining and symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
And while movement can be a helpful coping mechanism for some people, it’s not a replacement for professional mental health treatment.
Answer: False
It’s true that exercise can have a positive effect on your well-being and mood, but too much can lead to overtraining and symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
And while movement can be a helpful coping mechanism for some people, it’s not a replacement for professional mental health treatment.
Answer: False
Contrary to popular belief, depression isn’t all about unbalanced brain chemistry, according to emerging evidence. Recent research suggests there’s no link between serotonin and depression and that low serotonin levels may not be responsible for depression symptoms.
Answer: False
Contrary to popular belief, depression isn’t all about unbalanced brain chemistry, according to emerging evidence. Recent research suggests there’s no link between serotonin and depression and that low serotonin levels may not be responsible for depression symptoms.
Answer: False
All of these are true.
Evidence suggests that happy tears may contain more than just plain old tears. Crying releases hormones like oxytocin, which might be why crying can feel good.
It’s also true that as you get older, more feelings can trigger emotional crying.
Aside from cathartic release, what’s the point of emotional crying? These types of tears may play a role in social bonding, encouraging social support from others.
Answer: D, All of the above
All of these are true.
Evidence suggests that happy tears may contain more than just plain old tears. Crying releases hormones like oxytocin, which might be why crying can feel good.
It’s also true that as you get older, more feelings can trigger emotional crying.
Aside from cathartic release, what’s the point of emotional crying? These types of tears may play a role in social bonding, encouraging social support from others.
Answer: D, All of the above
Fake it till you make it, right? Maybe not when it comes to smiling. Some research suggests smiling might only minimally improve mood in only some people. But laughing is another story. Laughter therapy has been shown to decrease stress and enhance serotonin and dopamine activity.
Answer: False
Fake it till you make it, right? Maybe not when it comes to smiling. Some research suggests smiling might only minimally improve mood in only some people. But laughing is another story. Laughter therapy has been shown to decrease stress and enhance serotonin and dopamine activity.
Answer: False
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 0/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 1/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 2/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 3/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 4/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 5/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 6/7 correct!
Your emotional and physical well-being are closely linked. Even your genetics may play a role. But your happiness level isn’t set in stone. You can up your joy quotient by working on factors like your physical health, relationships, and work environment.
For more tips on happiness-boosting healthy habits, check out How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Add to Your Routine.
You got 7/7 correct!
Affect your body?
does joy
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