The Greens at Cannondale:
The story is common enough. The home that Mom or Dad has been living in for years is just no longer working. Maybe there are multiple floors, a location with poor access to out-patient care, prescription medications not regularly taken. You’ve tried temporary solutions but the private “care at home” trials have repeatedly failed. Often, there have been multiple hospital trips. Caregivers are expressing that something needs to be done. Perhaps even more concerning is the lack of socialization. Meaningful activities and positive human interaction have been replaced by anxious rituals, loneliness, and depression.
Aging can be challenging for many reasons, but making the choice to move to a senior
Makes Peace of Mind Easy for Families and Seniors
Here’s how the program works. The Cannondale Campus secures a limited mortgage interest in the senior’s home or property until it can be sold. Cannondale has a legal team just a phone call away that draws up the paperwork at no cost to the senior or their family. In fact, there’s no charge for this service at all, no interest, and no fees. The Deferred Payment through Real Estate program is a courtesy offered to seniors and their families because The Greens at Cannondale believes all seniors should have access to the care they need. Meanwhile, the senior can move in right away and become part of The Greens at Cannondale’s award-winning community immediately, while waiting for their property to sell.
Once the property has been sold, the deferred charges are paid to Cannondale and the balance of funds goes directly to the legal property owner. The Greens at Cannondale makes it clear that this program is not a reverse mortgage. The resident retains ownership at all times until the property is sold and enjoys the residual value of the asset once their room and board at The Greens at Cannondale is paid.
“Putting family members’ minds at ease is a priority for us,” explains Bucci. “That’s why we offer affordability options like the Deferred Payment through Real Estate program.”
The Greens at Cannondale and The Greens at Greenwich are unique. No other senior living campuses have access to programs like the Deferred Payment through Real Estate; as such, The Greens provide individualized, affordable plans to their residents while continuing to offer them a comfortable, worry-free future.
In addition, The Greens at Cannondale partners with professionals who pack, move, organize and make the moving of “stuff” simple. “We have gone so far as to pick our residents up, bring them to lunch at The Greens, and have their room ready to move into after lunch. It is truly a stress-free experience and can be fun – the start of a new chapter. Our residents can’t even believe it’s possible, but we do it all the time,” says Bucci.
As the premier provider of senior care in Fairfield County, The Greens at Cannondale’s team of seasoned professionals make sure that the transition from home to their community is as seamless and affordable as possible. To learn more, visit or call (203) 761-1191.
“At The Greens at Cannondale, we enjoy the resources of our entire campus
coupled with the nimbleness of a family-owned company,”
fewer accidents, fewer medical events, and, ultimately, increased happiness. The experience should be a positive one. Unfortunately for many, stressors related to affordability and the logistics of moving pile on to an already overwhelming circumstance.
The supportive team at the award-winning Cannondale Campus understands these challenges. It’s not uncommon for families who need immediate placement for a loved one to be faced with financial limitations. While seniors typically own a home, there often isn’t enough time to prepare it for sale or gain access to the liquidity necessary to get care.
“At The Greens at Cannondale, we enjoy the resources of our entire campus coupled with the nimbleness of a family-owned company,” says Senior Executive Director Ronald Bucci.
Cannondale’s Deferred Payment through Real Estate program has been providing seniors and their families peace of mind for years. It’s a way for seniors to immediately receive the care they need even though their wealth is tied up in non-liquid assets such as real estate. The Deferred Payment through Real Estate program makes affordable quality care a reality.
Here’s how the program works. The Cannondale Campus secures a limited mortgage interest in the senior’s home or property until it can be sold. Cannondale has a legal team just a phone call away that draws up the paperwork at no cost to the senior or their family. In fact, there’s no charge for this service at all, no interest, and no fees. The Deferred Payment through Real Estate program is a courtesy offered to seniors and their families because The Greens at Cannondale believes all seniors should have access to the care they need. Meanwhile, the senior can move in right away and become part of The Greens at Cannondale’s award-winning community immediately, while waiting for their property to sell.
Once the property has been sold, the deferred charges are paid to Cannondale and the balance of funds goes directly to the legal property owner. The Greens at Cannondale makes it clear that this program is not a reverse mortgage. The resident retains ownership at all times until the property is sold and enjoys the residual value of the asset once their room and board at The Greens at Cannondale is paid.
“Putting family members’ minds at ease is a priority for us,” explains Bucci. “That’s why we offer affordability options like the Deferred Payment through Real Estate program.”
The Greens at Cannondale and The Greens at Greenwich are unique. No other senior living campuses have access to programs like the Deferred Payment through Real Estate; as such, The Greens provide individualized, affordable plans to their residents while continuing to offer them a comfortable, worry-free future.
“At The Greens at Cannondale, we enjoy the resources of our entire campus
coupled with the nimbleness of a family-owned company,”
In addition, The Greens at Cannondale partners with professionals who pack, move, organize and make the moving of “stuff” simple. “We have gone so far as to pick our residents up, bring them to lunch at The Greens, and have their room ready to move into after lunch. It is truly a stress-free experience and can be fun – the start of a new chapter. Our residents can’t even believe it’s possible, but we do it all the time,” says Bucci.
As the premier provider of senior care in Fairfield County, The Greens at Cannondale’s team of seasoned professionals make sure that the transition from home to their community is as seamless and affordable as possible. To learn more, visit or call (203) 761-1191.