Despite the recessions the company continued to grow and was purchased by Initio, a Japanese owned company, allowing further expansion of the Monroe footprint into Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
Throughout the 90s the business focused on growth within the state of Connecticut expanding its focus on placement of engineers and IT consultants, as well as manufacturing employees.
A history: monroe staffing
Monroe started placing temporary employees shortly, thereafter, expanding its services into New Haven County.
As the demand for staffing services grows, the Monroe office relocates to 500 Purdy Hill road and new offices are opened in Hartford and Fairfield County.
On January 27th, Monroe Staffing Services is Founded by the Christo family as a design, drafting, and engineering company.
Soon thereafter, a Connecticut plastics company relocates to North Carolina and requests that Monroe move with them to fill 150 jobs in order to open the plant.
This acquisition spurs a decade of aggressive growth doubling the size of the company and launching our first onsite work force management program in Manchester, NH, employing over 250 people.
Monroe Staffing Services is acquired by Staffing 360 Solutions a global staffing provider and takes the company public the following year as its anchor acquisition. This catapults Monroe’s expansion into the Winston-Salem and Charlotte marketplace.
The Greenville/Spartanburg, SC market is opened to supply talent to a well-known automobile manufacturer.
Key Resources Inc of Greensboro is then acquired to expand the North Carolina footprint in the Northeastern sector of the state.
Within the past 12 months, Monroe Staffing develops a strategic partnership for improved quality with a well-known produce distributor in Chelsea, MA. This establishes Monroe Staffing as an industry leader for onsite workforce management programs.
A US Shared Service Center is opened in Shelton, CT to support US operations for what is now a $300 million global staffing firm.