Truman Medical Centers/University Health delivers for the entire region
All Bridget Evans ever wanted to do in life was to be a mother. She was 38 years old when she finally got pregnant with twins. But at 18 weeks, her doctors discovered a complication. The twin girls were sharing a single placenta, and one of the fetuses was taking too much oxygen and nutrients from Evans, depriving the other sister. Both twins were at risk.
The condition, called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, is rare, and Evans’ physician was ill equipped to perform the necessary procedure. They referred her to a doctor at Truman Medical Centers/University Health who performed the surgery and saved their lives.
So when, at 30 weeks, Evans experienced a placental abruption, another dangerous condition that threatened both children and their mother and required another complicated procedure and weeks of bed rest leading up to delivery, Evans decided to leave her old provider entirely and switch to TMC/UH for good.
“It was a really scary time for me and my husband,” says Evans. “We’d been through so much, and we thought that we might lose the girls. As a lifelong Kansas City resident, I’d had preconceived notions about Truman, that it would be crowded and uncomfortable and not provide the same level of service. But I was wrong. From the moment I checked in, all the staff was friendly and comforting, all of the equipment and procedures were state of the art, and the atmosphere was calm and peaceful. And in the end, they saved my life and my children’s lives because they could provide every service needed.”
Evans learned what thousands of new families already know: That TMC/UH is the premier hospital in the region for childbirth, expectant mothers and their newborns. TMC/UH delivers more babies in Kansas City, Missouri, than any other hospital, and is the regional referral center for high-risk pregnancies. It is also physically connected to Children’s Mercy by “The Bridge of Hope,” providing immediate access in case the mother or baby needs emergency attention. But for any pregnancy—from high-risk to the so-called “routine,” be it one child, twins, or triplets—delivering at TMC/UH means you are in the right place for the highest levels of care if you or your baby needs it.
But the TMC/UH difference goes far beyond just having the facilities, equipment, and personnel to handle childbirth and postnatal emergency care. TMC/UH has established an integrated care model that addresses both the physical and mental health needs of mothers and babies even before pregnancy and continuing after childbirth.
In many ways, the clinic functions as a hub, from which patients can access everything from social services to behavioral health—the contacts to many of which are all in the same building, if not on the same floor.
“We have integrated the multidisciplinary practice so well that it almost functions like a medical home,” says Megan Madrigal, MD, OB/GYN at TMC/UH. “If a child needs to see an ear doctor, an eye doctor, and a diabetes counselor, they’re all in one place, so that child won’t need to visit six different places to get all of their care.”
Another value that separates TMC/UH from other area institutions is the emphasis on and integration of mental health throughout the pregnancy. This commitment is embodied by having a dedicated psychologist and specialist onsite, seeing patients from before the first ultrasound through postpartum care. This includes more than just screening for mental health issues, but also simply visiting with and getting to know the people behind the patient file. For instance, doctors now know that postpartum depression, often the most prevalent mental health issue associated with pregnancy, can manifest symptoms long before childbirth. The better patients get to know their staff at TMC/UH, the more they open up and talk about their feelings, and the quicker possible problems can be caught and addressed.
Your care doesn’t stop just because you’re not pregnant anymore. We’ll continue to get you service and keep you in good health. You’ll continue to be part of our family.”
D’Lita M Parker, APRN - Women’s health nurse practitioner
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Having a mental health specialist involved throughout the term of pregnancy can help address other things, like stress management, depression, anxiety, and even past trauma and other social determinants of health.
“We treat the whole pregnancy,” says Tiffany Ruffin, PsyD, Psychology and Telehealth provider at TMC/UH. “We know that physical and mental health are connected. We see it as our duty to break down some of the barriers between them.”
Pregnancy: How Baby Develops
Sources: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; American Pregnancy Association; Office on Women’s Health
But perhaps the most important TMC/UH difference—beyond its extensive institutional knowledge, its access to cutting-edge care, and holistic and integrated care model—is its people. Everyone who works there, from the nurses to the physicians to administration to the support staff, work together to provide empathy and compassion for every family who comes and goes through those front doors. In large part, that’s because many of them have, themselves, been through the experience of having a child. Like D’Lita Parker, known among staff and patients as “Mama D,” who, after experiencing the positive impact of maternity care during her own pregnancy, decided to leave a career as a certified public accountant (CPA) to become a nurse at TMC/UH.
“It does feel like a family,” says Parker. “I see my patients repeatedly—I give them my card. If they are having mental health issues, I can connect them to someone. If they need women’s services, I can help them. Your care doesn’t stop just because you’re not pregnant anymore. We’ll continue to get you service and keep you in good health. You’ll continue to be part of our family.”
What to Pack for the Hospital
Today, the Evans twins are almost 3 years old, each “a little spitfire sassy pants,” according to their proud mother. And she says she owes much of it to the staff at TMC/UH.
“You don’t want to think something bad will happen in your pregnancy plan,” says Evans. “But if it does, they are equipped to handle it all. And everyone there cares for you.”
The comfort and safety of you and your infant are our utmost concern at The Birthplace. When it comes time to welcome your baby into the world, you want everything to be just perfect; we understand!
The Birthplace has comfortable birthing suites. Our birthing suites include a private bathroom, specially designed birthing beds and couches that change into a bed for a guest.
The Birthplace
2301 Holmes St, Kansas City, MO 64108
Additional Features Include:
The Birthplace is a leader in high-risk pregnancy care. Our Level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is connected via a bridge to Children’s Mercy – giving you quick access to a Level IV NICU should your baby need it. TMC/UH is the only hospital with a physical connection to a children’s hospital.
• Wireless fetal monitor telemetry to allow mom to walk during labor.
• Birthing balls to relieve discomfort during pregnancy and labor.
• Special front-open gowns, designed to provide full coverage and comfort to mom.
• Epidural pain management that’s available 24/7.
• Wireless fetal monitor telemetry to allow mom to walk during labor.
• Birthing balls to relieve discomfort during pregnancy and labor.
• Special front-open gowns, designed to provide full coverage and comfort to mom.
• Epidural pain management that’s available 24/7.
Lakewood Family Birthplace
Your child’s birth is one of the most important and exciting days of your life. Your peace of mind and comfort are as important to us as they are to you.
Lakewood Family Birthplace has labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum (LDRP) suites, which means you’ll remain in the same private birthing room for your entire stay. New moms can choose between a traditional delivery bed and a queen-sized Murphy bed in the same room for a more homelike environment.
7900 Lee’s Summit Rd, Kansas City, MO 64139
Additional Features Include:
Lakewood Family Birthplace has a Level II neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to provide care for premature babies, as well as babies who have come full term and have health issues.
• Wireless fetal monitor telemetry to allow mom to walk during labor.
• Birthing balls to relieve discomfort during pregnancy and labor.
• Special front-open gowns, designed to provide full coverage and comfort to mom.
• Epidural pain management that’s available 24/7.
• A spa with a jetted tub.
Evans agrees, wholeheartedly. She arrived for her extended stay at TMC/UH understandably nervous about her twins, her own health, and the future of her family. But through three months, from the smiles that greeted her while checking her in through the procedure to correct the placental abruption, through the complicated delivery and weeks of onsite intensive care for her and her newborns, the staff at TMC/UH took care of her and made her feel as comfortable as possible. They nursed all three patients to health. They connected her to social services that could help her secure necessary medical equipment. And they provided continuing mental health counseling long after the traumatic experience.
Today, the Evans twins are almost 3 years old, each “a little spitfire sassy pants,” according to their proud mother. And she says she owes much of it to the staff at TMC/UH.
“You don’t want to think something bad will happen in your pregnancy plan,” says Evans. “But if it does, they are equipped to handle it all. And everyone there cares for you.”