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Budúcnosť je hybridný cloud
23. marec 2023 o 9:00
Galéria DOT Jurkovičová tepláreň Bratislava
Konferencia sa uskutoční v Galérii DOT v Jurkovičovej teplárni v Bratislave .
Hybridný cloud je technológia, ktorú dnes implementuje prakticky každá organizácia. Podľa prieskumov IDC, až 71 % z nich očakáva, že v priebehu nasledujúcich dvoch rokov presunie všetky alebo časť svojich aplikácií, ktoré v súčasnosti bežia vo verejných cloudoch, späť do privátnych IT prostredí.
Hitachi Vantara, líder na trhu v poskytovaní riešení a služieb pre kritické digitálne a priemyselné prostredia v spolupráci s PosAm, dlhoročným elitným partnerom a špecialistom na infraštruktúrne služby Vám poradia, ako čeliť výzvam modernej organizácie a prispôsobiť sa potrebám dátoveho centra budúcnosti s novodobou „edge-to-core-to-cloud“ infraštruktúrou, ktorá poskytuje agilitu, efektivitu a odolnosť.
Dia Ali
Solutions Consultant,
Hitachi Vantara
Andrej Gurský
Global Solutions Leader – Data Intelligence,
Hitachi Vantara
Dia Ali is a Data Intelligence Leader for Hitachi Vantara. Dia’s passion is to help organizations develop a framework for comprehensive discovery and fast exploration of critical data to deliver the information required to make the smartest decisions. With over 20 years of industry experience across different industries. Dia has been leading teams around the world in requirements definition and providing innovative solutions to organizations. Dia is known for his deep expertise and a forward - thinking mindset implementing an ecosystem of customer - centric strategies. Dia held multiple leadership positions in Hitachi Vantara (previously Hitachi Data Systems) and is driven by a desire to inspire and develop others. Prior to joining Hitachi Vantara, Dia Ali held multiple positions at General Electric, Ford Motor Company, ATT, and other financial and telecommunication businesses. Dia Ali earned a two Bachelor’s Degree with double majors in Computer Engineering and Automatic Control Systems from the University of Yarmouk in Jordan.
Andrej is a passionate and experienced Solution Consultant who brings almost 20 years of experience in storing, managing and protecting customer data. He has extensive practical experience with storage management and high availability solutions, as well as data backup solutions. He has been working for Hitachi Vantara for more than 10 years, but since he previously worked for Hitachi partners, he has been living in symbiosis with these technologies for almost 20 years. He currently works as a Solutions Consultant and is in charge of the CEE region.
Andrej's home country is Slovakia. He likes hiking and all kinds of outdoor activities.
Získajte úplnú dátovú slobodu
Peter Smák
Product manager,
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* Účasť je bezplatná, no počet miest je limitovaný.
Address: Bottova 1, 811 09 Staré Mesto, Slovakia
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Read Bio +
Peter has spent almost 18 years of his proffesional career with major IT infrastructure vendors such as DELL and recently Oracle. His primary focus was mainly datacenter solution sales ranging from traditional IT, hyperconverged and private cloud solutions, covering customers in Czech republic and Slovakia. At PosAm, an Hitachi Elite partner, Peter is a product manager for cloud and infrastructure. He is working closely with PosAm´s storage proffesional services team to help customers discover the true value of Hitachi solutions. Peter's home country is Slovakia. He likes biking and good food.
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:10
12:10 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:05
14:05 - 14:25
14:25 - 14:55
14:25 - 14:55
Registrácia a raňajky
Privítanie a úvodné slovo
KEYNOTE - To Cloud or Not To Cloud
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Overview
Customer case study Tatrabanka, a.s.
Customer case study Privatbanka, a.s.
Storage Professional Services od PosAm
Customer Case Study Kooperativa Czech
Customer Case Study Slovak Telekom
Panelová diskusia
Zlosovanie dotazníkov, občerstvenie, záver konferencie
Viac sa dozviete vo štvrtok 23.3.2023 od 9:00 v Galérií DOT v Jurkovičovej Teplárni v Bratislave.
Speaker / Prezentujúci:
Moderuje Ľubomír Straka
Jan Kvinta, General Manager CEE, Hitachi Vantara /
Anton Janetka, Sales Director, PosAm
Dia Ali, Global Solutions Leader Data Intelligence, Hitachi Vantara
Andrej Gurský, Solutions Consultant, Hitachi Vantara
Barnabáš Ágh, IT Infrastructure Architect, Tatrabanka
Radim Létal, IT administrator, Privatbanka
Peter Smák, Produkt Manager Storage service, PosAm
Jan Váňa , Head of IT technology & infrastructure at Kooperativa
Peter Kúšik , Tribe lead IT4IT & Infrastructure, Slovak Telekom
Prezentujúci zákazníci a naši odborníci na tému
Zlosovanie dotazníkov, občerstvenie, záver konferencie
Pozn:. Celé podujatie bude prebiehať v slovenskom/českom jazyku ( s výnimkou keynote prezentácie).
Viac sa dozviete vo štvrtok 23.3.2023 od 9:00 v Galérií DOT v Jurkovičovej Teplárni v Bratislave.
* Účasť je bezplatná, no počet miest je limitovaný.