An HPV DNA test every five years is now the preferred screening for cervical cancer over a pap test
The pap test is an acceptable alternative to an HPV test and can be done every 3 years
Women and people with a cervix 25 to 65 years old should get screened. Vaccination status does not matter
Anyone over 65 may discontinue screening if the last 10 years' results were negative, with the most recent test within the past five years. If not, they should continue screening
Individuals without a cervix (total hysterectomy) and without a history of cervical cancer, cervical precancer or a more serious diagnosis in the past 25 years may discontinue screening
Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by persistent infections of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is very common — 90% of men and 80% of women at some point will contract HPV. Most HPV infections resolve on their own, but persistent types that become chronic are what can lead to cancer.
Test or procedure
Cervical Cancer