1. Increased individual accountability
Greater focus and tougher stance on individuals in many jurisdictions
2. Stopping the rolling of ‘bad apples’
Measures taken to prevent those who have committed misconduct from moving to a new organisation easily
A relatively new phrase in the regulatory lexicon, this includes behaviour such as bullying, harassment and discrimination
3. Concept of non-financial misconduct
Some regulators view organisational culture as central to either driving or discouraging misconduct
4. Importance of culture
Regulators are enhancing their technology and harnessing big data to identify misconduct
5. Using technology and Big Data
Regulators are putting greater emphasis on self-reporting
6. Obligations to report breaches and other issues
One size does not fit all – local advice is recommended
7. The international dimension
A proliferation of new requirements has resulted in a proliferation of investigations
8. A rise in whistleblowing
Individuals (and firms) can face action for the same conduct by different authorities in the same jurisdiction
9. Covering multiple fronts concurrently
Whether more regulatory action against individuals is a sign of success or of failure of an individual accountability regime depends on who you ask
10. More regulatory enforcement