Drive physician
liaison strategies
Intelligently target
the right audience
When organizations can marry market intelligence with the provider data in Salesforce, they can target and segment audiences in ways never before possible. Whether the goal is to prevent leakage by identifying where patients seek care after receiving care from your organization or promoting inbound referrals by service line or specialty, Salesforce is the platform where data finally becomes actionable.
target the
right audience
and results
Without the data and market intelligence, organizations and physician liaisons often misperceive the percentage of the referrals the health system receives from a provider. Salesforce allows for a well-defined physician liaison program and empowers staff members to have deliberate and specific interactions with their audiences. Physician liaisons can better strategize and prioritize conversations aligned and coordinated with broader digital outreach and structure their approaches to
address issues with specific physicians.
Drive physician
liaison strategies
Physician liaison teams have traditionally
struggled to represent their value to the organization. By connecting actions and outreach efforts to results and inbound referrals, Salesforce helps change an organization’s perception into a data-backed understanding of strategy and outcomes. In addition, over time, measuring what strategies and tactics produce significant results helps refine the program’s approach.
Measure performance
and results
3 Ways Salesforce Is Alleviating Network Leakage