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Gel-Kayano 05
In 1999, ASICS released its GEL-KAYANO 5 alongside the tagline “Run Like Its 99.” Toshikazu Kayano’s initial sketches were said to resemble the anatomy of a human torso, and similar to the GEL-KAYANO TRAINER, an attempt to create a running shoe reinforced by its own armory. With this release, ASICS fully harnessed the KAYANO’s chunky “dad shoe” aesthetic. A teardrop tongue fully integrated into the vamp offered an improved fit, reducing stress for runners who roll their feet mid stride. This development, in combination with a revamped Quadra-Lacing system, optimized the shoe’s sense of malleability when training. ASICS’ Trusstic System, a plastic supportive bridge positioned under the heel arch, cradled the midfoot to control excessive shoe twisting. The model also unveiled ASICS’ DUOMAX tech — double the GEL cushioning underfoot for maximized support, including DuoSole and DuraSponge inserts in the forefoot and ASICS’ GEL Cushioning System in the rearfoot.
DuoSole + DuraSponge inserts
Quaadra-lacing system
Duomax Tech
Run like it’s 99’
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leather striations
Institute of Sports Science
DUOMAX midsole
lorem Ipsum
ASICS entered the new millennium with the GEL-KAYANO 6, designed in partnership with the brand’s Institute of Sports Science (ISS). The brand began experimenting with emerging technologies and performance-driven functions, streamlining a more aerodynamic and modern running shape that would take the brand into the future. The DUOMAX midsole unit showcased minor updates and a reinforced heel cradle. ASICS swapped the series’ signature webbing in lieu of leather striations built directly into the eyestays and outer heel.
Gel-Kayano 06
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The Toshikazu Kayano-designed GEL-KAYANO TRAINER, released in 1993, was the successor to the GT-COOL EXPRESS and the first iteration of ASICS’ signature running and stabilization series. Toshikazu Kayano drew inspiration from the Japanese stag beetle’s resistant exoskeleton and began ideating componentry that would mimic the beetle’s sense of heavy armory. ASICS developed cushioning materials sculpted at an incline, adding Proprietary GEL inserts into the rear and forefoot. The model’s tiered paneling featured innovative Hytrel TS materials, a combination of rubber and resin components at the toebox, creating a grouping of muscles to support the distribution of weight, provide high-impact absorption and mitigate signs of overpronation. The GEL-KAYANO TRAINER was ASICS’ all-in-one shoe, a suitable model fit for intensive and low-lift activity.
SpEVA midsole
Institute of Sports Science
(Impact Guidance System)
The GEL-KAYANO 10 dropped in 2004 and was elected the flagship model for Japanese athletes training in the Athens Olympic Games. Though technological advancements were at the forefront of ASICS’ ISS development, the brand opted for a combination of form and function by integrating its very-first Biomorphic Fit. The idea was to create a shoe that would morph with the runner in motion, a structured, multipurpose silhouette maintaining neutral pronation and stability. The shoe incorporated a full-length SpEVA midsole unit and a proprietary I.G.S. (Impact Guidance System) intended to enhance the foot’s natural gait and adaptive shock attenuation. Timepiece case designs played a part in the model’s motif design, with uniquely placed overlays integrated throughout the mesh paneling.
Gel-Kayano 10
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GEL units
breathable mesh panels
Arriving in 2006, the GEL-KAYANO 12 featured two-layer rubber components used in the forefoot outsole, with sculpted braces added to the midfoot shank. These improvements enhanced cushioning and pronation control in combination with the SOLYTE foam (a lightweight, albeit durable material) arming the midsole and internal base. The heel and forefoot, fashioned with Substantial GEL units and mesh panels, aided in all-over mobility and optimized ventilation. During its release, athletes lauded the GEL-KAYANO 12 for its sculpted midsole and a spacious, curved toebox.
Gel-Kayano 12
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reflective materials
Kiko Kostadinov
midsole tooling
Gel technology
The GEL-KAYANO 14 first released in 2008, later relaunching in 2020, following ASICS’ collaboration with Britain-based designer Kiko Kostadinov, the first designer to leave their mark on Toshikazu Kayano’s original design. By now, the 14 had already rallied a cult following and notable callouts from Runner’s World. Kostadinov updated the quicker-than-light design elements, notably the zippy striations on the lateral panels, remixing them with reflective materials and splashy color blocking. Sleeker than ever, the silhouette’s resurfaced Y2K aesthetic nodded to the KAYANO’s retro running shape. Familiar features like midsole tooling and GEL technology cushioning returned. The upper construction was meticulously refined for a smoother, breathable fit.
Gel-Kayano 14
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mit partnership
DuoMax midsole
lorem Ipsum
In 2012, ASICS, doubling down on its commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing technologies, partnered with MIT to reduce the model’s CO2 production by 20 percent. The teams innovated methods to eliminate harmful materials, such as commonly used resins. The 18 debuted a newly designed Dynamic DuoMax midsole and streamlined upper construction inspired by the 14. Both silhouettes reaffirmed ASICS’ ability to evolve their environmental footprint alongside innovative textile solutions.
Gel-Kayano 18
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Biomorphic Fit sidewalls
DuoMax cushioning system
lorem Ipsum
The GEL-KAYANO 20 hit the shelves in 2013 as a commemorative 20-year anniversary model. The years of past models are stamped on the toe cap and insole in reverence of the series’ blockbuster success. FLUIDFIT structuring is the main deviation deployed in the 20, which substitutes the model’s titular Biomorphic Fit sidewalls. Impact Guidance System supported the foot’s natural gait, and GEL cushioning units in the heel and forefoot aided in shock-absorption and all-over stabilization. Likewise, the DuoMax cushioning system made a welcomed return to the midsole.
Gel-Kayano 20
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Thirty years later, ASICS introduces its GEL-KAYANO LEGACY in colorways, “White/Black” and “Pure Silver/Pure Silver,” replete with design accents that embody the Japanese phrase, “Onko-chishin,” meaning “respect the past; create the new.” And ASICS certainly does. The GEL-KAYANO LEGACY is a lifestyle shoe that, from heel to toe, enshrines the KAYANO heritage, inviting its loyalists into the future of ASICS’ design language. References to the 1993 GEL-KAYANO TRAINER’s midsole tooling, the 10’s connective, tendon-like mesh inserts at the toebox, the 12’s branded embroidery at the tongue, the 18’s sleek striations extending out to the outer collar and more pay homage to the series’ 30-year maturation.
The highly futuristic and textured silhouette is by far the most visually arresting iteration within the line, and the all-new colorblocked and monochromatic colorways embrace years of retro-themed color stories harkening back to the early ‘90s and 2000s. Though home to ASICS’ stability running series, the silhouette is lifestyle-centric and aimed at a contemporary set looking for their next pair of by-the-door shoes.
Gel-Kayano LEGACY
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lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum
Head over to ASICS website to shop and browse the brand’s latest commemorative GEL-KAYANO LEGACY colorways
lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum
Thirty years later, ASICS introduces its GEL-KAYANO LEGACY in colorways, “White/Black” and “Pure Silver/Pure Silver,” replete with design accents that embody the Japanese phrase, “Onko-chishin,” meaning “respect the past; create the new.” And ASICS certainly does. The GEL-KAYANO LEGACY is a lifestyle shoe that, from heel to toe, enshrines the KAYANO heritage, inviting its loyalists into the future of ASICS’ design language. References to the 1993 GEL-KAYANO TRAINER’s midsole tooling, the 10’s connective, tendon-like mesh inserts at the toebox, the 12’s branded embroidery at the tongue, the 18’s sleek striations extending out to the outer collar and more pay homage to the series’ 30-year maturation.
The highly futuristic and textured silhouette is by far the most visually arresting iteration within the line, and the all-new colorblocked and monochromatic colorways embrace years of retro-themed color stories harkening back to the early ‘90s and 2000s. Though home to ASICS’ stability running series, the silhouette is lifestyle-centric and aimed at a contemporary set looking for their next pair of by-the-door shoes.
Gel-Kayano LEGACY
[click to toggle]
lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum
Head over to ASICS website to shop and browse the brand’s latest commemorative GEL-KAYANO LEGACY colorways >>>>>>>
Gel-kayano legacy
30th anniversary
[asics kayano]
lorem Ipsum
Head over to ASICS website to shop and browse the brand’s latest commemorative GEL-KAYANO LEGACY colorways >>>>>>>
Gel-kayano legacy
30th anniversary
Proprietary GEL inserts
running and stabilization
Hytrel TS
Gel-Kayano TRAINER
The Toshikazu Kayano-designed GEL-KAYANO TRAINER, released in 1993, was the successor to the GT-COOL EXPRESS and the first iteration of ASICS’ signature running and stabilization series. Toshikazu Kayano drew inspiration from the Japanese stag beetle’s resistant exoskeleton and began ideating componentry that would mimic the beetle’s sense of heavy armory. ASICS developed cushioning materials sculpted at an incline, adding Proprietary GEL inserts into the rear and forefoot. The model’s tiered paneling featured innovative Hytrel TS materials, a combination of rubber and resin components at the toebox, creating a grouping of muscles to support the distribution of weight, provide high-impact absorption and mitigate signs of overpronation. The GEL-KAYANO TRAINER was ASICS’ all-in-one shoe, a suitable model fit for intensive and low-lift activity.
DuoSole + DuraSponge inserts
Run like it’s 99’
Quaadra-lacing system
Duomax Tech
The Toshikazu Kayano-designed GEL-KAYANO TRAINER, released in 1993, was the successor to the GT-COOL EXPRESS and the first iteration of ASICS’ signature running and stabilization series. Toshikazu Kayano drew inspiration from the Japanese stag beetle’s resistant exoskeleton and began ideating componentry that would mimic the beetle’s sense of heavy armory. ASICS developed cushioning materials sculpted at an incline, adding Proprietary GEL inserts into the rear and forefoot. The model’s tiered paneling featured innovative Hytrel TS materials, a combination of rubber and resin components at the toebox, creating a grouping of muscles to support the distribution of weight, provide high-impact absorption and mitigate signs of overpronation. The GEL-KAYANO TRAINER was ASICS’ all-in-one shoe, a suitable model fit for intensive and low-lift activity.
Gel-Kayano Trainer