IFPRI in 2023
Country with significant research
IFPRI Headquarters
IFPRI regional office
IFPRI country program office
Contributing to food systems transformation
Events around the globe in 2023—including conflicts, climate crises, and high levels of food price inflation—highlighted the urgent need to transform food systems to address poverty and malnutrition. IFPRI’s research and engagement contributed to efforts to build knowledge around food systems, include the most vulnerable, and prepare for the future. We are pleased to share some highlights from our work here.
peer-reviewed publications
publication views
publication citations
blog views
podcast releases
donors (2022)
Addressing food
system challenges
Building food
system resilience
inclusion and equity
International markets continued to be volatile and subject to market disruptions, compounding fiscal and macroeconomic challenges in low- and middle-income countries. IFPRI’s modeling, tracking, and analytic work provided timely information and policy guidance for practitioners, experts, and nonexperts dealing with current challenges including high levels of inflation, ongoing conflicts, and widespread malnutrition.
Geared toward reaching broader audiences, such as policymakers, development experts, and other food system stakeholders, the IFPRI-AMIS 2023 Policy Seminar Series featured timely updates on how international market developments, combined with country-specific or regional developments, are impacting food systems around the world.
Market Challenges
Russia-Ukraine war
Food systems are vulnerable to multiple shocks, including conflicts and economic crises, and to the impacts of climate change. To protect and improve livelihoods and food security, IFPRI’s research explores ways to build sustainability and resilience to concurrent shocks and long-term climate disruption.
Water use
Small-scale irrigation
Ecosystem services
Fertilizer Market Dashboard
Creating inclusive food systems that provide nutritious food and decent livelihoods for women and men, particularly in vulnerable communities, informs all of IFPRI’s research and engagement.
IFPRI Making a Difference
Around the world, IFPRI’s longstanding commitment to research, communications, and capacity strengthening have contributed to reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty while increasing equity.
to 2024
IFPRI thanks all our partners and donors who helped make 2023 a productive year. We look forward to continued collaboration in 2024, as we work together to find sustainable, equitable solutions to end hunger and malnutrition.
Year in Review 2023
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Food systems are crucially important for providing food and nutrition to the world’s growing population and for supporting livelihoods, primarily in low- and middle-income countries. But to end hunger and malnutrition, food systems must transform to address deteriorating food security and malnutrition trends and better cope with climate change, while also becoming more sustainable. IFPRI’s commitment to providing research and data for better nutrition and livelihoods means that we work across food systems from farms to markets to consumers. In 2023, IFPRI continued to contribute policy-relevant research to address food system shocks and challenges, including finding ways to build greater resilience into food systems to make them less vulnerable to future shocks, and to foster inclusion and equity for a better future for all. We invite you to explore this interactive
Year in Review.
IFPRI researchers demonstrated the alarming impact of food price inflation on child undernutrition.
Read the press release
IFPRI’s ongoing coverage and analysis—including blogs, events, and an e-book—received the 2023 Quality of Communication Award from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Read the e-book
Explore our research
Read our blog series on the repercussions of the Russia-Ukraine war and other factors exacerbating food price inflation and food insecurity.
Rethinking Crisis Response
The 2023 Global Food Policy Report examines how we can better prepare for and respond to crises by building food system resilience.
Resilient Food Systems
Events: View the ongoing IFPRI-curated CGIAR Policy Seminar Series on Strengthening Food Systems Resilience
Policy Change: Recognizing the crucial importance of policy reforms, this recent book examines political economy considerations for transforming food systems. Read book
Explore our work on sustainable natural resource use.
Fertilizer Market Dashboard
Key messages
Interactive website
Climate Change
In line with the COP28 declaration calling for urgent adaptation and transformation of food systems to respond to climate change, a focus on climate change has been and continues to be embedded across all of IFPRI’s research. IFPRI Spotlight on COP28
Learn more about our work on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Measuring Women’s Empowerment
Improving Nutrition
Fertilizer Market Dashboard
New WEAI modules
Expansion of the widely adopted Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) toolkit is now addressing women’s inclusion in markets and in governance, in nutrition-sensitive projects, and national statistical systems. Learn about the new tools:
Getting nutritious food to children.
Read blog
Understanding food environments.
View interactive
Promoting breastfeeding.
Read blog
Supporting healthier diets.
Read the brief
IFPRI continues its strong engagement with our colleagues from other CGIAR centers and a wide array of national and regional partners, collaborating on a wide array of CGIAR thematic and regional research initiatives that address food systems transformation, nutrition, gender equity, climate change, and resilience.
Message from IFPRI’s Director General and Senior Directors
Johan Swinnen
IFPRI Director General and CGIAR Managing Director of Systems Transformation Science Group
Purnima Menon
Senior Director, Food and Nutrition Policy, CGIAR and IFPRI
Senior Director, Transformation Strategies, CGIAR and IFPRI
Channing Arndt
Click here to see IFPRI’s new operational structure
Learn more here about the research initiatives housed in the Systems Transformation Science Group and their accomplishments in 2023
Read our 2023 stories of IFPRI's impact
*Session = A session is a group of user interactions with our website that take place within a given time frame.
**Engaged session = Total number of sessions lasting greater than 10 seconds or had 1 or more conversion events or 2 or more page views.
***This figure will be updated in April 2024.
Year in Review