Bangladesh Value Chains | Rice
Type of Value Chain Actor
Individual Farmers Farmer Groups/Coops Local Markets Traders (not at local markets) Processors
Buys from:
Sells to:
Local Markets Traders (not at local markets) Processors Wholesalers
Click to change visualization
Number of Observations: 1,066 Age: 43.66 Male: 100% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 4% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 77%
Number of Observations: 456 Age: 45.82 Male: 100% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 18% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 90%
Number of Observations: 220 Age: 43.01 Male: 100% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 8% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 86%
Farmers were not the focus of our survey, so we do not report demographic characteristics. We do not report purchasing patterns for farmers because they are primary producers.
Buying and Selling Patterns for Agrifood Value Chains
This figure illustrates that the structure of agri-food value chains can be nonlinear. Each bar in the wheel below represents the share of the total volume a given value chain actor type buys or sells from given sources. For example, the average rice trader in our data buys 73% of the rice they trade from individual farmers. Click on the plus sign by the type of value chain actor to spin the wheel.
These statistics come from a series of surveys in both Bangladesh and Uganda that aim to understand how small- and medium-sized firms operating in the intermediary segments of agri-food value chains conduct their business. Learn more about this project on this IFPRI project page.
Arabica Coffee
Bangladesh Value Chains | Potato
Number of Observations: 1,117 Age: 43.70 Male: 100% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 6% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 84%
Number of Observations: 235 Age: 43.20 Male: 99% Female: 1% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 9% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 86%
Buying and Selling Patterns for Agri-Food Value Chains
Uganda Value Chains | Arabica Coffee
Number of Observations: 1,400 Age: 40.17 Male: 86% Female: 14% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 49% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 35%
Number of Observations: 111 Age: 40.92 Male: 89% Female: 11% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 66% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 65%
Number of Observations: 334 Age: 40.84 Male: 92% Female: 8% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 52% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 49%
Uganda Value Chains | Soybeans
Number of Observations: 507 Age: 38.29 Male: 90% Female: 10% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 53% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 60%
Number of Observations: 280 Age: 39.60 Male: 85% Female: 15% Employed People in Last 30 Days: 77% Uses Account at Financial Institution: 74%