Insight has developed a distinctive Digital Adoption solution to support clients with their change and transformation journey.
But we go further than just creating an offering to empower your workforce.
From implementation to training to full integration of new digital tools, assets and processes, we ensure end users are engaged every step of the way.
The ‘technology’ is the specific element of change you are planning to implement within your business, but this change might not just be about technology. This could be new hardware or software or it could be non-IT related, such as an office relocation or move to remote working.
The challenge with implementing a ‘technology’ change within your organisation is that simply deploying the ‘technology’ on its own, will not enable you to achieve the desired outcomes and return on investment.
The solution is that your business needs to engage and support the people in the business (end users) throughout this project as well as managing the details of the product change itself.
'Project Management’ is the process of planning and executing of the ‘technology’ change ‘project’ within your business. Project Management services are widely recognised in all industries as adding value to the successful implementation of ‘technology’ because it achieves key milestones, manages and controls new ‘technology’ costs and controls the quality of the ‘technology outcomes'.
In the “HR 123” example, the Project Management function would be responsible
for securing the right resources to support the implementation of HR 123, whilst monitoring performance against the implementation deliverables and managing
the financial budget.
Adoption &
Change Management
The challenge is that people are naturally resistant to change because of the status quo
and force of habit. The problem is many organisations do not consider the impact to their people when they plan a ‘technology’ change. Businesses might intend to offer training to end users on the new ‘technology’ but without:
Adoption and Change Management
Insight's Adoption and Change consultants have experience of leading significant change programmes from businesses across all sectors and industry verticals, ensuring the future success of their businesses. Insight EMEA's mature ACM model has supported end users ranging from medical professionals and their patients in hospitals, engineers manufacturing cars across the globe to students and teachers navigating virtual learning.
‘Change is inevitable' – How people adapt to it is not.
Insight Change Management & Adoption Services
Successful adoption and change management is not just about technology,
it is about people.
For example, if you were considering implementing a new piece of software which
would modernise the HR processes in your business (let’s assume that software is called “HR 123”). The ‘technology’ here would be “HR 123” and your business would need effective “Project Management” to oversee the migration of data from your legacy HR system into the new one, but you would also need expert “Change Management” to successfully manage the people dependencies of the move to a new way of working for
HR functions within the organisation.
The challenge
The challenge with relying solely on ‘project management’ for successful ‘technology’ implementation is that these elements do not consider the support
the people in your business to adopt these new ways of working. This creates risk
to achieving the desired outcomes and return on investment of this specific ‘technology’ change, but is also highly likely to negatively impact your
business as usual operations.
The solution for any ‘technology’ change which requires people to do something differently, is for your business to include ‘Change Management’ to successfully support the people in your business through the change. With any ‘technology’ change, the implement side of the project equates to only 20% of the overall project success, Adoption and Change management equates to 80%.
The solution
- Articulating the business vision for this change, you will have confused end users.
- Ensuring the training successfully builds the right skill proficiency, you will have
anxious end users.
- Encouraging and incentivising the usage of the new ‘product’, only your most
motivated end users will change.
- Securing the right resources assigned to the change project, the new ‘product’
implementation will stall and you will have frustrated end users.
- An Adoption and Change plan in place, there will be delays, resulting in end users who become disinterested with how your business manages change.
‘Adoption and Change Management’ requires an understanding of human behaviour and strong business acumen.
The challenge
- Understand the business reasons for this ‘technology’ change.
- Recognise the individualised benefits to them with the new ‘technology’.
- Become equipped with the skills required for the new ways of working.
- Be able to put those new ‘technology’ skills into practice quickly after learning them.
- Feel incentivised to continue building their new habits and increasing their
adoption of the new ‘technology’.
‘Adoption and Change Management’ is the process of managing the people dependant elements of the ‘technology’ change within your business.
People dependency is where your employees need to do something differently in order for your business to achieve the desired outcomes and return on investment.
The solution
The solution is for Insight’s Adoption and Change Consultants to support your end users through the specific implications of your ‘technology’ change within your business context.
We will manage your end users through (Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’) “The Change Curve” as quickly as possible whilst reducing risks to your business.
- Create active and visible executive sponsorship.
- Engage and empower key employees to be the face of the ‘technology’ change.
- Enable people managers to have effective conversations about change.
- Communicate the business reasons for the change and how it will impact employees.
- Gain knowledge and ability to help transition to the new ‘technology’ (future state).
- Identify, measure and counteract employee resistance.
- Reward new behaviours and celebrate success.
- Measure the adoption and utilisation rate of the new ‘technology’.
Insight’s expertise combined with the tools needed to empower your workforce will help you successfully
navigate your transformation journey, from change awareness to long-term reinforcement.
Your end users need to:
In partnership with your organisation, Insight will: