Is IT Being Set Up to Fail?
Insight Intelligent Technology™ index
The IT department is being tasked with managing today’s technology while planning future innovations. But these increased expectations aren’t being matched by additional resources, according to the latest Insight Intelligent Technology™ Index.
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57% of IT professionals believe
they are being set up to fail.
Key findings from the report
Resources are not matching increased
IT professionals are not seeing their expanded responsibilities
being matched by additional resources.
of IT professionals see cost as their biggest concern.
Cloud adoption makes IT professionals more optimistic that their organisations can be more productive and competitive.
Cloud can help.
of IT managers report
their cloud technology budgets need to grow.
invested in Software
as a Service, 52% in Infrastructure, 50%
in Security.
of those who invested in cloud in 2017 considered
it to be beneficial to the business.
of IT professionals are
struggling to meet expectations.
IT professionals are finding it difficult to combine their
new twin roles.
Performance is suffering.
are concerned about a shortage of talent.
state data privacy as their primary technology concern.
Security and privacy are never far from IT professional’s minds.
Security is still the biggest concern.
say security is the main area where budget needs to grow.
of IT professionals invested in managed services to streamline IT management.
are likely to invest in managed services over the next 12-24 months.
Managed services are helping IT departments maintain
infrastructure so they can focus on delivering transformative
innovations for the future.
Managed services offer vital support.
Gain more insights about the IT landscape by reading the full index.
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of IT budgets are
unchanged from 2017.
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